app store | Dogtown Media iPhone App Development Fri, 31 May 2024 21:57:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 app store | Dogtown Media 32 32 Navigating Apple’s App Store Changes in Europe for Mobile App Developers Tue, 12 Mar 2024 20:55:28 +0000 After reading this article, you’ll: Comprehend the significance of Apple’s concessions in response to the...

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After reading this article, you’ll:

  • Comprehend the significance of Apple’s concessions in response to the European Union’s Digital Markets Act (DMA) and their potential impact on the mobile app development landscape in Europe.
  • Identify the new opportunities and challenges faced by developers, including direct app distribution, alternative app marketplaces, and compliance with Apple’s updated guidelines and requirements.
  • Gain insights into the potential long-term effects of these changes on the app ecosystem, such as increased competition, innovation, and the possibility of similar regulatory actions in other regions.

Navigating Apple's App Store Changes in Europe for Mobile App Developers

Apple’s recent concessions in the European Union, made in compliance with the Digital Markets Act (DMA), mark a significant shift in the company’s approach to its App Store ecosystem. These changes, which allow developers to distribute their apps directly to consumers and set up alternative app marketplaces, have the potential to reshape the mobile app development landscape in Europe.

The DMA, aimed at creating a level playing field for smaller rivals and fostering competition, has compelled Apple to make these long-resisted changes. As a result, mobile app developers now face new opportunities and challenges in distributing their apps and engaging with users. This article will explore the implications of Apple’s concessions, the potential impact on App Store economics, and strategies for developers to navigate this new landscape effectively.

The European Union’s Digital Markets Act and Apple

The Digital Markets Act is a groundbreaking piece of legislation introduced by the European Union to rein in the power of large technology companies, often referred to as “gatekeepers.” The DMA aims to create a fairer and more competitive digital market by preventing these gatekeepers from abusing their dominant positions and ensuring that smaller rivals have an equal opportunity to thrive.

Under the DMA, companies like Apple, Amazon, Google, and Microsoft are required to comply with a set of rules designed to level the playing field. These rules include allowing users to install apps from alternative sources, ensuring interoperability between platforms, and providing fair access to key platform features.

In response to the DMA, Apple has announced several changes to its App Store policies in Europe. Beginning this spring, software developers in Europe will be able to distribute their apps directly to consumers through their own websites, bypassing the App Store. This move marks a significant departure from Apple’s long-standing policy of requiring all app downloads to go through its App Store.

Additionally, Apple will allow developers to set up alternative app marketplaces that offer a catalog solely made up of the developer’s own apps. This change provides developers with more control over their app distribution and the ability to offer customized user experiences.

However, it is important to note that developers must still meet Apple’s terms and conditions and be authorized to distribute their apps. Apple has also introduced a “core technology fee” of 50 euro cents per user account each year, even if developers choose not to use the App Store or Apple’s payment system.

These changes demonstrate Apple’s efforts to comply with the DMA while still maintaining some level of control over the app ecosystem. As the DMA continues to shape the digital landscape in Europe, it remains to be seen how these changes will impact the mobile app development industry and the relationship between Apple and developers in the long run.

What Apple’s Changes Mean for Developers

Apple’s concessions in response to the Digital Markets Act introduce significant changes for mobile app developers in Europe. These changes present both new opportunities and potential challenges that developers must navigate to succeed in this evolving landscape.

Direct distribution of apps to consumers via developers’ websites

One of the most notable changes is the ability for developers to distribute their apps directly to consumers through their own websites. This means that developers no longer have to rely solely on the App Store to reach their target audience. 

By offering apps for download on their websites, developers can have more control over the user experience, pricing, and promotional strategies. This direct distribution model also allows developers to build stronger relationships with their users and gather valuable insights without the restrictions imposed by the App Store.

Introduction of a “core technology fee” by Apple

While the ability to distribute apps directly to consumers is a welcome change, Apple has introduced a new “core technology fee” that developers must pay. This fee, set at 50 euro cents per user account annually, applies even if developers choose not to use the App Store or Apple’s payment system. 

The impact of this fee on developers will depend on factors such as the size of their user base and the revenue generated from their apps. Developers will need to factor in this additional cost when planning their pricing and revenue strategies.

Ability for developers to set up alternative app marketplaces

Another significant change is the ability for developers to set up alternative app marketplaces that showcase their own apps. This allows developers to create tailored app ecosystems that cater to specific niches or user preferences.

By curating their own app marketplaces, developers can have greater control over app discovery, promotion, and user engagement. This change opens up new possibilities for developers to differentiate themselves and build brand loyalty among their target audience.

However, setting up and maintaining an alternative app marketplace comes with its own set of challenges. Developers will need to invest in the necessary infrastructure, security measures, and user support to ensure a smooth and reliable experience for their users. They will also need to comply with Apple’s terms and conditions and obtain the necessary authorizations to operate their marketplaces.

Opportunities and Challenges for Developers

Apple’s concessions in response to the Digital Markets Act present both opportunities and challenges for mobile app developers in Europe. As the industry adapts to these changes, developers must carefully consider how to leverage the new possibilities while navigating the potential obstacles.

The potential for increased competition and innovation

One of the most significant opportunities arising from Apple’s changes is the potential for increased competition and innovation in the mobile app market. With the ability to distribute apps directly to consumers and set up alternative app marketplaces, developers now have more freedom to experiment with new business models, pricing strategies, and user experiences.

The reduced reliance on the App Store could lead to a more diverse and vibrant app ecosystem, as developers can target specific niches and cater to the unique needs of their target audiences. This increased competition could drive innovation, as developers strive to differentiate themselves and offer compelling value propositions to users.

The ability to establish direct relationships with users through website downloads and alternative app marketplaces could foster closer collaboration between developers and their user communities. This direct engagement can lead to more responsive and user-centric app development, as developers can gather valuable feedback and insights to inform their product roadmaps.

Challenges in meeting Apple’s terms and conditions

While the new opportunities are exciting, developers must also navigate the challenges of meeting Apple’s terms and conditions. Despite the changes, Apple still maintains control over the app ecosystem and requires developers to adhere to its guidelines and obtain necessary authorizations.

Developers will need to carefully review and comply with Apple’s requirements for direct app distribution and alternative app marketplaces. This may involve additional administrative work and potential legal considerations to ensure compliance. Failure to meet these terms and conditions could result in developers losing their authorization to distribute apps or facing other penalties.

Additionally, developers must consider the cost implications of the new “core technology fee” introduced by Apple. This fee, charged annually per user account, could impact the financial viability of certain app business models, particularly for smaller developers with limited user bases.

Security considerations and user experience management

As developers explore direct app distribution and alternative app marketplaces, they must also prioritize security considerations and user experience management. With greater control comes greater responsibility, and developers will need to invest in robust security measures to protect user data and prevent unauthorized access to their apps.

Developers must also ensure that their website download process and alternative app marketplaces provide a seamless and user-friendly experience. This includes implementing secure payment systems, providing clear instructions for app installation, and offering reliable customer support.

Managing the user experience across multiple distribution channels can be challenging, as developers need to maintain consistency and quality while tailoring their approaches to different user preferences and behaviors. This may require additional resources and expertise in user experience design, customer support, and platform management.

Apple’s changes present developers with exciting opportunities to innovate, compete, and engage directly with their users. However, these opportunities come with challenges, including compliance with Apple’s terms and conditions, financial considerations related to the core technology fee, and the need to prioritize security and user experience management. By carefully navigating these challenges and leveraging the new possibilities, developers can position themselves for success in the evolving mobile app landscape in Europe.

Navigating the New Landscape

As mobile app developers in Europe adapt to the changes brought about by Apple’s concessions, there are several strategies they can employ to navigate this new landscape effectively.

Tips for developers on adapting to direct distribution

To successfully transition to direct distribution, developers should focus on creating a seamless and user-friendly experience on their websites. This includes optimizing the download process, providing clear instructions, and ensuring compatibility across different devices and operating systems.

Developers should also invest in robust security measures to protect user data and prevent unauthorized access to their apps. Implementing secure payment systems and regularly updating their apps to address potential vulnerabilities are crucial steps in maintaining user trust.

Additionally, developers should consider leveraging analytics and user feedback to gain insights into user behavior and preferences when downloading apps directly from websites. This data can inform marketing strategies, user experience improvements, and future app development decisions.

Strategies for utilizing alternative app marketplaces effectively

To make the most of alternative app marketplaces, developers should carefully curate their app offerings to align with the specific needs and interests of their target audiences. This may involve creating specialized app bundles, offering exclusive content, or providing personalized recommendations.

Developers should also focus on building strong brand recognition and loyalty within their app marketplaces. This can be achieved through consistent branding, engaging app descriptions, and compelling visual assets that showcase the unique value proposition of their apps.

Collaborating with other developers or partnering with complementary app marketplaces can also help expand reach and attract new users. By cross-promoting apps and leveraging shared marketing efforts, developers can tap into new audiences and drive increased downloads.

Maintaining compliance with Apple’s authorization requirements

To maintain compliance with Apple’s authorization requirements, developers must stay up-to-date with the latest guidelines and regulations. This involves regularly reviewing Apple’s developer documentation, attending relevant webinars or workshops, and seeking legal counsel when necessary.

Developers should also establish internal processes and procedures to ensure consistent compliance across their app development and distribution activities. This may include implementing quality assurance checks, maintaining detailed documentation, and providing regular training to team members.

By proactively addressing compliance requirements and maintaining open lines of communication with Apple, developers can minimize the risk of losing their authorization or facing other penalties.

The Future of Mobile App Development in Europe

Apple’s concessions in response to the (DMA) are likely to have far-reaching effects on the mobile app ecosystem in Europe. In the long term, these changes could lead to increased competition, innovation, and consumer choice.

As more developers embrace direct distribution and alternative app marketplaces, users may become more accustomed to downloading apps from a variety of sources. This shift in consumer behavior could erode the App Store’s dominance and create a more fragmented but diverse app ecosystem.

The increased competition could also drive down app prices and encourage developers to experiment with new monetization models, such as subscriptions or in-app purchases. This could ultimately benefit consumers by providing more affordable and flexible app options.

However, the long-term impact on app quality and security remains to be seen. With a more open app ecosystem, there may be a greater risk of malware or low-quality apps infiltrating the market. Developers and platform operators will need to remain vigilant in maintaining high standards and protecting user interests.

Potential for similar regulatory actions in other regions

The success of the DMA in reshaping the mobile app landscape in Europe could inspire similar regulatory actions in other regions. As concerns about the market dominance of large technology companies continue to grow, other jurisdictions may look to the DMA as a model for promoting competition and innovation.

In the United States, for example, there have been ongoing discussions about the need for antitrust regulation in the technology sector. The DMA’s impact in Europe could bolster arguments for similar measures to be introduced in the US and other markets.

As regulatory scrutiny of large technology companies intensifies globally, mobile app developers should stay informed about potential changes in other regions and be prepared to adapt their strategies accordingly.

Apple’s concessions in response to the DMA mark a significant shift in the mobile app development landscape in Europe. By embracing the opportunities presented by direct distribution and alternative app marketplaces, while navigating the challenges of compliance and security, developers can thrive in this new environment. As the long-term effects of these changes unfold, the potential for increased competition, innovation, and consumer choice could reshape the future of mobile app development in Europe and beyond.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the Digital Markets Act (DMA), and how does it affect Apple’s App Store?

The Digital Markets Act (DMA) is a European Union legislation aimed at creating a fairer and more competitive digital market by regulating large technology companies, or “gatekeepers.” In response to the DMA, Apple has made concessions to its App Store policies, allowing developers to distribute apps directly to consumers and set up alternative app marketplaces.

How will Apple’s changes impact mobile app developers in Europe?

Apple’s changes present both opportunities and challenges for developers. They can now distribute apps directly to consumers, set up alternative app marketplaces, and have more control over user experience and pricing. However, developers must also comply with Apple’s terms and conditions, pay a new “core technology fee,” and manage security and user experience across multiple distribution channels.

What is the “core technology fee,” and how does it affect developers?

Apple has introduced a “core technology fee” of 50 euro cents per user account annually, which applies even if developers choose not to use the App Store or Apple’s payment system. This fee may impact the financial viability of certain app business models, particularly for smaller developers with limited user bases.

How can developers adapt to direct app distribution and alternative app marketplaces?

To successfully adapt, developers should focus on creating a seamless and secure user experience on their websites, curate their app offerings to align with target audiences, build strong brand recognition, and collaborate with other developers or complementary app marketplaces. They must also maintain compliance with Apple’s authorization requirements.

What are the potential long-term effects of Apple’s concessions on the mobile app ecosystem in Europe?

In the long term, these changes could lead to increased competition, innovation, and consumer choice. The App Store’s dominance may be eroded, leading to a more fragmented but diverse app ecosystem. App prices could decrease, and new monetization models may emerge. However, the impact on app quality and security remains to be seen.

Could similar regulatory actions be taken in other regions, following the DMA’s impact in Europe?

Yes, the success of the DMA in reshaping the mobile app landscape in Europe could inspire similar regulatory actions in other regions, such as the United States, where concerns about the market dominance of large technology companies are growing. Developers should stay informed about potential changes in other regions and be prepared to adapt their strategies accordingly.

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App Store Review Process and Timeline Thu, 05 Oct 2023 19:11:05 +0000 App Store Review Process and Timeline After reading this article, you’ll: Gain a comprehensive understanding...

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App Store Review Process and Timeline

After reading this article, you’ll:

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of how the App Store review process operates, including compliance with guidelines and what happens during the human review stage, facilitating a smoother app submission.
  • Learn about the common reasons that can cause delays and rejections in the app review process, such as inadequate review information and privacy violations, enabling you to preemptively address potential hurdles.
  • Acquire strategies for effectively managing delayed reviews and rejected submissions, using feedback constructively, and engaging with the App Review team through the Resolution Center to navigate through challenges and towards successful app approval.

App Store Review Process and Timeline

The App Store review process is a critical phase that every app developer undergoes when introducing a new application to the public via Apple’s platform. Navigating this process involves a thorough understanding of Apple’s guidelines, meticulous preparation of the app, and keen attention to detail during the submission process. This article elucidates the intricacies of the review process, common pitfalls, and effective strategies for ensuring a smooth and timely app review, enhancing your ability to get your app into the hands of users promptly.

How the App Store Review Process Works

Launching an app on the App Store entails more than just development. The App Store review process is designed to ensure that the apps available to users adhere to certain quality, functionality, and content standards, providing an optimal user experience and maintaining the platform’s credibility.

Compliance With Guidelines

To sail smoothly through the App Store review process, adherence to the App Store Review Guidelines is paramount. Apple places a strong emphasis on user privacy, functionality, content appropriateness, and overall quality. Apps must respect user data, offer valuable and glitch-free functionality, contain content suitable for the intended age group, and provide a stable and intuitive user experience. The guidelines encompass several aspects, including app functionality, data usage, in-app purchases, and more, all of which must be meticulously addressed to avoid submission hurdles.

Human Review Stage

Once an app is submitted, it undergoes a human review stage, where real people on Apple’s App Review team evaluate the application against the established guidelines. This stage is crucial, as reviewers not only employ an automated system but also manually interact with the app to ensure it functions as described, does not contain prohibited content, and offers genuine value to users. The human review component adds a layer of scrutiny that machines might miss, focusing on usability, value, and adherence to guidelines from a user’s perspective, thereby safeguarding the quality of apps on the App Store.

Common Reasons for Delayed App Store Review Time and Rejections

Navigating through the App Store’s review process can sometimes be a winding path, often resulting in unforeseen delays or outright rejections. Understanding some of the common pitfalls that app developers encounter during this process can offer invaluable insights, enabling a smoother journey from app submission to approval.

Missing/Inadequate Review Information

Providing thorough and accurate review information is pivotal for aiding the App Store’s reviewers during the evaluation process. Missing or inadequate information can stall the review as it leaves the team with insufficient context to understand and validate the app’s functionality and intent. It’s vital to offer clear instructions, login credentials (if applicable), and detailed notes regarding any specific aspects that the review team should be mindful of during their assessment. This aids in facilitating a smooth and swift review, eliminating potential delays arising from ambiguity or a lack of clarity.

Missing/Inadequate Metadata Information

Metadata serves as the storefront of your app on the App Store, offering prospective users a glimpse into what your application entails. Not only does it need to be compelling, but it also must adhere to Apple’s guidelines. Incomplete or improper metadata, such as unrepresentative screenshots, misleading descriptions, or inappropriate keywords, can serve as a roadblock in your app’s approval process. Ensuring that all metadata accurately represents your app’s functionality, adheres to content guidelines, and is presented in a polished, professional manner is crucial in avoiding review hiccups.

Unfinished or Buggy Apps

Submitting a refined, bug-free app is not merely a suggestion but a requisite for App Store approval. Apps that crash, contain unresolved bugs, or offer an unsatisfactory user experience are prime candidates for rejection. Developers are advised to rigorously test their apps across various devices and operating system versions to ensure stability and reliable performance. Leveraging beta testers and addressing any technical glitches before submission can significantly enhance your app’s chances of sailing through the review process unimpeded.

Privacy Violations

Apple places a colossal emphasis on user privacy, and any breach or potential risk in this domain is treated with utmost seriousness. Violating user privacy, either through unauthorized data access, lack of a clear privacy policy, or improper data handling, will unequivocally result in rejection. Ensuring that your app strictly complies with data protection laws, transparently communicates data usage to users, and employs robust security measures to safeguard user information is pivotal in aligning with Apple’s stringent privacy standards.

How to Handle Delayed Reviews and Rejected App Store Submissions

Encountering delays or rejections during the App Store review process can be disheartening, but it’s pivotal to approach such situations with a constructive and proactive mindset. For delays, ensure all provided review information is clear and comprehensive, and consider reaching out to App Review via Resolution Center for status updates or clarification.

In cases of rejection, scrutinize the feedback provided by the review team, addressing each point with meticulous attention and ensuring your resubmission thoroughly adheres to all cited guidelines. Leveraging the Resolution Center to seek clarity, ask questions, and potentially appeal decisions is also a strategic approach. Remember, clear communication, adherence to feedback, and a problem-solving outlook are crucial in navigating through review challenges and achieving eventual approval.

Successfully ushering an app through the App Store review process demands a fusion of meticulous preparation, rigorous app testing, and stringent adherence to Apple’s multifaceted guidelines. Understanding common pitfalls and strategically addressing any arising issues during the review is pivotal to expedite the journey from submission to approval.

Remember that every hurdle offers a learning opportunity to refine your app, aligning it more closely with user needs and App Store standards, thereby enhancing its potential for success upon release. Arm yourself with knowledge, patience, and a proactive approach to navigate the app review process with finesse and efficiency.

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FinTech and the Future of Crypto Tue, 01 Mar 2022 16:00:57 +0000 Perhaps it was a natural expansion of the cryptocurrency boom. Popular digital cryptocurrency options like...

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Perhaps it was a natural expansion of the cryptocurrency boom. Popular digital cryptocurrency options like Bitcoin or Dogecoin are an increasingly accepted form of payment for real-world items. This additional form of spending power moves cryptocurrency beyond a part of an investment portfolio. 

 People with cryptocurrency investments have a digital wallet that holds electronic coins. They use the digital wallet to transfer or trade the coins for goods or services through an online exchange platform. However, cryptocurrency like Bitcoin isn’t widely accepted, and in some ways, it is cumbersome (and potentially cost prohibitive) to use. So, it might come as something of a surprise that cryptocurrency has found its way into real estate.

Cryptocurrency and the relationship with home mortgages are in their infancy. However, as a matured financial app development firm we believe we have a sense of what’s to come. Two such companies recently tested the waters of cryptocurrency and its viability to secure a home mortgage loan. Milo, a Miami-based mortgage company, launched a full-fledged cryptocurrency service. Using Bitcoin as collateral, Milo qualified applicants for 30-year mortgage loans. It may not be long before other markets see crypto-backed mortgage loans, like what we’re seeing in New York City.

 Another company curious about cryptocurrency’s potential, United Wholesale Mortgage, briefly piloted payment of home mortgage loans using crypto in late 2021. The experiment didn’t last long as they paused the program indicating that the demand did not meet the need.

 Is this a new frontier for purchasing a home that early adopters or the financially adventurous will embrace? Or is it better to take a wait-and-see approach? Let’s take a look. 

What is Cryptocurrency?

In the simplest terms, a
 cryptocurrency, like Bitcoin, is about trust. This statement might seem counterintuitive given the market volatility for cryptocurrency. However, the confidence comes from what supports cryptocurrency: the blockchain.

 The blockchain is essentially non-corruptible digital record keeping. It uses cryptographic technology, where the blockchain is a virtual ledger. Instead of a company or government maintaining this record, the blockchain ledger uses extensive computer networks that verify transactions. The ledger is visible to anyone that cares to look, thereby creating trust in its authenticity and validity.

 Understanding how the blockchain works, the concept of using cryptocurrency with home mortgage loans doesn’t seem that far of a stretch. Crypto-backed loans function similarly to a standard securities loan. In place of a car as collateral, cryptocurrency is the asset to back the loan. 

Mortgages of Tomorrow 

Milo is one of the first companies to consider an applicant’s cryptocurrency assets when deciding on a home mortgage loan. Instead of applicants cashing in their crypto investments for down payments, Milo decided to accept Bitcoin as collateral. This option saves the applicant from potential tax liabilities that come with selling Bitcoin. Nor would they miss out should Bitcoin continue to increase in value.

 Several factors appeal to people using their cryptocurrency investments for loans. Crypto loans typically offer better interest rates than traditional loans and are often lower than credit card rates. Crypto loans don’t require a credit check, which appeals to people who own cryptocurrency and have poor or no credit. When approved, funding for crypto-backed loans happens in hours rather than days or even weeks.

 The meteoric rise in cryptocurrency – particularly bitcoin – continues altering the financial landscape. It was inconceivable for home mortgage lenders to consider crypto as part of an application a few years ago. Today, adding crypto as an asset could be the difference in how much an applicant can borrow. It may even be the difference in getting approved for a loan at all.

A Healthy Dose of Uncertainty

Volatility remains perhaps the biggest obstacle to cryptocurrency’s acceptance within the real estate mortgage industry. Over the last two years, Bitcoin’s value has
fluctuated between $11K to $66K at its peak. Even with these peaks and valleys, the daily fluctuation isn’t much better.

 Cryptocurrency remains largely unregulated. This pattern is typical for technology as advances and innovation outpace regulations and legislation. Some countries are closer to adopting regulations that may bring stability to the market. However, there aren’t many widely accepted cryptocurrency regulations globally.

 Currently, the demand for cryptocurrency as an alternative means to secure a mortgage loan isn’t very high. Perhaps that’s because cryptocurrency isn’t a common investment for many people.


Volatility, lack of regulation, and minimal demand make it difficult for companies to rely on cryptocurrency to determine a mortgage loan. While regulations with cryptocurrency lag behind the technology, legislation in the US does classify owning crypto as property.

 Using crypto to pay a monthly mortgage bill could be taxable. If there is a difference between the initial cost of cryptocurrency and the market value spent or sold, this could incur capital gains tax. This tax would be in addition to other taxes and fees associated with converting crypto to spendable cash.

 Using cryptocurrency to secure or pay for a home mortgage loan is a future that is rapidly becoming a reality. Dogtown Media understands crypto and mobile applications. We offer a free consultation for you to see how we can bring your mobile crypto applications to the hands of your customers.


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Would You Let Google’s AI Make Phone Calls for You? Mon, 14 May 2018 15:00:29 +0000 As tech companies integrate new developments in artificial intelligence (AI) into their products and voice...

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mobile app developer

As tech companies integrate new developments in artificial intelligence (AI) into their products and voice assistants, public backlash is to be expected. Often, these large companies don’t consult with “regular consumers” before proceeding to build out nearly the whole product.

This can result in missteps during the release that could have easily been avoided if approached from the perspective of an actual user. One such new product is Google’s Duplex.

Is AI Too Human Already?

The Duplex is an AI assistant that can make calls for you. It was the big reveal of this year’s Google’s I/O developer conference held in Mountain View, right outside of San Francisco. It uses DeepMind’s new WaveNet audio-generation technique, amongst other technologies, to create a very realistic, human-sounding voice. The company went as far as to add “umm” and “uhh” into the flow of speech like a normal human would during a conversation.

The technology gives a new meaning to “robocalls”; without regulation, AI can and will evolve rapidly to become something out of a dystopian scifi movie. In a blog post written by two Google engineers working on the Duplex, Yaniv Leviathan and Yossi Matias emphasize, “It’s important to us that users and businesses have a good experience with this service, and transparency is a key part of that. We want to be clear about the intent of the call so businesses understand the context.”

The Duplex isn’t ready to be released just yet, and after the conference, Google may have a few other aspects to iron out. The demo has caused the general public to feel more uncomfortable than impressed. Mainstream consumers were disturbed that the Duplex didn’t identify itself as a robot before proceeding to have a conversation with a human. This type of deception and trickery definitely needs to be kept in check.

Treading the Uncanny Valley

After the public outcry, Google released a statement that clarified that they “understand and value the discussion around Google Duplex—as we’ve said from the beginning, transparency in the technology is important. We are designing this feature with disclosure built-in, and we’ll make sure the system is appropriately identified. What we showed at I/O was an early technology demo, and we look forward to incorporating feedback as we develop this into a product.”

The company hopes to use Duplex to lower language barriers, promote time away from our devices, and safeguard against spam calls. But to do that, Google will have to strike the right balance between human and machine with their new innovation.

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Why Are So Many Countries Banning Telegram? Fri, 11 May 2018 17:00:45 +0000 When Edward Snowden accused the NSA of spying on American citizens, user trust in apps,...

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When Edward Snowden accused the NSA of spying on American citizens, user trust in apps, websites, and the government was irreparably damaged. In fact, it feels like more users are distrusting of government surveillance and social media.

Telegram is a popular messaging app that was borne out of distrust for governments and server authorities. With over 200 million users, the app has transformed its fair share of sympathizers into a substantial user baser. Unfortunately, this popularity has also earned the app the attention of governments around the world. And they’re not exactly big fans.

Time of Tensions

The app’s developer, Russian-born Pavel Durov, was once dubbed “Russia’s Mark Zuckerberg” for creating a wildly-popular website similar to Facebook for Russian citizens. Durov is traveling the world in self-exile now due to clashes with Putin’s government. He is said to have fled the country with $300 million on him. After getting some privacy from his homeland’s government, Durov began programming Telegram for users who wanted more security and privacy in their messaging.

But when you’re talking about securing a method of communication that governments rely on for tracking terrorists and potential attacks to domestic soil, it’s easy to understand why Telegram would get blocked in countries that openly surveil their citizens.

Iran and Russia are two governments that are currently stopping users from using Telegram. Citizens are protesting, and rightfully so: the Internet has created a freedom unlike any ever seen before. Anyone can access the web, and anyone can browse any public site. But Iran and Russia cite national security as the main reason for blocking the app; the Islamic State uses Telegram to organize terrorism plots, spread propaganda, and communicate with foreign governments.

How Secure Is Telegram, Really?

Telegram utilizes end-to-end encryption, like WhatsApp and Signal, other messaging competitors developed in San Francisco. But Telegram also uses its own secure messaging protocol (“MTProto”) that critics say is questionable in robustness, security, and bugs.

“Nobody quite knows how it works, and a lot of the security analysis that has been done of it suggests that it’s not as secure as some people think it is,” says cybersecurity expert Alan Woodward. The app “also leaks a lot of metadata — so who’s calling whom, when, for how long, that type of thing — which can be just as useful for intelligence organizations,” he says. Its competitor, Signal, leaks barely any information.

Slowing Down the Inevitable

Despite the embroilment in governments and politics, Durov emphasizes that Telegram is not a political tool; it’s a tech service that offers peace of mind for its users. While tech and politics are like oil and water sometimes, this is one instance where policies could be enacted by governments simply for selfish and political gain.

Regardless, just because you squash a supply doesn’t mean you stop the demand. The people utilizing Telegram in these countries will eventually find another way to fulfill their communication needs. Perhaps this is a problem that needs to be addressed in other ways besides impeding the use of technology.

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This High Schooler’s AI App is Rapidly Advancing Visual Search Fri, 11 May 2018 15:00:28 +0000 A high school senior’s app for detecting and identifying objects is putting Google and Apple...

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A high school senior’s app for detecting and identifying objects is putting Google and Apple to shame. Michael Royzen, the mastermind AI developer behind the app, created a tool that is not only accurate, fast, and easy to use, but better than the fierce competition from many tech titans.

Taking Advantage of Edge Computing and AI

The app uses Wikipedia and Amazon, along with a local image and description database that Royzen scraped himself. It can identify more than 17,000 objects. Although it’s not perfect, the app is already better than what Google and Apple have attempted to release (or not attempted at all).

Named “SmartLens”, the app does its job well in most cases. Sometimes, it can trip itself up, but it does arrive to the correct conclusion quite often. The app takes advantage of recent smartphone and computing advancements. Royzen, a Seattle-based developer, says, “With the several past generations of smartphones containing desktop-class processors and the advent of native machine learning APIs that can harness them (and GPUs), the hardware exists for a blazing-fast visual search engine.”

Since the database is stored locally, everything happens offline. It doesn’t need a cell network or Internet connection to analyze an object, so it happens on the device itself (called “edge computing”), within a couple of seconds. Royzen trained several neural networks using entire days of AWS’s EC2 computing engine. The app also reads text on books, labels, and a host of other things. It takes the identified text to Amazon to return a URL and description. If you’re connected to the Internet, Wikipedia links are added into the mix.

A Taste of What’s to Come

The idea of the app is natural, given how search engines and search bars operate these days. Incorporating the implementation into your phone’s camera for everyday, every-object use would further improve its performance, since the app trains itself to learn and re-learn. Some UI updates, like adding a confidence indicator or related objects section, would boost the app’s value and quality more.

Royzen says, “Visual search is still a niche, but my goal is to give people the taste of a future where one app can deliver useful information about anything around them — today. Still, it’s inevitable that big companies will launch their competing offerings eventually.”

But that doesn’t intimidate Royzen: “My strategy is to beat them to market as the first universal visual search app and amass as many users as possible so I can stay ahead (or be acquired).” SmartLens is on the way to becoming the foremost AI-enhanced visual recognition app, and Google and Apple have a long way to go to compete.

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Google Is Spending a Lot to Take the Smart Home Throne From Amazon Thu, 10 May 2018 15:00:14 +0000 Experts predict approximately 244 million smart home devices will be active by 2022. That’s a huge...

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Experts predict approximately 244 million smart home devices will be active by 2022. That’s a huge leap from the 24 million bought in 2016. Currently, Amazon has an astounding 68% share of the smart home speaker market. That’s not a lot of room for Google and Apple to split between each other.

But even in the face of these figures, Google isn’t going down without a fight.

A Strategic Shift

The smart home system is expected to grow leaps and bounds as the Internet of Things develops. But as Amazon entrenches itself as the name synonymous with “smart home,” Google’s window to establish the same reputation is closing. Without a change in their marketing approach, AI assistant, and product quality, Google will irreversibly fall behind the Seattle-based developer.

In February, Nest changed its strategic position within Alphabet, Google’s parent company. Alphabet removed Nest as a separate business and integrated it into Google’s hardware department. Nest employees work alongside the Google Home and Google Assistant teams, striving to create a much more cohesive, well-rounded product.

Realizing Potential Takes Patience

Rick Osterloh leads Google’s hardware division. He says, “All of Google’s investments in machine learning and AI, they can very clearly benefit Nest products. It just makes sense to be developing them together. It’s the natural thing to evolve to.”

In Q1 of 2018, Nest brought in $726 million in revenue. But with its expenses totaling $621 million, Alphabet only earned a little over $100 million from its investment in Nest. For the time being, Google can afford to continue investing in Nest; its advertising model is generating more income than ever. But Google won’t stay patient for much longer, especially with Amazon’s continued increase in sales.

The Battle for Your Home

Although Google’s spending time, effort, and money on other products, like the Google Pixel, which is pitted against Apple, no one expects the Pixel to overtake the iPhone in sales. The Pixel simply came into the game way too late to make any sort of large impact on consumers. In the arena of smart home speakers combined with machine learning, AI, and the Internet of Things, the player who can seamlessly connect all of these features will be the toughest to beat.

Amazon hasn’t fully taken over the market yet, and most consumers don’t utilize a smart home speaker or system in their current living situation. So if Google (or any startup) wants to take the reins, it’s now or never.

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Amazon’s Secretive Smart Home Robots Could Be in Your Home Soon Thu, 03 May 2018 15:00:45 +0000 Amazon’s expanding its lineup of smart home products. They recently rolled out a web app...

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Amazon’s expanding its lineup of smart home products. They recently rolled out a web app that allows you to create custom Alexa greetings, responses, workflows, and more. The tech giant is also allegedly working on a smart home robot. Amazon has been extremely secretive about details surrounding the new smart home robots.

The Future of… Chores?

We do know that San Francisco-based developer Lab126 is working on the robots. The company is effectively Amazon’s hardware research and development department. The robot project, codenamed “Vesta”, could possibly launch for sale in 2019.

Vesta began a few years ago, and Amazon has been hiring more talent for the Lab126 department since January. Although there has been a lot of speculation surrounding the project, it’s still unknown what needs the robot will actually fulfill.

It could possibly integrate with Echo, which runs Alexa. Or it could be a robot that takes care of chores like laundry or cleaning at predesignated times. We know that the robot uses advanced cameras and computer vision like autonomous cars do.

Speculation & Imagination

Amazon stated that it “doesn’t comment on rumors and speculation.” It’s hard to imagine the limits for a mobile robot combined with the AI powering Alexa. But that’s probably exactly what the tech titan wants.

Amazon keeping this project shrouded in secrecy actually functions as a superb marketing tactic; the mystery is keeping the public guessing. There are many unanswered questions, like “Will it be able to climb multiple floors?”, “Can it throw together a quick meal?”, or “Will it be able to clean up baby and pet stains?” Maybe it will be able to do all of these things.

Put People Before Profit

Right now, that doesn’t seem like too farfetched of a feat for Amazon to pull off. The company is constantly setting a higher bar for record-high profits. But it does seem to come at the cost of many of its employees. Since 2013, seven employees have died working in the Amazon warehouses.

With many employees alleging ridiculous performance quotas, low wages, and even inadequate amount of time to go to the bathroom, it seems the tech titan has some room for improvement in its own quarters. Hopefully, Vesta can lend a helping hand.

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Mosquito-Packed Drones Are Taking On the Zika Virus Tue, 01 May 2018 15:00:53 +0000 Every year, mosquito-related diseases kill several million people, according to the World Health Organization. Brazil,...

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Every year, mosquito-related diseases kill several million people, according to the World Health Organization. Brazil, in particular, was hit with the Zika epidemic in 2015 and 2016. The virus manifests itself by creating birth defects in babies.

To combat this growing threat, scientists are releasing sterile mosquitoes into the environment, theorizing that, eventually, the Zika virus-carrying mosquitoes will become sterile and die out after intermingling with this new population.

Drones to the Rescue

Unfortunately, the methods surrounding the release of sterile mosquitoes have largely been time-consuming and labor-intensive. Additionally, some areas cannot be reached because of poor road conditions or flooding.

The U.N.’s International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) worked with the U.N.’s Food and Agriculture Organization and non-profit WeRobotics to formulate a creative solution. The result was a drone application developed with healthcare in mind. In a test, the group released almost 280,000 mosquitoes in northeastern Brazil with specially-adapted drones.

Jeremy Bouyer is an IAEA scientist. He was happy with the results: “Using the drone, to treat 20 hectares, it only took us five minutes,” he says. The test, hailed as a success by the U.N., will advance the drones to the next stage – releasing millions of sterile mosquitoes over Brazil to counteract the Zika virus. Specifically, Brazil planned to release almost a million mosquitoes per week for three months in late 2017 or early 2018, during the peak of mosquito season.

Adam Klaptocz, co-founder of WeRobotics, says “As far as I know, this is the first time that such a large amount of mosquitoes have actually been successfully released from a drone.”

“Before we had no way to release mosquitoes by air. But now, with the use of drones, this is a breakthrough as it allows mosquitoes to be released on a large scale and it reduces the cost a lot,” adds Bouyer.

Worldwide Usage

Klaptocz said the group plans to continue improving the drone, which is bought “off the shelf” and modified. The software is also getting optimized to increase the number of mosquitoes on each drone flight. He says, “We are providing the way of releasing very large amounts of mosquitoes into the environment in a scalable and efficient way.”

The scalability of the project is certainly promising; Thailand, Greece, Singapore, and Montenegro have requested trials of sterile mosquito releases also. “You can reduce the mosquito population over time and suppress the next generation of mosquitoes by up to 99 percent,” says Bouyer.

It’s undeniable that these results are awesome. Drones have provided a unique avenue of aid in emergencies before, most notably during Hurricane Harvey, which devastated Houston last August. As the technology becomes more developed and refined, expect to see a plethora of new ways that drones can help humanity out.

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In Light of Recent Backlash, Facebook Revenue Surges Mon, 30 Apr 2018 15:00:04 +0000 Although new information keeps popping up about the Cambridge Analytica scandal involving Facebook’s data, the...

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Although new information keeps popping up about the Cambridge Analytica scandal involving Facebook’s data, the social media giant’s profits are surging.

Facebook’s Faltering… Or Is It?

Recently, it came to light that Facebook signed a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) with Aleksandr Kogan. Kogan, the data scientist and app developer involved in the Cambridge Analytica scandal, spilled the beans about it while testifying in front of UK parliamentarians.

Kogan created an app revolving around a quiz, called “This Is Your Digital Life”. It harvested players’ Facebook data in addition to their friends’ data. The data was then given to political research firm Cambridge Analytica. The London-based company used the data to run political campaigns on Trump’s platform to sway users’ political opinions.

The NDA wasn’t known about until just last week. Why wasn’t it brought up by Mark Zuckerberg in front of Congress? Or released through a press release drafted up by Facebook’s best legal and PR employees? The document, signed in early 2016, makes Kogan promise that he won’t misuse the data he scraped from the platform. Facebook alleges they enforced the NDA requirement after he provided records showing he deleted the data.

Is Kogan a Scapegoat?

After The Guardian wrote about the app and Kogan in 2015, it was removed from Facebook’s app marketplace. The company then allegedly requested that Kogan delete any data he still had. He says, “They asked us to delete the data, and then certify that we deleted the data, and we went through that process and deleted the data as best we could, and checked every way we could. That was done during the first half of 2016.”

Facebook’s Vice President of Product says, “In hindsight, we should have followed up to confirm he had deleted the information, as well as notified the people impacted — both of which are now happening.”

Kogan only confirmed the existence of the document, but he did not comment any further. His lawyer passed him a note, and Kogan said, “You’ll have to ask Facebook,” when a politician questioned him. Kogan claims he’s the scapegoat for Facebook and Cambridge Analytica.

Is Facebook Too Big to Fail?

Regardless of this recent controversy and all of the other ones since the 2016 presidential election, Facebook recently reported a quarterly per-share profit of $1.69, an increase from $1.04 the prior year. Revenue spiked by almost 50 percent, reaching $11.97 billion. A year ago, net income was $3.06 billion. This has risen by 63 percent to a new value of $5 billion.

In light of all the scandals, these numbers obviously exceeded analysts’ expectations. Right now, it seems like Facebook will live through all of these current troubles to fight another day. And if the figures say anything, it’s also stronger than ever before. 

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