los angeles mobile app developement | Dogtown Media https://www.dogtownmedia.com iPhone App Development Tue, 18 Jun 2024 23:11:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.1 https://www.dogtownmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/cropped-DTM-Favicon-2018-4-32x32.png los angeles mobile app developement | Dogtown Media https://www.dogtownmedia.com 32 32 7 Common Smart Device Mobile App Issues (and How to Solve Them) https://www.dogtownmedia.com/7-common-smart-device-mobile-app-issues-and-how-to-solve-them/ Thu, 01 Apr 2021 20:47:21 +0000 https://www.dogtownmedia.com/?p=16217 As devices and sensors start becoming increasingly connected and technologically advanced, mobile apps are springing...

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IoT app development

As devices and sensors start becoming increasingly connected and technologically advanced, mobile apps are springing up to help users manage their Internet of Things (IoT) applications and systems. These mobile apps offer access, connectivity, and communication with technology to improve the smart city and smart home experience. But mobile app development is complex and requires planning and continuous optimization to better serve users.

For mobile apps that control IoT devices, sensors, and systems, user happiness is of the utmost importance. Here are seven challenges that a mobile app development firm may face when designing and developing an app for smart devices.

#1: UI/UX Design

User interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design are important facets of any consumer-facing technology. In mobile apps, UI and UX can make or break an app’s success with users. And without users, a mobile app is worthless. Ultimately, proper investment in UI and UX will attract more new users and engage loyal users.

It’s important to establish an app’s UI and UX guidelines early on so that any future changes are made in accordance with previously-established principles for branding, device support, user profiles, and more. With these instructions, new and old designers can work to maintain a consistent user experience. Although it can be tempting to skip UI and UX, don’t make the mistake of putting your users in the corner. Without their feedback, constant use of the app, and word-of-mouth recommendations, your mobile app could be doomed to fail. The time spent in introspection to develop UI and UX specifications will also help inform decisions and ideas further down the development cycle.

#2: Data Flow Management

It’s imperative to create a consistent experience for users by controlling the management of data flow. This requires a stable Internet connection, strong device and connectivity uptime, and a stable database connection. Databases are often used to collect data from multiple types of devices and sensors and aggregate it for use in an application with a front end, like a smartwatch, mobile app, or web app.

Because smart devices differ in their singular data management, it can be difficult to organize data together in a way that makes sense. However, this is an extremely important and foundational part of IoT systems management, so exemplary data flow is necessary.

#3: Network Connection

Speaking of stable and consistent data flow, network connectivity is an important cog in the IoT system. From there, anything is possible: smart analysis, predictive insights, and real-time notification systems are just a few features that can set your mobile app apart from its competition. The network connects all devices and sensors together before they collate their data into a database for later use.

As IoT technology advances, network demand will continue to grow. Networks need speed, a stable connection, and proven performance to adequately aggregate all devices and sensors under one umbrella.

#4: Network and Sensor Compatibility

It may not be enough to spring for a top-of-the-line network connection and infrastructure if devices and sensors aren’t compatible with the network. Because real-time communication and data transmission are necessary to allow users control over the IoT system, ensuring compatibility between the network and devices is essential. The compatibility needs to be stress-tested to ensure many devices and sensors can connect without issue, and the testing needs to occur periodically to make sure nothing has fundamentally changed.

The reason for this issue is that sensor and device manufacturers and vendors don’t work under standardized protocols. Besides the network and device compatibility, this can also lead to major issues with device-to-device compatibility. Thus, it is important to test this early on, rather than being close to the end of the development cycle and having to nearly start over.

#5: Hardware Compatibility

When devices aren’t compatible with each other, it usually becomes obvious pretty quickly. To avoid lengthening the development timeline with this issue, set specific hardware requirements early on in the project. When resolved early, it can prevent issues with the app’s functionality later on.

#6: Performance and Security

Although it’s difficult to optimize for, speed and performance are what a user requires as a prerequisite to user experience. With a slow or lagging mobile app, you’ll create frustration in your users, prompting them to leave negative reviews on your app’s page. Extensive user testing and interviewing is a great way to avoid major bug reports and application crashes while gathering UX and UI feedback.

Similar to speed and performance, security is a foundational requirement for users. If they find out that their data, especially sensitive information like login credentials, is stored insecurely, you can face substantial user backlash and even lawsuits. To ensure your application’s security is robust enough, set security standards at the beginning of the project for all designers and developers to follow. Make this a best practice if you’re planning on developing more mobile apps in the future. At our mobile app development studio in Los Angeles, we always prioritize security and performance in our mobile apps from day one.

IoT app development

#7: Choosing Development Technology

Early on in the development process, the development team has to agree upon the technology stack they’ll use to develop the application. The choice between building a native, hybrid, or cross-platform app can be made by looking at what existing interfaces exist and how the mobile app fits into the IoT ecosystem. Often, one technology will be the clear frontrunner that will allow for a strong user experience, flexible data flow management, and performance and security optimizations.

If needed, reach out to an experienced IoT app development firm for a short consultation. Ultimately, it’s important to squash this issue early.

Taking On Challenges

These seven challenges may seem difficult to overcome, but they are common and every mobile app development team faces them. How you tackle them and continue on to the next issue will determine how well your mobile app will meet your business requirements and users’ preferences. Above all, make sure you’re rising up to the challenges early on, rather than waiting until users start complaining about the issue.

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Dogtown Media CEO Helps Judge Representative Ted Lieu’s 2020 Congressional App Challenge for California’s 33rd District! https://www.dogtownmedia.com/dogtown-media-ceo-helps-judge-representative-ted-lieus-2020-congressional-app-challenge-for-californias-33rd-district/ Tue, 24 Nov 2020 16:00:43 +0000 https://www.dogtownmedia.com/?p=15786 By 2030, the United States is expected to have a tech talent shortage. This year...

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mobile app development

By 2030, the United States is expected to have a tech talent shortage. This year alone, 4.3 million jobs in America’s technology sector are projected to go unfilled — that equates to lost revenue of $162 billion. Luckily, Ted Lieu, California’s 33rd Congressional District Representative, has a solution for the state: Inspire our youth to innovate with the Congressional App Challenge.

Held last Thursday, the 2020 Congressional App Challenge featured sixteen students from ten high schools across Los Angeles County. Altogether, they submitted eleven amazing mobile app concepts. And Congressman Lieu invited Marc Fischer, Dogtown Media’s Co-Founder and CEO, to participate as a judge in the competition!

About the Congressional App Challenge

The United States House of Representatives established the Congressional App Challenge in 2014 to “connect today’s Congress with tomorrow’s coders.” The event encourages students from all corners of the country to get more hands-on with their STEM education by creating and submitting mobile app concepts. The winner receives national recognition and also has their work featured in Washington, D.C.’s Capitol Building!

For Congressman Ted Lieu, the event is a special occasion that connects him back to his own education: “As one of just four computer science majors in Congress, I believe it is essential to encourage and nurture a generation of technology-savvy students who will continue to innovate our economy and advance our technological edge. The App Challenge provides young students throughout my district an opportunity to pursue their creative and technical talents. I encourage all eligible students to participate.”

mobile app development

Since its first year, the Congressional App Challenge has grown exponentially. In 2019, 10,211 students submitted mobile apps. To put this number in perspective, that’s a 373% increase from 2016! This event also now outpaces Silicon valley in terms of diversity: Compared to America’s tech innovation hub, participants are five times more likely to identify as latinx, four times more likely to identify as black, and two times more likely to identify as female.

On the other side of the equation, the Congressional App Challenge is also increasing STEM’s visibility in politics. Since 2016, 54% more Congress members have become involved in the competition and the mentions of STEM and computer science in congress have grown by over 2000%.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s reception was completely remote. Dr. William Goodin, Industry Relations Coordinator at UCLA’s Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, and Mr. Howard Stahl, Santa Monica College’s Department Chair for Computer Science & Information Systems, judged this year’s submissions alongside Marc.

And the Winners Are…

Dylan and Winston Iskandar of Mira Costa High School and Chadwick School were selected as this year’s winners! Inspired by the ‘new normal’ we all find ourselves in during the COVID-19 pandemic, the duo developed a mobile app called “GroceryBuddies” that connects volunteers with at-risk individuals so they can help them run errands and get groceries. You can learn more about it in the video below:

Jake and Kate North of Stanford Online High School came in second place with their mobile app concept, “Ideos.” “MyChemistry,” a pocket-reference tool for chemistry information that was developed by Rachel Fox of Agoura High School, came in third place:

And “MaskCheck,” an app created by Jayden Bulexa of Beverly Hills High School that helps to educate people about and enforce mask-wearing, received an honorable mention:


Each of these entries was incredibly innovative. “As a recovering Computer Science major, I am inspired by all these students who have committed themselves to creating these innovative apps,” Congressman Lieu said.

Marc was also astounded by the level of creativity and quality that these young mobile app developers brought to the table: “It’s an exciting honor to witness the next generation of innovators harness the potential of STEM to improve our lives. I thank Congressman Lieu for the opportunity to help inspire, educate, and foster a passion for technology in our youth.”

It’s absolutely amazing that there’s so much young tech talent in the Los Angeles County area alone! We can’t wait to see what 2021’s participants have to offer.

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How to Get Your IoT Initiatives Ready to Deploy on 5G https://www.dogtownmedia.com/how-to-get-your-iot-initiatives-ready-to-deploy-on-5g/ Thu, 25 Jun 2020 15:00:18 +0000 https://www.dogtownmedia.com/?p=15254 The coronavirus pandemic has brought times of uncertainty to every industry. Consequently, several companies are...

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The coronavirus pandemic has brought times of uncertainty to every industry. Consequently, several companies are choosing to eschew long-term investments in favor of short-term gains. In technology, this has manifested in numerous organizations halting their 5G plans.

But businesses looking to secure themselves a place in the future shouldn’t just stand idly by. A myriad of operational efficiencies and new opportunities await early 5G innovators. The next generation of cellular technology will bring about numerous benefits for the Internet of Things (IoT): better maintenance, reduced downtime, and more robust data analysis name just a few advantages.

Want to kick your IoT development endeavors into high-gear? Then 5G is a necessity. Here’s how to get your IoT initiatives ready for 5G.

Design for Low-Power Wide-Area Networks

The 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) is a group of standards organizations that develop protocols for mobile telecommunications. To 3GPP, the future of mobile IoT lies in Low-Power Wide-Area (LPWA) networks. As their name implies, LPWA networks are intended to support applications and devices that are low cost, require low data rates, need long battery life, and can operate in remote locations.

LPWA networks play an integral role in connecting billions of devices to mobile IoT. Without them, only major metropolises with built-up infrastructures (e.g., Los Angeles, New York City, Beijing) could support the widespread use of this emerging technology. Besides this, LPWA networks also support a diverse array of operations across various sectors.

NB-IoT and LTE-M are the two most commonly deployed formats of mobile IoT networks. Their vast coverage range and low power consumption make both options impressive avenues to deploy your IoT product. Devices connected over either format can easily have a battery life of over 10 years.

Both NB-IoT and LTE-M have been accepted as 5G standards. The eventual objective is to have both supported by the 5G core network so they can facilitate the usage of new radio frequency bands.

Pick Which Tech Suits Your IoT Application Best

If you’re having trouble deciding between NB-IoT and LTE-M, don’t fret. Learning more about each one can elucidate the correct solution for your needs.


NB-IoT stands for Narrowband-IoT. This technology minimizes connected device power consumption while optimizing system capacity and cell range. As the name implies, NB-IoT leverages only a narrow sliver of the total bandwidth projected from cell towers. It’s perfect for regions that don’t have great LTE coverage or applications that only need to transfer small amounts of data.

To extend coverage to regions with poor coverage while enabling low device complexity, NB-IoT employs much simpler technology than GSM/GPRS modules. It is also supported by all major mobile equipment manufacturers and already co-exists with 2G, 3G, and 4G mobile networks. The cost of comparable NB-IoT modules is actually expected to decrease as demand increases.


LTE-M stands for Long Term Evolution for Machines. Like NB-IoT, LTE-M can support IoT deployment with lower device complexity, less power consumption, and extended coverage range. It is also supported by all major mobile equipment manufacturers and co-exists with 2G, 3G, and 4G.

So, what’s the difference between LTE-M and NB-IoT? To answer that, we must examine your targeted application. Because it excels in applications that require only small amounts of data transfer, NB-IoT is great for static smart meter and sensor deployments.

On the other hand, if your deployment is literally mobile (e.g., you’re tracking moving vehicles), then LTE-M may be the way to go. It has far greater available bandwidth than NB-IoT. This means it can support more data-intensive applications, such as transferring large files. LTE-M also supports Voice over LTE (VoLTE).

Just in the first quarter of 2020, 107 NB-IoT and 45 LTE-M networks have been deployed commercially.

Don’t Forget to Account for Edge Computing

The choice of network technology is obviously an important factor for your IoT deployment. But it certainly isn’t the only aspect that determines the long-term viability of your project. It’s imperative that you also consider the types of devices you decide to deploy with.

In the future, everything regarding IoT technology will start at the edge. In edge computing, the devices themselves carry out the computation and analysis. By planning to utilize this paradigm now, you can get ahead of the competition. Unfortunately, many IoT platform providers undervalue the potential of edge computing.

But, in truth, edge computing brings as many benefits to the table as your network selection does. With optimized speed and performance and the ability to automate operations, it can dramatically simplify your design, deployment, and management of IoT initiatives. And this can make the difference between cost-effective scaling of massive deployments and endeavors that fall to the wayside.

Innovate IoT’s Future Today

We hope you’ve enjoyed this brief overview of how to simplify your IoT deployment on 5G. By making the right decisions for your IoT initiatives, you can minimize your investment risk, simplify the deployment, and set yourself up for seamless scaling.

It can be difficult to plan your IoT strategy during these uncertain times. But organizations that do will quickly reap the rewards and outpace the competition. So don’t wait. Plan for a brighter future today!

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COVID-19 Medical Workers Receive Protective Masks from Dogtown Media, Late Sunday Afternoon, and Schusterman Foundation https://www.dogtownmedia.com/covid-19-healthcare-workers-receive-protective-masks-from-dogtown-media-late-sunday-afternoon-and-schusterman-family-foundation/ Wed, 03 Jun 2020 17:00:23 +0000 https://www.dogtownmedia.com/?p=15169 It’s no secret that healthcare workers have a lot to contend with right now during the...

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It’s no secret that healthcare workers have a lot to contend with right now during the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. A shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE) shouldn’t be a problem. But across the US, many medical facilities have found themselves dealing with this exact scenario.

In order to address this issue, Dogtown Media teamed up with apparel company Late Sunday Afternoon and the Schusterman Family Foundation to donate reusable, washable protective masks to several US hospitals. We’re happy to report that these facilities have received our donation and are putting them to great use! Check out some of the pictures sprinkled throughout this article.

Finding the Good in the Bad

This endeavor began when Los Angeles was hit with its first cases of COVID-19. Matthew Schildkret, Late Sunday Afternoon’s Founder and CEO, immediately shuttered his clothing shop’s doors in an effort to mitigate health risks to his employees.

As the pandemic crisis unfolded and cases spiked, Matt realized he couldn’t just sit by and watch. It was clear that people, especially our healthcare workers on the frontline, were in need of help. Aware of his extensive experience in medical app development, Matt reached out to Marc Fischer, Dogtown Media’s Co-Founder and CEO.

Together, the two brainstormed a plan to help out: Start a 1-for-1 mask donation campaign. Within one hour of starting the initiative, Matt and Marc received hundreds of orders.

Scaling to Meet the Demand

The sudden surge in demand may have taken Marc and Matt by surprise, but it also confirmed they were on to something special. So the pair leaped into action to scale their operations. While Matt retooled his clothing manufacturing equipment and recruited some of his team members to ramp up production, Marc dealt with the logistics of getting these masks to medical workers.

After one week, the campaign was receiving thousands of orders per day. The Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation caught wind of this effort and joined in with a generous micro-grant of $2500!

These funds were used to send protective masks to Columbia University Medical Center in NYC, Columbus Colony Elderly Care in Ohio, Minneapolis-based nonprofit Allina Health, and many other US healthcare facilities.

We Will Beat COVID-19 By Working Together

COVID-19 has infected over 6 million people around the world. In the United States alone, over 100,000 people have lost their lives to this pandemic. As we mentioned before, a PPE shortage shouldn’t be something that medical workers have to deal with.

We hope that this effort helps protect them during this crisis. And we’ll certainly keep them in our thoughts and prayers as we continue Late Sunday Afternoon’s 1-for-1 campaign. Want to contribute? Click here!

Late Sunday Afternoon is an apparel company that hand-crafts functional, comfy clothing. It sources all of its materials locally and employs a zero-waste production process in an effort to promote sustainability.

The Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation is a worldwide organization that empowers communities and advances equity. It invests in initiatives that improve public education and aid marginalized individuals.

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Dogtown Media CEO to Discuss 5G Upgrade Order With FCC Commissioner Carr in Virtual Panel https://www.dogtownmedia.com/dogtown-media-ceo-to-discuss-5g-upgrade-order-with-fcc-commissioner-carr-in-virtual-panel/ Thu, 28 May 2020 15:00:35 +0000 https://www.dogtownmedia.com/?p=15155 Wireless technology has transformed how we interact with the world around us. But what does...

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mobile app development

Wireless technology has transformed how we interact with the world around us. But what does the future with 5G look like? It can be hard to fathom. Luckily, ACT | The App Association aims to elucidate this with a special public webinar featuring FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr. And Marc Fischer, Dogtown Media’s very own Co-Founder and CEO, has been invited to join in on the conversation!

Scheduled to be held this Thursday, May 28th, at 1 PM ET, “A Conversation with FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr on Commission Priorities for 5G and the New 5G Upgrade Order” is an event you won’t want to miss. In this virtual seminar, we’ll get the chance to learn more about the FCC’s views and priorities for 5G.

Valued at $1.7 trillion and employing almost 6 million Americans, the mobile app economy has grown to be an invaluable pillar of the tech industry. And the current COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted just how valuable this sector really is; remote work, distance learning, and telemedicine have all experienced a rapid increase in usage during this pandemic.

For the webinar, Commissioner Brendan Carr will be representing the FCC. He’s committed to rapidly advancing 5G in order to enable more innovation in mobile app development. Carr has supported various FCC policy changes to promote the development of 5G networks.

Most recently, he announced a new 5G Upgrade Order. This multi-year endeavor would simplify and expedite equipment upgrades for existing cellular towers. Scheduled for a June vote by Congress, the 5G Upgrade Order will be a central discussion point of ACT’s event.

ACT | The App Association is a Washington, D.C.-based public policy organization that represents more than 5,000 app companies and information technology firms leading the mobile economy. While we’re located on the other side of the continent in Los Angeles, ACT has been a dear friend throughout the years. Its advocation for an environment that drives smart innovation and regulation in the tech industry has been invaluable.

The live event will begin with a conversation between Carr and ACT President Morgan Reed. Following this, a live panel discussion featuring Carr, Marc, Andrew Savitz of Canned Spinach, and Vishal Singh of Quantified Ag will take place. It will delve into the 5G Upgrade Order and examine potential use cases that the new generation of wireless connectivity will enable.

“A Conversation with FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr on Commission Priorities for 5G and the New 5G Upgrade Order” has an all-star panel lined up and a number of hot topics to touch upon. If you want to see the future of mobile technology, don’t miss this event! For more information, visit here.

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Dogtown Media Works With Allina Health and Minneapolis Heart Institute to Deploy COVID-19 Emergency Protocols App https://www.dogtownmedia.com/dogtown-media-works-with-allina-health-and-minneapolis-heart-institute-to-deploy-covid-19-emergency-protocols-app/ Wed, 27 May 2020 17:00:30 +0000 https://www.dogtownmedia.com/?p=15046 The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has brought the world to a grim standstill. More than 200,000...

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healthcare app development

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has brought the world to a grim standstill. More than 200,000 people around the world have succumbed to this illness. And in the United States alone, more than one million COVID-19 cases have been confirmed. That’s roughly one-third of all cases globally.

To help healthcare providers navigate this crisis, we’ve worked with the Minneapolis Heart Institute (MHI) and Allina Health to deploy a COVID-19 emergency protocols app.

Inspiration From a Prior Collaboration

This isn’t our first time working together with these two amazing organizations. Previously, Dogtown Media worked with MHI and Allina Health to develop a cardiovascular (CV) emergency protocols app. It gives healthcare workers up-to-date treatment instructions for patients experiencing cardiac arrest — and it can be accessed anywhere, anytime.

healthcare app development

Mark Ebeling is MHI’s Patient Care Manager. He started to see tangible benefits not long after the CV emergency protocols app was released: “A rural physician utilized a protocol within the app (he could not find a paper version at their hospital) and successfully started treatment and transferred the patient (via the app) to us for emergent life-saving surgery.”

Since it made its debut, the CV app has helped doctors and nurses save numerous lives. Inspired by this success and the current pandemic crisis facing humanity, Dogtown Media, MHI, and Allina Health decided to partner again on a COVID-19 emergency protocols app.

A Helping Hand During the COVID-19 Crisis

While the new COVID-19 emergency protocols app builds off the CV app, it’s more than just a redesigned version of its predecessor. It enables physicians and other frontline healthcare workers to efficiently and rapidly triage patients based on relevant symptoms and risk factors. It also gives step-by-step guidance on the best treatment options for a patient suffering from the coronavirus.

For low-risk patients, directives are simple: Stay home and self-isolate. For medium- and high-risk patients, the app offers instructions on how to increase blood-oxygen levels, implement intubation, apply respirators, and much more. Each of these endeavors can make a vital difference between life and death.

healthcare app development

In pressurized situations like the ones that many healthcare workers are facing right at this moment, it can be difficult to recall correct procedure protocols. We hope this healthcare app alleviates their stress and helps them save lives.

Let’s Work Together Towards Brighter Days

Started in 1981, the Minneapolis Heart Institute is world-renowned cardiovascular research and care center. Known for being a trailblazer in its field, the facility was recently named one of the best hospitals for cardiology and heart surgery by U.S. News & World Report.

Allina Health is a not-for-profit medical system that owns and operates 13 hospitals and more than 90 clinics throughout Minnesota and western Wisconsin. It is dedicated to the prevention and treatment of illness as well as the enhancement of greater health of communities in the region.

healthcare app development

It’s an absolute honor to work with these two organizations again. From Los Angeles to Venice, Italy, COVID-19 has brought unprecedented tragedy to many people’s lives. We hope this app can help put an end to this pandemic.

To download the new COVID-19 emergency protocols app on the App Store, visit here. To get it on Google Play, click here. Please share it with any healthcare workers you know. Together, we’ll overcome COVID-19.

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Take Care of Yourself: 5 More Amazing Health & Wellness Apps You Can Try Right Now https://www.dogtownmedia.com/take-care-of-yourself-5-more-amazing-health-wellness-apps-you-can-try-right-now/ Mon, 04 May 2020 15:00:46 +0000 https://www.dogtownmedia.com/?p=15038 Sometimes, you need to take a little time to take care of yourself. Luckily, mobile...

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Female hand holding a smartphone with diet plan concept

Sometimes, you need to take a little time to take care of yourself. Luckily, mobile technology can give you a helping hand! Last week, we wrote about 5 amazing health and wellness apps that our team members are quite fond of. They ran the gamut from habit management to sustainable weight loss. In case you missed it, you can read the post here.

But let’s be honest — as healthcare app developers, we know that 5 is far too small of a number to cover the amazing products available in this space. It would be a shame not to give some of the other wonderful apps available right now a moment in the spotlight.

After many debates, we were able to trim down our tremendous pool of candidates to another list of just 5 apps that we think you should consider trying. Check them out below. Here’s to a healthier future for all!

1. Smoke Free: Breathe Easier (iOS, Android)

Quitting smoking can be hard; 95% of people who try to quit without participating in a cessation program fail. It’s clear that ample motivation and support are needed. Smoke Free helps deter you from lighting up by tracking your cravings and progress. And it certainly seems to work — this app has been scientifically proven to double your chances of quitting smoking!

Smoke Free’s secret weapon is data science. After gathering enough information, the app tells you exactly how much money you’ve saved by kicking your smoking habit. Smoke Free also monitors your oxygen, blood pressure, and carbon monoxide levels so that you can watch them improve over time. It’s no wonder this app has been downloaded over four million times.

Why We Love Smoke Free

  • Doubles your chances of quitting smoking
  • Watch your health improve
  • See how much money you save

2. Drinkaware: Cut Down Your Alcohol Consumption (iOS, Android)

From celebrations to quick catchups, there are always excuses for drinking nowadays. Similar to Smoke Free’s effect on lighting up, Drinkaware helps keep alcohol consumption in check.

Concept of online medical healthcare services, shows smartphone app with Asian male doctor smiling, telehealth, telemedicine video call

Drinkaware comes with a unit and calorie calculator so you know exactly how much you’ve imbibed. The app is also equipped with a self-assessment tool that allows you to review your drinking patterns and set new health goals.

Perhaps most pertinently, Drinkaware records each dollar you spend on alcohol. That means you’ll never indulge too much at the expense of your wallet.

Why We Love Drinkaware

  • Easily moderate your drinking
  • Personalized feedback
  • Cut alcohol costs

3. Headspace: Making Meditation Mainstream (iOS, Android)

In today’s attention-hungry digital world, it’s more important than ever before to give yourself some peace of mind. Co-founded by former Buddhist monk Andy Puddicombe, Headspace is an app that provides guided meditation and mindfulness training. And all it takes is ten minutes a day!

If you’re wrestling with stress, sleeplessness, or anxiety, the Los Angeles-based developers of Headspace have hundreds of sessions available on their product to help you out. And if ten minutes is too long, it offers shorter sessions. Users report benefits such as better attention span, alertness, and of course, more mindfulness.

Why We Love Headspace

  • Mindfulness made easy
  • Tailored for busy lives
  • Brings calm to life’s chaos

4. MindBody: Exercise Anywhere (iOS, Android)

Want to work out, but don’t want to leave your house? MindBody has got you covered! This app brings virtual workouts and wellness services to your fingertips.

Whether you’re looking for a local community instructor or a world-renowned coach, MindBody lets you browse and book classes in Pilates, yoga, meditation, Tabata, and more. You can participate in these sessions in your living room or wherever you happen to be. It’s also worth noting that they constantly have deals on last-minute appointments!

Why We Love MindBody

  • Virtual workouts for anyone, anywhere
  • Huge variety of services offered
  • Easy wearables integration

5. 8fit: A Wellness App for Workouts and Nutrition (iOS, Android)

App marketplaces are brimming with options for health and wellness apps. But few rival 8fit; this fitness and nutrition companion is perfect for digital minimalists.

If you’re not keen on joining a gym or spending hours searching for healthy recipes, we can’t recommend 8fit enough. This app offers efficient workouts and healthy, personalized meals in one elegant package. You can track milestones and tailor your fitness regimen to your liking. And in case you’re not Gordon Ramsay, the app also provides easy-to-follow instructions for its health-focused meals.

Why We Love 8fit

  • Declutter your phone — no need for multiple fitness and recipe apps
  • Centralize your favorite recipes and workouts
  • Personalize your path to a healthier lifestyle

These Wellness Apps Pave the Way to a Healthier Future

We hope you’ve enjoyed another list of our favorite health and wellness apps! These options certainly vary in terms of application. But they do have a few vital factors in common:

  1. Each app’s interface is incredibly simple to use.
  2. Rich customization empowers users to personalize the app for their goals.
  3. Data connects the dots between your actions and goals.

Mobile technology is capable of so much more than just talking and texting. These apps allow you to take control of your health and wellness in unprecedented ways. Try them out today!

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Dogtown Media, Late Sunday Afternoon, and Schusterman Family Foundation Partner to Give Masks to COVID-19 Healthcare Workers https://www.dogtownmedia.com/dogtown-media-partners-up-with-late-sunday-afternoon-and-the-schusterman-family-foundation-to-donate-protective-masks-to-covid-19-healthcare-workers/ Tue, 28 Apr 2020 15:00:05 +0000 https://www.dogtownmedia.com/?p=15010 The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has wreaked havoc on our world. It’s clear that healthcare workers...

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COVID-19 Protective Mask

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has wreaked havoc on our world. It’s clear that healthcare workers have enough to contend with at this time. But to make matters worse, many medical facilities are experiencing a shortage of personal protective equipment (PPE).

We want to help out in any way we can to solve this issue. That’s why we’ve teamed up with apparel company Late Sunday Afternoon and the Schusterman Family Foundation. Together, we’re donating reusable, washable protective masks to hospitals across the United States.

This Crisis Hits Close to Home

Matthew Schildkret, Late Sunday Afternoon’s Founder and CEO, is a dear friend of ours. When Los Angeles was hit with its first few cases of COVID-19, he immediately closed his clothing shop’s doors. Not only was his business considered non-essential, but he didn’t want to risk the health of his employees.

COVID-19 Protective Mask

But as the current pandemic crisis unfolded across the US, Matt couldn’t just sit there and watch. Medical facilities are in dire need of help, and a PPE shortage means thousands of healthcare workers and patients are left susceptible to contracting and spreading the coronavirus.

Desperate times call for innovative measures. Aware of his extensive experience as a medical app developer, Matt reached out to Marc Fischer, our Co-Founder and CEO. After discussing the PPE shortage dilemma, they concocted a brilliant plan to help out: Launch a 1-for-1 protective mask donation campaign. Within an hour of commencement, the campaign had received hundreds of orders.

Dealing With the Demand

The sudden demand took Marc and Matt by surprise, but the two quickly leaped into action to deal with it. Matt worked on retooling his clothing company’s equipment and bringing aboard some team members to ramp up production. Marc took on the task of handling the logistics of getting these protective masks into the hands of frontline healthcare workers.

Less than a week later, the campaign had rapidly scaled in scope — thousands of orders are now being placed per day. The Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation heard about this endeavor, and they were more than happy to help with a generous micro-grant of $2500!

COVID-19 Protective Mask

These funds will be used to send protective masks to many organizations, like Columbia University Medical Center in NYC, Minneapolis-based nonprofit Allina Health, Columbus Colony Elderly Care in Ohio, and other healthcare facilities across the United States.

Together, We’ll Overcome COVID-19

Located in Venice Beach, Late Sunday Afternoon is an apparel company that creates hand-crafted, functional, comfortable clothing. All of its materials are sourced locally, and it uses a zero-waste production process to promote sustainability.

The Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation is a global organization that works to empower communities and advance equity. It invests in endeavors that help marginalized individuals and improve public education.

We’re extremely honored and humbled to have the opportunity to team up with Late Sunday Afternoon and the Schusterman Family Foundation on this effort. COVID-19 may be keeping everyone physically apart. But we’re all in this together. Want to contribute to Late Sunday Afternoon’s 1-for-1 campaign? Click here!

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Telemedicine Can Help Healthcare Providers Handle COVID-19 — but Outdated Regulations Are in the Way https://www.dogtownmedia.com/telemedicine-can-help-healthcare-providers-handle-covid-19-but-outdated-regulations-are-in-the-way/ Thu, 16 Apr 2020 15:00:21 +0000 https://www.dogtownmedia.com/?p=14977 More than 2 million coronavirus (COVID-19) cases have been reported worldwide as of April 15th....

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More than 2 million coronavirus (COVID-19) cases have been reported worldwide as of April 15th. With more than 600,000 confirmed cases nationwide, the United States accounts for a whopping 30% of those patients. In this country alone, over 26,000 people have lost their lives to this pandemic. New York City has borne the brunt of this crisis, with more than 200,000 confirmed cases and 11,000 deaths.

Medical needs have long exceeded what the state’s healthcare system is capable of providing. Drastic measures have been taken to free up critical resources. All elective surgeries have been canceled. And health officials are urging COVID-19 patients who are generally healthy but experiencing mild symptoms to stay home to stop the spread of the virus and free up beds and equipment.

Hospitals around the world face a similar situation. Not only has in-person care become extremely limited but potentially dangerous. Consequently, numerous medical facilities are turning to telehealth to meet and treat patients. But outdated laws are impeding progress with this technological paradigm.

Keeping Patients & Providers in Touch During the Pandemic

For many healthcare tech developers, telemedicine was an inevitability — it wasn’t a question of if but when this way of accessing medical professionals would become ubiquitous. After all, it offers a myriad of benefits. With just a phone, computer, or tablet, providers can diagnose, treat, and educate patients no matter how many miles apart they are. But most industry insiders didn’t think it would take a pandemic to make this option popular.

Prior to COVID-19, telehealth’s traction and growth in the U.S. was frustratingly slow. Many medical institutions reserved its use for select cases. For instance, Keck Medicine at the University of Southern California usually leveraged telemedicine for dermatology and cancer patients. Today, things are quite different. The last week of March saw the USC health system initiate more than 5,000 telehealth appointments, most of which were not for COVID-19.

Similar scenarios are occurring across the U.S. Within 48 hours of launching a telemedicine site, Boston Medical Center booked 1,500 virtual visits. The increase in usage of telehealth services not only frees up crucial resources for patients who need them most but also reduces the risk of spread for the general population. And it’s versatile; a variety of ailments like minor infectious diseases, skin issues, psychiatric problems, and orthopedic maladies can all be dealt with via telemedicine.

Despite the amazing advantages that telehealth offers during the COVID-19 crisis, it’s still being severely underutilized. Few U.S. hospital systems are capable of ramping up to 50% virtual care. To make matters worse, regulatory roadblocks are impeding the usage of telehealth on a mass scale across the country.

The Digital Dilemma

Due to limited healthcare access for rural counties and a huge aging population, California first started considering telemedicine in the early 1990s. This culminated in the state passing the first telehealth regulation in 1996: Only California-licensed providers could treat California residents with the technology. This law is still active; a Los Angeles resident cannot be treated by a New York City doctor via telehealth.

Over the years, more laws and regulations were passed across the U.S. But they seemed to only hurt access to telemedicine. For example, many states required a patient’s written consent, while others required at least one in-person examination before being allowed to book telehealth appointments.

To top it all off, insurers began to refuse reimbursing telehealth providers at the same rates as their in-person counterparts, citing concerns about quality of care. While these developments were intended to protect patients, they’ve been extremely detrimental for the use of telemedicine.

In recent years, state agencies and patient advocacy groups tried addressing these problems by revising or removing restrictive regulations and requiring that telehealth physicians be compensated at the same rate as in-person providers. But 21 states still adhere to the practice of not allowing the usage of telemedicine across state lines. California and New York are two of these states.

Last month, a bill was introduced in New York’s State House to allow for telehealth access across state lines. Considering how badly overburdened New York’s medical resources are at the moment, passing this bill would be invaluable. But old regulations are still standing in the way.

A Necessity During The COVID-19 Crisis

While the utilization of telemedicine services has been low, momentum has been increasing. 2020 marks the first year that 91% of employers will offer telehealth to their workers. The coronavirus has demonstrated that this shift is a necessity. Thankfully, it seems that the crisis has convinced regulators and government officials of this as well — the technology is seeing unprecedented support.

The Federal Communications Commission recently announced $200 million in funding to aid telehealth usage across the country. Mid-March saw both Medicare and Medicaid expand reimbursement rates for a range of telemedicine services. And numerous state governments are requiring insurers to cover these appointments.

It seems that lawmakers have finally woken up and seen the potential value that telehealth offers. We’re moving in the right direction, but we can’t move fast enough. Hard-hit areas like New York City have been begging for the help of doctors from other states for weeks. Telehealth can get them there instantly. And it could certainly help save lives.

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Dogtown Media Named Top Leader in Financial App Development https://www.dogtownmedia.com/dogtown-media-named-top-leader-in-financial-app-development/ Thu, 26 Sep 2019 15:00:43 +0000 https://www.dogtownmedia.com/?p=14245 Last year, an analytics team estimated that smartphone users in the U.S. spend 4.6 hours...

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Last year, an analytics team estimated that smartphone users in the U.S. spend 4.6 hours a day on mobile apps. When stats for app usage are that high, having an app for your business seems like an emerging standard. But wait — 21% of app users are reported to abandon an app after first usage.

When app usage and app abandonment rates are both soaring, it means one thing: having an app alone isn’t enough; your app must deliver an unforgettable experience. You can rely on Dogtown Media to design and deliver a stellar app that keeps you ahead of the curve (and competition).

Why trust us? Well, we’re happy to announce that we’ve ranked #2 on Clutch’s 2019 list for mobile app development in the financial industry! That’s the most impressive accolade we’ve received so far from the B2B ratings platform, and we’re thrilled to be recognized again by the site.

Interested in seeing some of our work? Check out our financial app development page! Also, don’t hesitate to see our reviews on Clutch. They showcase the impact our work can have on your business. Here are a few of our favorites:

“They don’t fail or turn down a challenge; their deliverables dramatically exceed expectations, and they do it quicker than anyone I’ve ever worked with.” — CTO, Innovengine

“Dogtown’s work created a great foundation for us to build upon. The approval experience, as part of the project management portion of the app, improved significantly. They helped us bring the app into the modern era.” — UX Designer, Cloud-Based Platform

With over 200 apps and counting, our Los Angeles-based development and design studio is equipped with the right expertise to make your digital dreams a reality. Our work empowers businesses to stay competitive and up-to-date in an ever-changing technological arena.

You can view our powerful design work on Visual Objects, which helps prospective clients visualize the endless possibilities of creative projects. We’re also featured on The Manifest’s directory. The Manifest is Clutch’s sister site that creates content in the hopes of enabling businesses to overcome their challenges.

All of this is to say that we can help you in truly transforming your business. Let us build you a phenomenal app: contact us now!

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