user feedback | Dogtown Media iPhone App Development Wed, 01 May 2024 19:36:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 user feedback | Dogtown Media 32 32 Mobile App User Feedback: Strategies for Gathering and Acting on User Insights Wed, 01 May 2024 19:34:17 +0000 After reading this article, you’ll: Recognize the importance of user feedback in developing successful mobile...

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After reading this article, you’ll:

  • Recognize the importance of user feedback in developing successful mobile apps that stand out in a competitive landscape and meet user expectations.
  • Learn various strategies for gathering user feedback, including in-app mechanisms, surveys, social media monitoring, and analyzing support interactions.
  • Understand how to analyze and prioritize user feedback, create a roadmap for implementing improvements, and close the feedback loop by informing users of changes.

Mobile App User Feedback

User feedback is immensely valuable for developing successful mobile applications. Mobile apps operate in a competitive landscape–with over 8.9 million apps in major app stores, users have endless options and high expectations. The best way to stand out, provide an excellent user experience, and retain loyal users over time is by actively gathering and incorporating user insights and preferences. 

User feedback provides transparency into how real users interact with an app in the real world. Analytics provides some behavioral data, but user reviews, surveys, and interviews give critical qualitative context to users’ thought processes, pain points, and desires. This helps identify specific issues frustrating users as well as ideas for new features that would delight users. Prioritizing improvements and features suggested by users directly is proven to boost satisfaction, engagement, and retention.

Acting on user feedback makes customers feel valued, giving apps the customer insights needed to drive growth and stand out from the competition. Ongoing improvement based on user preferences retains happy customers who will continue using and promoting the app. This article dives into how you can use user feedback to drive app improvements.

Establishing Feedback Channels

In-App Feedback Tools

In-app feedback tools make it easy for engaged users to share thoughts while using the app itself. Options like rating prompts, feedback buttons/menus, or in-context surveys allow gathering feedback tied to specific app experiences. Carefully consider prompt frequency and design prompts to which users will be willing to respond. Link prompts to analytics data on in-app behavior preceding feedback.

Surveys and Questionnaires

Mobile App User SurveysWell-designed surveys and questionnaires can yield very actionable data on overall app satisfaction, desired features, pain points and more. Keep surveys focused, with objective multiple choice questions as well as open-ended options. Share survey goals upfront and keep surveys as short as possible while covering key objectives. Incentivize participation by offering app rewards. Ask targeted followup questions based on responses.

Social Media and Forums

Actively monitoring social media and forum discussions provides qualitative, informal feedback on the app’s reputation and user sentiment. Set up search alerts for the app name and relevant keywords to monitor the broader conversation. Join related groups and forums to gauge competitor standing. Analyze informal feedback and highlight actionable suggestions for the product team. Directly engage with users, sharing major issues and ideas on social platforms.  

Support Desk and Customer Service Interactions

Analyze support interactions to identify common questions, issues users struggle with, and ideas mentioned while communicating needs. Look for trends in support volume and resolution rates as indicators. Implement proactive in-app messaging to address frequent support issues. Share insights with product teams to alleviate pain points and improve self-service. Solicit user feedback/survey responses during support interactions.

Encouraging User Feedback

Incentives for Feedback

Offering incentives is an effective way to encourage satisfied users to take a few extra moments to provide feedback. Popular methods include giving virtual currency/points, unlocking premium app features, entering users into prize drawings, and highlighting their contributions publicly to feed motivations like recognition. Ensure the value exchange is worth the user’s time and that feedback is of high quality. Incent right after feedback before the value is forgotten.

Timing and Context 

Strategically time feedback prompts based on when a user is most likely to respond accurately and thoroughly. For example, ask for ratings right after completing a key workflow, but ask for involved feature requests outside peak usage flows. Set rules preventing multiple sequential prompts. Personalize prompts based on prior behaviors and demonstrated engagement levels, rather than taking a one-size fits all approach.

User Segmentation

Tailor when and how you request feedback based on user personas and observed usage patterns within your app analytics. For example, surveys can be sent to highly engaged power users to get feedback on new features from those who are most qualified. Or probe intermittent users during onboarding to find out why they lose interest. Develop rules and data models to classify users based on their value to the business, the likelihood of providing constructive feedback, and the likelihood of having specific needs/issues requiring feedback.

Analyzing Feedback for Actionable Insights

Qualitative vs Quantitative Feedback

Types of Mobile App FeedbackUnderstand the difference between qualitative and quantitative feedback. Quantitative includes metrics like star ratings, usage data, and multiple choice survey responses. Qualitative includes open-ended survey responses, reviews, forum posts and other written feedback. Quantitative data is easier to systematically analyze but qualitative data provides more depth and nuance into user thinking. Leverage both types.

Tools for Analysis

Analytic tools like surveys, support tickets, social media, and app store analysis tools are used to compile feedback data in one place. Use data visualization, charts, tables, and filters to spot trends. Apply text analysis to open-ended comments to automatically detect common topics. Translate insights into dashboards for easy sharing.

Identifying Common Themes and Patterns 

Look at feedback on feature requests, issues and satisfaction across various sources in aggregate to identify broader themes. For example, a common request across surveys, app reviews and social media likely indicates a widespread desire from highly engaged segments of your user base. Compare themes from casual vs power app users for additional context. Identify whether themes apply to new or long-time users.

Prioritizing Feedback and Planning Improvements  

Impact vs. Feasibility Matrix

Plot feedback themes on a matrix assessing the potential positive impact on metrics like user retention and satisfaction vs. development resources required. High-impact, low-effort improvements take priority for the next release, while longer-term investments in engineering heavy requests can proceed in future milestones. Define rubrics for scoring impact and complexity to standardize assessment.

Creating a Roadmap for Implementation

Consolidate feedback topics into an app roadmap indicating planned release milestones and which high priority issues/features make sense for each release based on dependencies, scale of engineering effort required and overall release goals. Ensure user feedback is systematically captured within existing product road-mapping processes.

Setting Realistic Timelines

Set realistic release milestones and communicated timeframes for publicly rolling out improvements to users and customer support teams. Do not promise urgent fixes without assessing engineering bandwidth to deliver. If delays occur from original timelines, proactively communicate that with users rather than going silent and diminishing trust in the process.  

Closing the Feedback Loop

Informing Users About Changes

Close the loop by letting users who provided relevant feedback know when related app changes roll out. This could include sending push notifications about a new feature release inspired by requests, updating in-app messaging about fixes and improvements, or leveraging other communication channels like email newsletters and social media. Thank specific users for feedback that was particularly helpful or actionable when possible.

Beta Testing with Feedback Providers

When releasing major changes inspired directly by user input, consider inviting those same engaged users to beta test the feature or improvement first before rolling out widely. Early access rewards users, builds loyalty and trust, while also validating changes before impacting all users. Target testers who will provide constructive and detailed testing feedback.

Continuous Improvement Cycle

Communicate to users that product improvements are ongoing based on perpetual feedback rather than one-off changes. Maintain open channels for expanded types of feedback over time. Analyze engagement with new features to determine if more refinements are required. Emphasize that user partnerships enable continuous evolution of the product experience.

All app builders should strongly consider integrating structured systems to request, collect, process, interpret, and act on user feedback. The time investment pays exponential dividends across key metrics–from conversion and retention to ratings and revenue. Most importantly, user feedback processes demonstrate respect and care for the people that matter most–the customers using apps every day. Users want their voices heard by the products they love. Listening carefully is the first step to responding thoughtfully at each stage of the mobile app development lifecycle.

Frequently Asked Questions on Mobile App User Feedback

Why is user feedback important for mobile app development?

User feedback is crucial for mobile app development as it provides valuable insights into users’ needs, preferences, and pain points. By gathering and acting on user feedback, developers can improve the app’s user experience, boost engagement, and stand out in a competitive market.

What are some effective ways to gather user feedback for mobile apps?

Some effective ways to gather user feedback for mobile apps include in-app feedback mechanisms (e.g., feedback forms, rating prompts, UX tracking), app store reviews, social media and online forums, user interviews and focus groups, and beta testing or early access programs.

How should I analyze and prioritize user feedback?

To analyze and prioritize user feedback, categorize the feedback by theme and urgency, identifying common issues and suggestions. Use analytics to validate feedback by comparing it with usage data and metrics. Balance user requests with business goals, prioritizing feedback that aligns with your product roadmap and objectives.

What should I do after implementing changes based on user feedback?

After implementing changes based on user feedback, communicate with users by acknowledging their feedback and providing updates on the changes made. Measure the impact of the changes by tracking user engagement and satisfaction post-update, and continuously gather feedback on the implemented changes.

How can I establish a continuous feedback loop for my mobile app?

To establish a continuous feedback loop, set up a regular feedback gathering process with automated collection mechanisms and dedicated resources for ongoing analysis. Foster a user-centric development culture that empowers team members to prioritize user needs and regularly discuss feedback insights. Treat feedback as an ongoing source of inspiration, iterating and refining the app based on user insights.

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Methods For Collecting User Feedback in Healthcare App Design Fri, 08 Sep 2023 15:46:43 +0000 Key Takeaways Grasp the critical importance of in-app user feedback in healthcare app development, including...

The post Methods For Collecting User Feedback in Healthcare App Design first appeared on Dogtown Media.]]>
Key Takeaways
  • Grasp the critical importance of in-app user feedback in healthcare app development, including its role in reducing app abandonment, uncovering errors, and improving overall user engagement.
  • Familiarize yourself with a comprehensive set of methods for gathering this essential feedback, ranging from live chats and in-app surveys to usability tests and user forums, allowing you to tailor your approach based on your specific needs and goals.
  • Understand the additional considerations like privacy concerns and feedback analysis that are uniquely important in the healthcare app space, enabling you to collect and utilize user feedback in a responsible and effective manner.

Methods For Collecting User Feedback in Healthcare App Design

In the competitive landscape of healthcare applications, user feedback is more than just a nice-to-have; it’s a necessity for survival and growth. According to a recent report, the global healthcare app market is projected to reach a staggering $360 billion by 2033. This statistic not only underscores the lucrative nature of the industry but also highlights the intense competition. New healthcare apps are being developed at an unprecedented rate, and standing out from the crowd requires more than just a well-designed interface or a unique set of features.

The key to long-term success lies in the continuous improvement of the app based on real, actionable feedback from users. Collecting real-time user feedback offers a myriad of benefits, which include but are not limited to reducing app abandonment rates, uncovering and fixing bugs, increasing user engagement, and enhancing overall app performance.

For healthcare apps, the stakes are even higher. Given that these apps often handle sensitive information and have the potential to affect patient outcomes, ensuring that they are free from errors and provide a smooth user experience is crucial. In this article, we delve into why collecting in-app user feedback is indispensable for healthcare app developers. We will also explore some of the most effective methods for gathering this invaluable feedback.

Why is Collecting In-App User Feedback Important?

Understanding user behavior and expectations is critical in any industry, but in the realm of healthcare apps, it’s paramount. From storing sensitive information to providing timely medical advice, these apps have a more significant impact on users’ lives than most. Let’s look at why collecting in-app feedback is essential for healthcare app design.

Reduce App Abandonment

Research indicates that about 25% of users abandon an app after just one use. In the healthcare sector, the implications of this statistic are substantial. Abandonment can mean patients miss out on valuable medical advice or efficient service delivery, both of which are crucial for positive healthcare outcomes. Collecting in-app feedback allows developers to pinpoint areas of concern and make the necessary adjustments, thereby reducing the chances of app abandonment and ensuring ongoing user trust.

Uncover Any Errors and Bugs

The last thing a user wants in a healthcare app is to encounter bugs or errors, especially when dealing with potentially sensitive or urgent medical information. Consistent collection of user feedback can serve as an early warning system for developers, enabling them to identify and rectify issues before they become deal-breakers. This proactive approach helps in maintaining a seamless user experience and retaining the app’s user base.

Better Engagement

An app’s features can make or break user engagement. Developers can use feedback to understand what functionalities users find most useful and which areas need improvement. For instance, if users find a particular symptom-checker tool inaccurate or hard to use, developers can make the necessary changes, leading to increased user engagement and satisfaction.

Monitor Performance

User feedback isn’t just about identifying flaws; it’s also about recognizing what’s working well. Through real-time feedback, developers can gauge the performance of different features and functionalities, allowing for a more targeted and effective approach to future upgrades and development. This becomes a continuous cycle of improvement and quality assurance, fostering long-term user commitment.


It’s a well-known business principle that retaining a customer is less expensive than acquiring a new one. The same holds for app users. Addressing concerns and issues before they escalate to the point of abandonment is cost-effective in the long run. User feedback aids in this by helping developers prioritize improvements that will have the most significant impact on user satisfaction and retention.

Save Time

While traditional testing methods like focus groups and one-on-one interviews have their place, they can be time-consuming and costly. In-app feedback collection methods allow for more immediate and widespread data collection. The quicker you gather feedback, the faster you can make data-driven decisions that enhance the user experience.

Works 24/7

Healthcare doesn’t adhere to a 9-to-5 schedule, and neither should your app’s feedback mechanisms. With in-app feedback options, you can gather insights 24/7, providing a continuous stream of data that can be used to make agile decisions and updates at any time. This around-the-clock data collection ensures that user experience remains at its best, regardless of when a user chooses to interact with your app.

The Best Ways to Collect In-App Feedback

Now that we’ve established the importance of gathering in-app user feedback, the question arises: What are the best methods for collecting this critical data? Below, we outline some tried-and-true strategies that healthcare app developers can adopt to optimize user experience and functionality.

Live Chat

Implementing a live chat feature in your healthcare app offers an unparalleled advantage—real-time communication. Users can instantly express their concerns or ask questions, and your support team can immediately respond. This immediacy can be particularly crucial in healthcare settings where urgent issues may arise. The rapid response facilitated by live chat allows for quick adjustments and resolutions, thereby enhancing user satisfaction and trust in your application.


Customizable in-app surveys are a versatile tool for collecting specific types of feedback. These can range from asking users about their overall satisfaction to diving deeper into their opinions on individual features. Surveys can be tailored to appear after a user completes specific actions, like finishing a consultation or accessing test results, offering invaluable insights into what works and what needs improvement in these critical touchpoints.

Usability Tests

Usability tests are a staple in any user-centered design process. Conducting these tests within your app can provide deep insights into user behavior and preferences. For instance, task-based usability tests can help you understand how easily a user can schedule an appointment or find medical information. These insights can then be used to fine-tune the app’s interface and user experience, making it more intuitive and enjoyable to use.

App Rating

Prompt A prompt that encourages users to rate your app can serve dual purposes. Not only does it generate feedback, but it also affects your app’s visibility and credibility on app stores. The more positive the ratings, the more likely potential users are to download your app. Keep in mind that timing is crucial; prompts should be carefully scheduled to appear when the user is most likely to have had a positive experience, thereby increasing the chances of higher ratings.

Feedback Widgets

A feedback widget is often represented as a floating button or icon within the app interface, providing users with a quick and convenient way to report bugs or offer suggestions. Making it simple for users to give feedback increases the likelihood of your gathering essential insights. These widgets lower the barrier to entry for feedback, encouraging even those users who might not go out of their way to provide comments.

User Forums

Implementing a user forum within the app can be another powerful tool for feedback collection. Users can discuss features, report issues, and offer suggestions in a community setting. This not only helps in gathering collective opinions but also builds a sense of community among users, thereby increasing overall engagement.

Focus Groups

While not an in-app method, focus groups conducted with real users can provide in-depth qualitative feedback. These sessions can help you gather insights into user needs and frustrations that may not be easily captured through automated methods.

Push Notifications

Push notifications can be configured to ask users simple questions or direct them to in-app surveys. Because notifications garner immediate attention, this method can result in quick feedback that is also timely.


Incorporating heatmaps in your app can show you where users are tapping, swiping, or pinching. This can help you understand which areas of your app are getting the most attention and might need improvement or further development.

These methods for collecting in-app feedback can be used individually or in combination, depending on the unique needs and challenges of your healthcare app. Importantly, the chosen methods should align with your overall objectives for user experience and functional excellence.

Additional Considerations

While the methods described above are effective ways of collecting in-app feedback, healthcare apps come with their unique set of challenges and requirements. Here are some additional considerations to keep in mind:

Privacy Concerns

In healthcare, privacy isn’t just a preference; it’s often a legal requirement. Regulations such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) in the United States dictate how patient information can be used and shared. Therefore, any in-app feedback collection methods must be scrutinized to ensure they’re compliant with these and similar regulations. Whether it’s encrypting chat logs from your live chat feature or securely storing survey responses, compliance cannot be compromised.

Feedback Analysis

Collecting feedback is only the first step in a longer journey toward app improvement. Developers must also invest in robust analytics tools that can sort through the feedback and identify patterns or trends. For instance, if multiple users report difficulty in navigating to the ‘Medical Records’ section, that’s a clear indicator that changes are needed. Data analytics can help prioritize these user concerns, turning feedback into actionable insights.

User Incentives

People are generally more likely to take time to provide feedback if there’s something in it for them. While this is not specific to healthcare apps, the principle holds true here as well. Incentives like in-app credits, free trials of premium features, or even entries into a raffle can be offered to encourage more users to provide feedback. However, care should be taken to ensure that incentives don’t skew the feedback or lead to biased responses.

These additional considerations serve as the scaffolding upon which you can build an effective and compliant system for in-app feedback collection. Balancing user needs, legal requirements, and actionable insights will pave the way for a healthcare app that not only meets but exceeds user expectations.

By taking a nuanced approach to feedback collection that balances user concerns, privacy regulations, and actionable data analysis, healthcare app developers can create products that are not just compliant and functional but truly user-centric.

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