Apple | Dogtown Media iPhone App Development Tue, 25 Jun 2024 17:46:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Apple | Dogtown Media 32 32 Navigating Apple’s App Store Changes in Europe for Mobile App Developers Tue, 12 Mar 2024 20:55:28 +0000 After reading this article, you’ll: Comprehend the significance of Apple’s concessions in response to the...

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After reading this article, you’ll:

  • Comprehend the significance of Apple’s concessions in response to the European Union’s Digital Markets Act (DMA) and their potential impact on the mobile app development landscape in Europe.
  • Identify the new opportunities and challenges faced by developers, including direct app distribution, alternative app marketplaces, and compliance with Apple’s updated guidelines and requirements.
  • Gain insights into the potential long-term effects of these changes on the app ecosystem, such as increased competition, innovation, and the possibility of similar regulatory actions in other regions.

Navigating Apple's App Store Changes in Europe for Mobile App Developers

Apple’s recent concessions in the European Union, made in compliance with the Digital Markets Act (DMA), mark a significant shift in the company’s approach to its App Store ecosystem. These changes, which allow developers to distribute their apps directly to consumers and set up alternative app marketplaces, have the potential to reshape the mobile app development landscape in Europe.

The DMA, aimed at creating a level playing field for smaller rivals and fostering competition, has compelled Apple to make these long-resisted changes. As a result, mobile app developers now face new opportunities and challenges in distributing their apps and engaging with users. This article will explore the implications of Apple’s concessions, the potential impact on App Store economics, and strategies for developers to navigate this new landscape effectively.

The European Union’s Digital Markets Act and Apple

The Digital Markets Act is a groundbreaking piece of legislation introduced by the European Union to rein in the power of large technology companies, often referred to as “gatekeepers.” The DMA aims to create a fairer and more competitive digital market by preventing these gatekeepers from abusing their dominant positions and ensuring that smaller rivals have an equal opportunity to thrive.

Under the DMA, companies like Apple, Amazon, Google, and Microsoft are required to comply with a set of rules designed to level the playing field. These rules include allowing users to install apps from alternative sources, ensuring interoperability between platforms, and providing fair access to key platform features.

In response to the DMA, Apple has announced several changes to its App Store policies in Europe. Beginning this spring, software developers in Europe will be able to distribute their apps directly to consumers through their own websites, bypassing the App Store. This move marks a significant departure from Apple’s long-standing policy of requiring all app downloads to go through its App Store.

Additionally, Apple will allow developers to set up alternative app marketplaces that offer a catalog solely made up of the developer’s own apps. This change provides developers with more control over their app distribution and the ability to offer customized user experiences.

However, it is important to note that developers must still meet Apple’s terms and conditions and be authorized to distribute their apps. Apple has also introduced a “core technology fee” of 50 euro cents per user account each year, even if developers choose not to use the App Store or Apple’s payment system.

These changes demonstrate Apple’s efforts to comply with the DMA while still maintaining some level of control over the app ecosystem. As the DMA continues to shape the digital landscape in Europe, it remains to be seen how these changes will impact the mobile app development industry and the relationship between Apple and developers in the long run.

What Apple’s Changes Mean for Developers

Apple’s concessions in response to the Digital Markets Act introduce significant changes for mobile app developers in Europe. These changes present both new opportunities and potential challenges that developers must navigate to succeed in this evolving landscape.

Direct distribution of apps to consumers via developers’ websites

One of the most notable changes is the ability for developers to distribute their apps directly to consumers through their own websites. This means that developers no longer have to rely solely on the App Store to reach their target audience. 

By offering apps for download on their websites, developers can have more control over the user experience, pricing, and promotional strategies. This direct distribution model also allows developers to build stronger relationships with their users and gather valuable insights without the restrictions imposed by the App Store.

Introduction of a “core technology fee” by Apple

While the ability to distribute apps directly to consumers is a welcome change, Apple has introduced a new “core technology fee” that developers must pay. This fee, set at 50 euro cents per user account annually, applies even if developers choose not to use the App Store or Apple’s payment system. 

The impact of this fee on developers will depend on factors such as the size of their user base and the revenue generated from their apps. Developers will need to factor in this additional cost when planning their pricing and revenue strategies.

Ability for developers to set up alternative app marketplaces

Another significant change is the ability for developers to set up alternative app marketplaces that showcase their own apps. This allows developers to create tailored app ecosystems that cater to specific niches or user preferences.

By curating their own app marketplaces, developers can have greater control over app discovery, promotion, and user engagement. This change opens up new possibilities for developers to differentiate themselves and build brand loyalty among their target audience.

However, setting up and maintaining an alternative app marketplace comes with its own set of challenges. Developers will need to invest in the necessary infrastructure, security measures, and user support to ensure a smooth and reliable experience for their users. They will also need to comply with Apple’s terms and conditions and obtain the necessary authorizations to operate their marketplaces.

Opportunities and Challenges for Developers

Apple’s concessions in response to the Digital Markets Act present both opportunities and challenges for mobile app developers in Europe. As the industry adapts to these changes, developers must carefully consider how to leverage the new possibilities while navigating the potential obstacles.

The potential for increased competition and innovation

One of the most significant opportunities arising from Apple’s changes is the potential for increased competition and innovation in the mobile app market. With the ability to distribute apps directly to consumers and set up alternative app marketplaces, developers now have more freedom to experiment with new business models, pricing strategies, and user experiences.

The reduced reliance on the App Store could lead to a more diverse and vibrant app ecosystem, as developers can target specific niches and cater to the unique needs of their target audiences. This increased competition could drive innovation, as developers strive to differentiate themselves and offer compelling value propositions to users.

The ability to establish direct relationships with users through website downloads and alternative app marketplaces could foster closer collaboration between developers and their user communities. This direct engagement can lead to more responsive and user-centric app development, as developers can gather valuable feedback and insights to inform their product roadmaps.

Challenges in meeting Apple’s terms and conditions

While the new opportunities are exciting, developers must also navigate the challenges of meeting Apple’s terms and conditions. Despite the changes, Apple still maintains control over the app ecosystem and requires developers to adhere to its guidelines and obtain necessary authorizations.

Developers will need to carefully review and comply with Apple’s requirements for direct app distribution and alternative app marketplaces. This may involve additional administrative work and potential legal considerations to ensure compliance. Failure to meet these terms and conditions could result in developers losing their authorization to distribute apps or facing other penalties.

Additionally, developers must consider the cost implications of the new “core technology fee” introduced by Apple. This fee, charged annually per user account, could impact the financial viability of certain app business models, particularly for smaller developers with limited user bases.

Security considerations and user experience management

As developers explore direct app distribution and alternative app marketplaces, they must also prioritize security considerations and user experience management. With greater control comes greater responsibility, and developers will need to invest in robust security measures to protect user data and prevent unauthorized access to their apps.

Developers must also ensure that their website download process and alternative app marketplaces provide a seamless and user-friendly experience. This includes implementing secure payment systems, providing clear instructions for app installation, and offering reliable customer support.

Managing the user experience across multiple distribution channels can be challenging, as developers need to maintain consistency and quality while tailoring their approaches to different user preferences and behaviors. This may require additional resources and expertise in user experience design, customer support, and platform management.

Apple’s changes present developers with exciting opportunities to innovate, compete, and engage directly with their users. However, these opportunities come with challenges, including compliance with Apple’s terms and conditions, financial considerations related to the core technology fee, and the need to prioritize security and user experience management. By carefully navigating these challenges and leveraging the new possibilities, developers can position themselves for success in the evolving mobile app landscape in Europe.

Navigating the New Landscape

As mobile app developers in Europe adapt to the changes brought about by Apple’s concessions, there are several strategies they can employ to navigate this new landscape effectively.

Tips for developers on adapting to direct distribution

To successfully transition to direct distribution, developers should focus on creating a seamless and user-friendly experience on their websites. This includes optimizing the download process, providing clear instructions, and ensuring compatibility across different devices and operating systems.

Developers should also invest in robust security measures to protect user data and prevent unauthorized access to their apps. Implementing secure payment systems and regularly updating their apps to address potential vulnerabilities are crucial steps in maintaining user trust.

Additionally, developers should consider leveraging analytics and user feedback to gain insights into user behavior and preferences when downloading apps directly from websites. This data can inform marketing strategies, user experience improvements, and future app development decisions.

Strategies for utilizing alternative app marketplaces effectively

To make the most of alternative app marketplaces, developers should carefully curate their app offerings to align with the specific needs and interests of their target audiences. This may involve creating specialized app bundles, offering exclusive content, or providing personalized recommendations.

Developers should also focus on building strong brand recognition and loyalty within their app marketplaces. This can be achieved through consistent branding, engaging app descriptions, and compelling visual assets that showcase the unique value proposition of their apps.

Collaborating with other developers or partnering with complementary app marketplaces can also help expand reach and attract new users. By cross-promoting apps and leveraging shared marketing efforts, developers can tap into new audiences and drive increased downloads.

Maintaining compliance with Apple’s authorization requirements

To maintain compliance with Apple’s authorization requirements, developers must stay up-to-date with the latest guidelines and regulations. This involves regularly reviewing Apple’s developer documentation, attending relevant webinars or workshops, and seeking legal counsel when necessary.

Developers should also establish internal processes and procedures to ensure consistent compliance across their app development and distribution activities. This may include implementing quality assurance checks, maintaining detailed documentation, and providing regular training to team members.

By proactively addressing compliance requirements and maintaining open lines of communication with Apple, developers can minimize the risk of losing their authorization or facing other penalties.

The Future of Mobile App Development in Europe

Apple’s concessions in response to the (DMA) are likely to have far-reaching effects on the mobile app ecosystem in Europe. In the long term, these changes could lead to increased competition, innovation, and consumer choice.

As more developers embrace direct distribution and alternative app marketplaces, users may become more accustomed to downloading apps from a variety of sources. This shift in consumer behavior could erode the App Store’s dominance and create a more fragmented but diverse app ecosystem.

The increased competition could also drive down app prices and encourage developers to experiment with new monetization models, such as subscriptions or in-app purchases. This could ultimately benefit consumers by providing more affordable and flexible app options.

However, the long-term impact on app quality and security remains to be seen. With a more open app ecosystem, there may be a greater risk of malware or low-quality apps infiltrating the market. Developers and platform operators will need to remain vigilant in maintaining high standards and protecting user interests.

Potential for similar regulatory actions in other regions

The success of the DMA in reshaping the mobile app landscape in Europe could inspire similar regulatory actions in other regions. As concerns about the market dominance of large technology companies continue to grow, other jurisdictions may look to the DMA as a model for promoting competition and innovation.

In the United States, for example, there have been ongoing discussions about the need for antitrust regulation in the technology sector. The DMA’s impact in Europe could bolster arguments for similar measures to be introduced in the US and other markets.

As regulatory scrutiny of large technology companies intensifies globally, mobile app developers should stay informed about potential changes in other regions and be prepared to adapt their strategies accordingly.

Apple’s concessions in response to the DMA mark a significant shift in the mobile app development landscape in Europe. By embracing the opportunities presented by direct distribution and alternative app marketplaces, while navigating the challenges of compliance and security, developers can thrive in this new environment. As the long-term effects of these changes unfold, the potential for increased competition, innovation, and consumer choice could reshape the future of mobile app development in Europe and beyond.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the Digital Markets Act (DMA), and how does it affect Apple’s App Store?

The Digital Markets Act (DMA) is a European Union legislation aimed at creating a fairer and more competitive digital market by regulating large technology companies, or “gatekeepers.” In response to the DMA, Apple has made concessions to its App Store policies, allowing developers to distribute apps directly to consumers and set up alternative app marketplaces.

How will Apple’s changes impact mobile app developers in Europe?

Apple’s changes present both opportunities and challenges for developers. They can now distribute apps directly to consumers, set up alternative app marketplaces, and have more control over user experience and pricing. However, developers must also comply with Apple’s terms and conditions, pay a new “core technology fee,” and manage security and user experience across multiple distribution channels.

What is the “core technology fee,” and how does it affect developers?

Apple has introduced a “core technology fee” of 50 euro cents per user account annually, which applies even if developers choose not to use the App Store or Apple’s payment system. This fee may impact the financial viability of certain app business models, particularly for smaller developers with limited user bases.

How can developers adapt to direct app distribution and alternative app marketplaces?

To successfully adapt, developers should focus on creating a seamless and secure user experience on their websites, curate their app offerings to align with target audiences, build strong brand recognition, and collaborate with other developers or complementary app marketplaces. They must also maintain compliance with Apple’s authorization requirements.

What are the potential long-term effects of Apple’s concessions on the mobile app ecosystem in Europe?

In the long term, these changes could lead to increased competition, innovation, and consumer choice. The App Store’s dominance may be eroded, leading to a more fragmented but diverse app ecosystem. App prices could decrease, and new monetization models may emerge. However, the impact on app quality and security remains to be seen.

Could similar regulatory actions be taken in other regions, following the DMA’s impact in Europe?

Yes, the success of the DMA in reshaping the mobile app landscape in Europe could inspire similar regulatory actions in other regions, such as the United States, where concerns about the market dominance of large technology companies are growing. Developers should stay informed about potential changes in other regions and be prepared to adapt their strategies accordingly.

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How Apple Vision Pro Will Change Healthcare and Healthcare Apps Thu, 15 Feb 2024 20:18:00 +0000 After reading this article, you’ll: Grasp the transformative potential of Apple’s Vision Pro in healthcare,...

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After reading this article, you’ll:

  • Grasp the transformative potential of Apple’s Vision Pro in healthcare, from revolutionizing medical education with immersive training to enhancing patient care through AR-guided procedures and virtual care spaces.
  • Recognize the innovative applications of Vision Pro in telehealth, offering more natural and engaging virtual consultations, and its role in making healthcare more accessible to remote, rural, and mobility-challenged patients.
  • Understand the importance of ethical considerations, privacy protection, and the integration of AI and big data to fully leverage Vision Pro’s capabilities in healthcare, ensuring patient well-being remains the paramount concern.

Apple Vision Pro for Healthcare

Apple recently unveiled its first foray into spatial computing devices with the Vision Pro headset. Retailing for $3,499, this lightweight headset contains over 12 cameras plus multiple motion sensors to enable advanced augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) displays. Key features include high resolution screens providing a 120-degree field of view, precise tracking of hand/controller movements, realistic 3D audio, and innovative eye and scene tracking. This allows Vision Pro to seamlessly blend virtual elements with the physical environment. Additionally, Vision Pro leverages powerful on-board computing with Apple’s latest M2 processors.

With these robust capabilities, Vision Pro stands to greatly expand the usefulness and accessibility of immersive XR technologies. The precision of its inputs and visualization unlocks new ways for people to interact with digital content. Its portability enables virtual collaboration from almost anywhere. And its lifelike graphics open doors for more engaging user experiences compared to current smartphone or computer offerings.

The Potential to Revolutionize Healthcare

Apple Vision Pro’s blend of portability, visual fidelity and intuitive controls makes it uniquely suited to innovate healthcare. By leveraging these spatial computing strengths, Vision Pro can transform medical education, enhance diagnosis/treatment, improve patient care, pioneer telehealth options, and make healthcare more accessible. 

From VR surgery simulations to AR-guided procedures to immersive virtual care spaces, Vision Pro promises to change how medical students train, how doctors diagnose, how staff deliver care, and how patients receive treatment. This headset could democratize healthcare access in ways previously unimaginable. Essentially, Apple Vision Pro harbors tremendous potential to revolutionize medicine through innovative healthcare applications and new care delivery methods. Let’s dive into the various ways that the Vision Pro may improve healthcare.

​​Transforming Medical Education and Training

Apple Vision Pro can provide medical students with more engaging, interactive ways to learn anatomy, physiology, and pathology. Its 3D visualizations and AR overlays allow students to manipulate detailed anatomical models, visualize blood flow through organs, see muscular movements, and walk through body systems. Such immersive environments promote deeper learning and information retention compared to static textbooks. Students also gain spatial understanding of anatomy that better prepares them for clinical practice.

New Platforms for Surgical Training Simulations

Simulating surgery is essential for developing surgical skills, but current methods have limitations. Vision Pro’s precise tracking and haptic feedback controllers open the door for highly realistic VR surgical simulations. Students can practice full operations from start to finish, gaining experience in complex procedures before operating on real patients. Repeatable simulations also allow for targeted skill development. Vision Pro provides the visual fidelity and physical interaction to take surgical simulations to the next level.

Continuing Education in VR Environments

By attending lifelike VR conferences and demonstrations, physicians can more easily fulfill continuing education requirements. Vision Pro allows them to immerse themselves in specialty medical environments to learn new techniques, devices, and best practices. These VR CME courses connect physicians to thought leaders around the world—an eminently scalable educational model as headsets become more widespread. Continual learning is essential for today’s doctors, and Vision Pro can make this learning more convenient and impactful.

Enhancing Diagnosis and Treatment

Vision Pro could allow physicians to view a patient’s vital signs, test results, medical history, and other records within their field of vision during exams. This means critical data is always available at a quick glance without looking away from patients. Doctors can also pull up reference materials without disrupting conversations or procedures. This leads to more focused patient interactions, informed diagnoses, and reduced mistakes.

Overlaying Medical Imaging onto Real-World Vews

During surgery or other procedures, Vision Pro can potentially overlay CT scans, X-rays, or ultrasound imaging onto a physician’s view of the patient. This provides vital anatomical context and guidance to locate tumors, navigate delicate structures, or find optimal access points. Layering 2D screen information onto 3D patient space promotes precise intervention with smaller incisions and reduced risk.

Guiding Complex Surgical procedures with AR Visualizations

Vision Pro could allow surgeons to see graphical guides aligned to the patient, including target locations, incision planes, and subsurface structures. This real-time AR assistance improves precision and safety for involved operations like tumor removal or implant placement. 

With critical anatomy visible despite obstructed lines of sight, Vision Pro reduces reliance on external displays and makes challenging surgeries more straightforward. Doctors gain superhuman visual perspectives that would otherwise require years more training.

Improving Patient Care and Experiences

Vision Pro can transport hospital patients to comforting VR environments during treatments, procedures, or recovery. Immersive virtual worlds help distract patients from the pain, anxiety, and boredom associated with healthcare visits. Relaxing VR scenes engage multiple senses to promote relaxation as alternatives or supplements to pharmaceuticals. Patients feel more at ease, and healthcare staff can better focus on delivering care.

Allowing Bedridden Patients to Virtually Explore Outside World

For long-term patients unable to leave their hospital beds, Vision Pro offers a temporary escape. With the headset on, patients can simulate adventures like scuba diving, space travel, or exploring new cities from bed. This ability to virtually transport patients expands entertainment options to combat isolation and despair. Vision Pro can greatly improve mental well-being, outlook, and even physical therapy compliance.

Reducing Appointments through At-Home VR Diagnosis and Monitoring

Telehealth appointments allow patients to communicate symptoms and participate in exams from home. However, restrictions around diagnostic peripherals limit assessable conditions. With its array of onboard sensors, Vision Pro enables more thorough remote diagnoses–checking vital signs, assessing balance/coordination, evaluating sight, etc. 

Patients skip commutes for minor concerns, while doctors make better use of in-person time. At-home self-monitoring via Vision Pro also helps patients manage chronic illnesses between appointments. Convenience and continuity of care both stand to improve.

Innovating Telehealth and Accessibility

Vision Pro empowers more immersive telehealth consultations between doctors and patients. Lifelike AR avatars projected in place of 2D video create a stronger sense of presence during virtual visits. More natural eye contact and body language foster better conversations and observational assessments. Doctors can also overlay patients with anatomy diagrams, reference models, or other visual aids that are not possible on screens. Overall, Vision Pro unlocks the next evolution of telemedicine.

Overcoming Mobility Challenges through VR Healthcare Access

For homebound patients, traveling to appointments can be enormously difficult. Vision Pro allows them to virtually attend consults, group therapy sessions, and other care visits from their homes. Patients also explore assistive/adaptive technology and accessibility options through VR. By dissolving transportation barriers, more patients get care tailored to their lifestyles and abilities. Virtual accessibility amplifies inclusion for those with limited mobility.

Monitoring Rural/Remote Patients in Real-Time through AR

Vision Pro lets physicians monitor rural and remote patients through two-way AR video feeds. Doctors view patients in context, performing tasks or showing environments factoring into health conditions. This visual perspective and real-time communication support better-informed treatment plans catered to patients’ home settings. Patients also avoid lengthy travel to big hospitals/clinics. Vision Pro thus expands critical healthcare access for traditionally underserved communities.

Future Outlook

While the potential of Vision Pro for healthcare is clear, certain hardware constraints must still be addressed. Continued ergonomic improvements to weight, fit, battery life, and heat dissipation will maximize comfort and usability for long procedures. Maintaining hygienic conditions is also critical, including interchangeable facial interfaces and antimicrobial coatings. Lastly, while Vision Pro is the most affordable high-end AR/VR solution, lowering costs will help scale adoption across varied healthcare settings.

Role of AI and Big Data Integration

As immersive technologies advance, integrating them with artificial intelligence (AI) and big datasets will further enhance capabilities. AI can help automatically surface relevant patient data, predict postoperative risks, recognize anatomical patterns, and generate real-time guidance overlays. Processing population health records promises to uncover diagnostic insights and personalized treatment options. Combining Vision Pro’s visualization with data-driven intelligence promises to push medicine to new frontiers.

Potential Ethical Concerns around Privacy and Behavior Manipulation

While exciting, Vision Pro also raises ethical questions about health data privacy and manipulating behavior/perceptions. As sensitive patient information flows between headsets, stringent cybersecurity and access controls grow in importance. Transparency around if/how Vision Pro environments subtly direct users is critical. Apple’s license agreement bans data collection without consent, but continued oversight is prudent as immersive healthcare evolves. Patient wellbeing must remain the top priority.

Handling inevitable challenges responsibly will help Vision Pro promote health equity and quality of life on an unprecedented scale. This technology’s healthcare impact depends on an ethical, patient-first approach.

Working with an App Developer on a Healthcare App for Apple’s Vision Pro

Developing an innovative healthcare application for Apple’s Vision Pro headset requires finding an app development partner with specialized expertise in spatial computing. Carefully vet potential candidates to ensure competency developing for Vision Pro specifically, including optimizing VR and AR visualizations for the hardware’s capabilities. Look for examples of other physician-grade healthcare apps they have launched showcasing compliance with privacy regulations and 3D visualization proficiency.

Discuss accessibility commitments at length as well, guaranteeing the implementation of alternative voice control options, text alternatives, and other adaptable interface elements that are usable even for those with disabilities. Explore their agile, collaborative process for continually enhancing and supporting apps post-launch. Successful medical software must evolve along with clinical best practices. Overall, the right Vision Pro healthcare developer will fuse technical prowess, design talent, regulatory awareness, and medical user-centricity to transform your ideas into platforms that improve patient lives. With rigorous partner evaluations, you can feel empowered to push spatial computing healthcare innovation to the next level.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Apple Vision Pro for Healthcare

FAQ 1: How does Apple’s Vision Pro transform medical education and training?

Answer: Apple’s Vision Pro revolutionizes medical education by providing immersive learning experiences, enabling students to interact with detailed anatomical models in 3D and conduct realistic virtual reality surgical simulations. This approach enhances understanding, retention, and hands-on practice, preparing students more effectively for clinical practice.

FAQ 2: In what ways can Vision Pro enhance the diagnosis and treatment processes?

Answer: Vision Pro enhances diagnosis and treatment by integrating critical patient data into the physician’s field of vision during exams and overlaying medical imaging like CT scans directly onto their view of the patient. This seamless integration of data and real-time AR visualizations aids in precise interventions, informed decision-making, and improved patient outcomes.

FAQ 3: How does Vision Pro improve patient care and experiences?

Answer: Vision Pro offers novel ways to improve patient care by utilizing VR distraction therapy to alleviate pain and anxiety, enabling bedridden patients to virtually explore the outside world, and facilitating more thorough at-home diagnosis and monitoring through its advanced sensors. These applications contribute to better mental well-being and compliance with treatments.

FAQ 4: What role does Vision Pro play in innovating Telehealth and accessibility?

Answer: Vision Pro introduces more immersive and interactive telehealth consultations, using lifelike AR avatars to enhance the sense of presence and facilitate better communication between doctors and patients. It also makes healthcare more accessible by allowing homebound and mobility-challenged patients to attend virtual consultations, thus overcoming traditional barriers to care.

FAQ 5: What are the potential ethical concerns associated with Vision Pro’s application in healthcare?

Answer: The main ethical concerns involve ensuring the privacy and security of sensitive health data transmitted through the device and avoiding any manipulation of patient behavior or perceptions. Apple emphasizes the importance of consent and transparency in data collection, but ongoing oversight is essential to maintain trust and prioritize patient well-being in the expanding use of immersive technologies in healthcare.

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Apple’s Revolutionary XR Headset and iOS 17 Unveiled at WWDC 2023 Wed, 14 Jun 2023 15:00:30 +0000 At the prestigious 2023 Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC), Apple’s visionary announcement stole the limelight: the...

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At the prestigious 2023 Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC), Apple’s visionary announcement stole the limelight: the introduction of the Apple Vision Pro, an exceptional XR (mixed reality) headset. A groundbreaking move in the VR and AR headset arena, the Vision Pro is slated to push the limits of spatial computing and offer an unrivaled user experience. As an industry leader in iOS app development, the team at Dogtown Media is keenly interested in this revolutionary leap in the VR and AR headset market. The Vision Pro is expected to redefine the boundaries of spatial computing and provide an extraordinary user experience, opening up new opportunities for Dogtown Media’s app development services.

Apple WWDC

Digging Into the Hardware

The Vision Pro highlights Apple’s meticulous attention to design and details. With a curved OLED outer display, the headset features three-element lenses capable of supporting 4K resolution. Audio pods are subtly embedded within the band, alongside a comprehensive sensor suite to track hand and body movement. An external battery pack can be comfortably kept in your pocket, facilitating prolonged use without the nuisance of an unwieldy device.

Moreover, the headset sports a sizable digital crown akin to the Apple Watch. This feature allows users to modulate their immersion level, seamlessly fusing the digital with the physical world.

Internally, the Vision Pro is propelled by Apple’s powerful M2 chip, used in their top-tier computers. A new R1 chip processes the inputs from the headset’s multiple cameras and sensors, assuring a performance free of latency.

Software Innovations

Operating on the new VisionOS, the Vision Pro leverages iOS frameworks, a 3D engine, foveated rendering, and other inventive software aspects. The operating system is specifically designed for spatial computing, transforming the Vision Pro into more than just an entertainment device.

The interface can interpret hand gestures and voice commands, creating a significant departure from conventional input methods like the mouse and keyboard. Further enhancing the user experience, the Vision Pro’s internal cameras track facial motion, thereby revolutionizing video chatting apps like FaceTime.

Ensuring Security and Privacy

Apple introduces an extra security layer, the Optic ID, with the Vision Pro. Optic ID uses your eyes as an optical fingerprint for authentication, and with all camera data processed at the system level, privacy remains a core focus.

Exploring the Applications

Apple envisions the Vision Pro as a versatile tool for work-from-home and travel use-cases, as well as a display for Macs in professional settings. The device accommodates Apple’s Magic Keyboard and Trackpad, allowing for unlimited virtual windows.

Additionally, the Vision Pro’s advanced 3D cameras can capture spatial photos, creating immersive experiences with binaural audio. This feature promises to transform the way we view movies and other media. Disney CEO Bob Iger supported this vision, teasing interactive 3D experiences on Disney Plus exclusively for Vision Pro users.

Final Thoughts

While the Vision Pro carries a substantial price tag of $3,499, it represents Apple’s audacious step towards the future of XR. Its potential to reshape our interaction with digital media and the environment around us is vast, hinting at a revolution in spatial computing.

The Vision Pro’s future, however, will ultimately depend on the experiences of users and developers as they dive into its possibilities. Until then, anticipation for Apple’s first new product in nearly a decade remains high, with the tech world eagerly waiting for the shipping date early next year.

In addition to the Vision Pro, Apple unveiled iOS 17 at WWDC 2023. The latest version of Apple’s mobile operating system brings a plethora of new features and improvements designed to enhance the user experience.

New Features

Communication Apps

Apple has revamped the Phone app by adding the ability to create personalized contact posters that appear when a contact calls. Voicemails can now be viewed with live transcriptions. The Messages app has been updated with search filters and automatic transcriptions for voice messages.


In a significant addition to AirDrop, the new NameDrop feature enables iPhone users to share their contact information with other iPhone users effortlessly. This function extends to the Apple Watch as well.


Apple introduced a new app named Journal, which acts as a secure space for personal memories. It uses on-device machine learning to make personalized suggestions based on your photos, activities, locations, music, workouts, and more.


StandBy, a unique feature in iOS 17, transforms an iPhone into an alarm clock when it’s charging and oriented horizontally. This mode presents a large, easily viewable clock face, calendar, and music controls.


In a significant tweak to its voice assistant, iOS 17 allows users to activate Siri just by saying “Siri,” eliminating the need for the previously required “Hey Siri.”

Offline Maps

A much-anticipated feature of iOS 17 is the capability to use Apple Maps offline. This addition is especially useful for users in areas with poor network reception or those trying to conserve battery life.

The changes and new features of iOS 17 are centered around improving communication, personalizing user experience, and enhancing the efficiency of existing features. The update is set to roll out later this year.

Apple’s announcements at the 2023 WWDC, including the high-end Vision Pro XR headset and the innovative iOS 17 update, reflect the company’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of technology and providing users with a uniquely personalized and intuitive experience. As we await the roll-out of these products, the anticipation continues to build, fueling conversations and speculations about the transformative potential of Apple’s latest offerings.

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Apple Finds Security Threat: What Now? Fri, 19 Aug 2022 20:00:39 +0000 Thursday, August 18th 2022, Apple released an emergency security update that aimed to patch a...

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Thursday, August 18th 2022, Apple released an emergency security update that aimed to patch a serious security vulnerability putting certain iPhone, iPad and Mac products at risk of fraudulent attack. Quickly after identifying the vulnerability, Apple disclosed the issue and rapidly released a safeguard patch to the Apple products that were at risk. 

Apple, known as an unlikely target for today’s cyber attacks, first sounded the alarm when developers identified the potential for an application to execute an arbitrary code with “kernel privileges”. This vulnerability gave cyber attackers an entry point, and a platform to execute code within the security perimeter of today’s most trusted Apple devices. However, the challenges don’t stop there. 

Following a thorough analysis, Apple identified a second issue that provided a second entry point for attackers. Here, an Apple WebKit, also known as a layout engine was identified to possess a security vulnerability, or secondary entry point-a hacker’s paradise. Apple said it was “aware of a report that this issue may have been actively exploited.” The issue could allow a potential attacker to take complete control of these devices.

As a premiere iPhone App Developer recognized as one of the top San Francisco-based app development firms, we’re dedicated to staying on top of the latest trends in the app development space, making this a critically important story to follow.

What are Apple Users To Do?

Of course, millions of Apple users are now asking themselves “what should I do to stay protected?” Experts that assess security vulnerabilities have categorized which devices require the Apple update. The list of devices is as follows: The iPhone 6 and later models; several models of the iPad, including the 5th generation and later, all iPad Pro models and the iPad Air 2; and Mac computers running MacOS Monterey. The vulnerabilities also affect the iPod Touch 7th generation models.

And for those that choose not to update their compromised Apple device? The threat is substantial. Apple notes that these vulnerabilities can give hackers full administrative access to the device, allowing them to execute any action as if they were the actual user of the phone. This statement comes from Rachel Tobac, CEO of SocialProof Security, in the midst of this Apple vulnerability scare.

Rachel goes on to note”people who are in the public eye,” such as activists or journalists who might be the targets of sophisticated nation-state spying, Tobac said.

Has This Happened Before?

Unfortunately, there are many hacker organizations that have been trying to crack the Apple “code” for decades. For instance, the commercial spyware company known as Israel’s NSO Group are one such group known for identifying and taking advantage of such flaws. In identifying and exploiting these vulnerabilities,NSO Group will surreptitiously infect targets’ smartphones, siphons their contents and surveys the target’s information in real time. This comes at a time when everyone is on the lookout to limit their exposure to security risks. 

To curb some of the attacks staged by the NSO Group, the U.S commerce Department had blacklisted the organization as of Jan 2020. The United State govt has taken a hard stance on limiting the accessibility of sensitive information, and has staged a full blown cyber initiative to ensure government agencies are uniquely protected against the attacks put on by these malicious actors.

Security researcher Will Strafach said he had seen no technical analysis of the vulnerabilities that Apple has just patched. The company has previously acknowledged similarly serious flaws and, in what Strafach estimated to be perhaps a dozen occasions, has noted that it was aware of reports that such security holes had been exploited.

What Does This Mean for Organizations Looking to Bring an App to the Market?

For organizations looking to bring an app to the marketplace, this should act as a humbling reminder to proceed with appropriate caution. Unfortunately, organizations seem to be caught between  rock and a hard place when it comes to development. On one hand, there is a market urgency to bring applications and solutions to the market quickly, However, on the other hand, there is the impending reality that haste can and will expose security vulnerabilities if an organization isn’t careful. 

What then is an organization to do? Well, in our humble opinion, working with a seasoned professional development firm, one that prioritized a security-first development practice is critically important. 

We believe that partnering with a strategic partner to bring your app from ideation to fruition is the only way to adequately limit risk while developing in a manner than meets the needs of today’s fast-paced market. 

Interested in learning more? Contact one of our trusted account managers today

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Apple’s AirTag and Unwanted Tracking Mon, 07 Mar 2022 16:00:03 +0000 When Apple released the AirTag tracking device in early 2021, it provided answer to the...

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When Apple released the AirTag tracking device in early 2021, it provided answer to the challenge of losing items. AirTags merged nicely with the native Find My application, installed on nearly every Apple device. And as a prominent iPhone app developer,

The concept is simple: provide a way for people to keep track of their essential items with a small disc integrated into Apple’s extensive network. AirTags do just that and provide Apple users with a competitive option to similar products such as Tile or the Samsung SmartTag.

 AirTags nefarious use to stalk unsuspecting people isn’t an entirely unexpected byproduct of a tracking device that works well. This problem is not new simply because AirTags are now on the market. Similar issues faced Tile and SmartTag before AirTags hit the market. The main difference is the breadth and scope of Apple products and their network, including major tech hubs like San Francisco.

 Apple does more to combat privacy violations than many of its competitors. Apple knew of potential vulnerabilities before AirTags debuted. Recent changes that attempt to stop unwanted tracking include how AirTags notifies unsuspecting people. Is it enough?

How AirTags Work

Apple’s AirTags are an easy way for people to keep track of their items. The thin disc, designed to fit into pockets, backpacks, or wallets, works seamlessly with Apple devices. Attachments hold the AirTag and can hang from things, such as keychains.

 Through the native Find My app, the AirTag plays an audible sound to help locate an item when an item is lost. No matter where the lost possession is, the distance and direction show up on an iPhone that leads the person to the lost item.

 AirTags work using Bluetooth by sending out signals that nearby Apple devices detect. Using iCloud and location, people find the AirTag on the map. AirTags talk to the millions of Apple devices connected to the Find My network.

 The entire process keeps data anonymous and encrypted. When a person tags an item as lost, the Find My network locates the AirTag and notifies the owner. Any Apple device used to help locate the lost item does not store the information and keeps the AirTag information anonymous.

AirTags and Unwanted Tracking

The ease of use with AirTags opened the door for people with unsavory intent to easily track and stalk unsuspecting people. As simple as it is for someone to place an AirTag in their purse or wallet to keep track of it, a bad actor can do the same to follow that person digitally. AirTags are slim and unobtrusive by design, so it isn’t difficult to attach one to the wheel well of a car, behind a license plate, or other out-of-sight locations.

 The potential for AirTags usage in unintended ways wasn’t lost on Apple when they first hit the market. An AirTag found near a person, but it didn’t belong to them, sent an audible chime to alert the person. This alert happened after three days of being separated from the original owner.

 However, three days is an eternity for someone unaware of a stalker. For those stuck in an abusive relationship, an AirTag used to track their every move would reset once it came within range of the owner. The person may never know that an AirTag follows their every move.

 At launch, only a person with an Apple device would get an alert that an AirTag was with them. This isolation left Android users with no means to identify an AirTag used for unwanted tracking. However, late last year, Apple released a tracker detect app for Android that closed this loophole.

AirTag Privacy Updates

Apple does more than most competitors to combat unwanted tracking and privacy violations. Recent updates to AirTag make it easier for people to detect unwanted tracking. One significant change is the notification window of an unknown AirTag. This update shifted the time frame from three days to a period of 8-to-24-hours when a chime sounds.

 AirTags come with a serial number, which is useful as it helps Apple work with law enforcement to track down the original owner. Serial numbers are not part of the update as this feature shipped with AirTag’s debut. However, Apple identified areas for improvement working with law enforcement agencies. The AirTag serial number remains integral to that relationship.

 Planned future software updates include a more precise location of an unknown AirTag. In addition to an audible sound, a visual alert will display on a person’s device. And louder tones will make the AirTag easier to locate.


Privacy concerns are ever-present with software and internet of things devices. Apple’s AirTags are no different. However, the steps to prevent misuse and privacy violations are amongst the most proactive in the industry.

 Dogtown Media understands the importance of privacy and personal safety. Whether your next app takes advantage of tracking devices or not, we put privacy and user concerns at the forefront of our mobile application development. Take advantage of our free consultation to see if we can meet your next mobile application requirements.

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Can AI Save Climate Change? Thu, 24 Feb 2022 16:54:58 +0000 Technological advancements change many aspects of our lives. Sometimes technology can have a global impact....

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Technological advancements change many aspects of our lives. Sometimes technology can have a global impact. Most of the time, when we think about world-changing technology, we aren’t talking about the planet. Maybe we should. The path to a solution for some of our climate change challenges may reside with advanced technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI).

 Science and climate technology experienced significant advances over the last few decades. With these advances comes a massive amount of climate data. Climate scientists, meteorologists, and climatologists analyze this data to understand the impact of climate change better. They create advanced weather models and better prediction tools. However, leveraging AI and Machine Learning to aid this effort is a newer concept. 

 Some may still debate whether humans are responsible for significant changes in the global climate. However, it is hard to dispute the Earth’s changing climate. Disruptions to historical weather patterns, an uptick in dangerous weather, and melting glaciers are but a few data-proven climate changes. As a prominent Los Angeles iPhone app developer, we intimately understand the potentially devastating impact of climate change.

 No matter the side of the debate, we can leverage technology to understand climate change better and discover ways to reduce the impact of climate change.

AI and Climate Science

AI, and its subset of machine learning, have the power to analyze data and images at a speed and scale beyond human capabilities. From this analysis comes better prediction models and algorithms to detect patterns. These results help make informed decisions, find efficiencies, or solve complex problems. When applied to the challenges of climate change, AI and machine learning prove exceptionally beneficial. 

 Partnerships between data science and climate science create a new dynamic to combat climate change. Until recently, climate scientists relied on information collected from simulations and observations, which followed predetermined rules. With AI, and specifically machine learning, the data and imagery collected from around the planet feed into AI learning models. The process uses machine learning to ‘train’ algorithms using large amounts of climate-based datasets.

 Successful implementations of AI and climate change nationally include Japan and Brazil. Japan employs AI as an early warning against natural disasters. In the Amazon, AI monitors and predicts deforestation.

 When applied to climate change, advances in AI and machine learning create exciting opportunities for companies to innovate. Kayrros is one such example. They are a data analytics company that provides insight into climate risk by monitoring energy, natural resource, and industrial markets.

AI’s Use to Reduce Carbon Emissions

Of all the ways that AI could positively impact climate change, the goal of zero-carbon emissions may be the best bet. Many world governments and leaders across global economies pledged a goal of net-zero carbon emission by 2050. This pledge is a needed yet ambitious objective to bring
global energy-related carbon dioxide emissions to a net-zero solution.

 The energy sector will have the most significant impact on the success or failure of this goal. Electric power produces 25% of greenhouse gases worldwide. Using AI to gain efficiencies by optimizing energy grids is a short-term application that could provide immediate benefits. AI can integrate and increase the use and efficiency of renewable energy sources combined with current energy grids.

 AI solutions return immediate benefits on a slightly smaller scale. The successful application of AI to operate commercial buildings’ heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) is one such example. On average, nearly 50% of a commercial building’s energy usage comes from HVAC systems, with more than half going to waste. Large warehouses, factories, or industrial centers see significant cost savings and emissions reduction from AI-controlled HVAC operations.

Potential Diminishing Returns Using AI

The energy and carbon emissions to power AI on the scale needed could be counterintuitive. Some analysis predicts that the data centers used to power AI could consume
upwards of 25% of the world’s electricity.

 However, large tech companies are aware, and some have taken steps to mitigate the impact.  Google successfully deployed AI to mitigate excessive heat loss. Partnering with DeepMind to develop an AI recommendation system, AI systems control data center cooling. The results produced a near-immediate 30% energy savings.


Applying AI and machine learning could be a turning point against climate change. The collaboration of data science and climate science is still in the early stages. However, the positive impact already felt by AI’s use to run the heating and cooling of commercial buildings is a reality today. 

 AI and machine learning applications focused on combating climate change that impacts the environment are a field brimming with opportunities. If you or your company have a climate-focused idea for an AI or machine learning application, Dogtown Media is your partner to develop and deploy it. Take advantage of our free consultation to see how we can partner together to positively impact the environment.


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What to Watch Out for at Apple’s WWDC Thu, 03 Jun 2021 16:07:00 +0000 The Apple Worldwide Developers Conference or WWDC has been a staple event in the world...

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The Apple Worldwide Developers Conference or WWDC has been a staple event in the world of technology releases. Remembered for years of iconic technology reveals and keynote speeches for the notorious Steve Jobs, WWDC seems to hold a special place in every developer’s and Apple enthusiast’s heart.

Fortunately for us, another WWDC is right around the corner. Set to take place from June 7th to June 11th, we’re already hearing rumors of exciting releases and things to look forward to! And if you were worried about snagging a ticket, don’t worry. Just like last year, WWDC is going to be held virtually due to the on-going global health crisis just as we saw in 2020. To the benefit of all your Apple fans, in previous years WWDC tickets typically run for $1,599, however, since it’s being held virtually, it’s going to be free for all developers and attendees.

For us here at Dogtown Media, we couldn’t be more excited to see what takes pace at WWDC in the coming days.

What to Watch out for at WWDC

Of course just like last year WWDC is jam-packed with  digital booths, keynote speeches, design challenges, exclusive WWDC 2021 apparel, software releases and more! So, for those of you interested to know what to look for in WWDC, let’s dig in.  

All Things Apple Development

First and foremost, attendees have access to so many resources. Through the digital booths, attendees will be able to learn about different Apple-centric products, updates, and more. For instance, this year Apple is helping attendees tailor their digital WWDC experience around their unique preferences. Whether they are looking to learn more about Apple SwiftUI, Accessibility, Inclusion or other areas Apple is focusing on, attendees will have access to a tailored experience that highlights their interests and suggest specific booths or talks to attend. At the end of the day, as always WWDC is jam-packed with resources, so get ready for a ride.

Software Rumors

Every year there are tons of reveals related to software updates and releases. Today, we know that Apple is working on new software versions of iOS 15, iPadOS 15, watchOS 8, tvOS 15, and macOS 12. Of course, there is tons of information floating around in the rumor mill as to what these software releases will provide, however, there seems to be some good information around a couple features offered in iOS 15. 

Per MacRumors Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman, iOS 15 will include an updated Lock Screen, plus new privacy and notification features. Of course privacy and notification features are great, but as we all know this is most likely only scraping the surface of what will be included in iOS 15. Another report states that iOS 15 will offer a food tracking capability. This, to our current understanding suggests that users looking to watch their nutritional intake can have a better grasp on what foods they are eating. 

Lastly, if you love iMessage, get ready because it seems that there is a big update coming for iMessage in iOS 15. Unfortunately, this release is being kept pretty tightly under wraps, so we’re also eagerly awaiting what will come next for iMessage.


Now, in the days leading up to WWDC Apple posted a job listing that referenced “homeOS”. To date, there is no such thing as homeOS released from Apple, so it’s gotten the internet thinking that we should see a new OS release, specifically homeOS, during WWDC. Of course, immediately after the internet blew up about homeOS Apple removed the term and replaced it with “HomePod and tvOS” without making any official statements regarding the buzz. Our guess is that there should be some very interesting home related releases come June 7th.

MacBook Pro

For those of you out there wishing for a MacBook release, this might be your year. Recently rumors circulated that Apple plans to introduce a new 14-inch and 16-inch MacBook Pro. Now, for those of you who really follow WWDC, you’ll know that a MacBook Pro release hasn’t surfaced at WWDC since 2016. So, we’ll be keeping a keen eye out for any talk of a MacBook Pro release as we get closer to the date. Per MacRumors”

The new MacBook Pros will feature the most radical redesign to the MacBook Pro lineup since 2016. Apple is planning to reintroduce the MagSafe port, and the 2021 MacBook Pro models will feature an HDMI port and an SD card reader in addition to a trio of Thunderbolt/USB-C ports, and multiple color options are a possibility.”

Moving Forward

Hopefully this brief overview of what to expect at WWDC has provided some exciting information to get you prepared for WWDC. Of course, we don’t have access to the inside scoop, but this should get you started as we get ready for the kick off of WWDC on June 7th. If you have any exciting information regarding WWDC we would love to hear from you in the comments below and we’ll be sure to stay on top of any new updates that surface between now and the start of WWDC.

Excited for WWDC? Let us know what you’re most excited to see in the comments below! Also, if you’re looking to connect with a development house, be sure to give a look at the extensive services we provide! 

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Why You Should Upgrade to iOS 13 Right Now Mon, 04 Nov 2019 16:00:13 +0000 When it comes to technology, maintenance is always better than repair. This is especially true...

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When it comes to technology, maintenance is always better than repair. This is especially true with iPhone app development; failing to stay up-to-date means you risk losing your user base and becoming obsolete.

On the other hand, updating your mobile app pays off in spades. By delivering a faster, optimized experience, you’ll keep your audience coming back for more and future-proof your initial investment so more users can discover your product.

Apple recently released iOS 13 for iPhone and iPod touch. With a plethora of new features and capabilities, this iOS update has something to offer everyone, whether they’re a consumer or enterprise. Read on to see why you should upgrade to iOS 13 as soon as possible.

iOS 13 Is Already Taking Over the World

If there’s one thing to know about iOS users, it’s that they love embracing new technology. Each iOS update sees faster adoption rates than the previous iteration. Case in point: By September 3rd, 2018, 85% of active Apple devices were using iOS 11. Less than a year later, on August 6th, 2019, Apple revealed that 88% of users were running iOS 12.

iOS 13 is no exception to this rule. Although it was only released on September 19th this year, it has taken over the lion’s share of iPhone users: 50% of all iPhone devices are already using iOS 13!

While this ratio is certainly impressive, it’s really just the beginning for iOS 13. This update is compatible with 15 Apple devices (iPhone 6S or iPhone SE or newer). On top of this, Apple’s reach has been consistently growing across both consumers and enterprise organizations. So you can expect to see iOS 13’s adoption metrics grow rapidly over the next few months.

New Features, Limitless Possibilities

We’ve been tinkering with iOS 13’s new features at our Los Angeles-based development HQ for quite some time leading up to its release. Here are some of our favorite features!

Faster Speed, Better Battery Life

Perhaps the first thing you’ll notice after installing iOS 13 is how fast it is. Apps should launch approximately twice as fast as before! That’s due to app downloads and updates being optimized to become 50% and 60% smaller, respectively.

Unlocking with Face ID is also roughly 30% faster and more seamless. This feature’s field of view is now wider, so you can even unlock your iPhone while it’s on your desk without ever having to lift it up.

Because the new iOS 13 platform is smarter at charging (it curtails power input at the right times), you should also notice better battery life for your phone.

“Picture Perfect” Is the Standard for iOS 13

Apple’s Camera and Photos apps both received a ton of new features in iOS 13.

Portrait mode in the Camera app now offers more customizable lighting effects so you can increase or decrease lighting intensity. There’s also a new “High Key Mono” mode available.

The Photos app upgrade brings a mix of robust editing tools that allow you to tweak aspects like contrast, noise reduction, and shadows. These editing capabilities also work for video (which you can now rotate!), and you can even edit photos without replacing or destroying your Live Photo properties.

iOS 13 makes it easier to navigate through your photos. By leveraging machine learning, the Photos app can automatically declutter your photos and remove duplicates. The Photos app also has a new “Photos” tab which gives you a new way to browse your images. You can scrub by years, months, and days to find thumbnails of your images and videos organized by events and time.

iOS 13 is Easy on the Eyes with Dark Mode

Dark Mode has finally arrived with iOS 13. By inverting white and light colors for black and dark grays, it’s much less eye-straining than the standard presentation. Dynamic Dark Mode allows you to change between light and dark in accordance with the sun rising and setting.

Not only can dynamic wallpapers change according to the time of day, but widgets do as well. Native iOS apps like Messages, Photos, and Notes all come with built-in support for this new feature.

Reminders Gets a Revamp

Reminders received a huge overhaul with iOS 13. Now, as you type reminders, it will try to guess when to remind you. Siri will also try to identify which words you want to make actionable. If your reminders contain any names, it will remind you about these in Messages. Lastly, Reminders now allows for attachments and can sort much better than before.

Prioritizing Privacy and Rock-Solid Security

Numerous new privacy and security features come with iOS 13. Users with the new update can now employ system-wide location tracking protection. You also now have the capability to give an app permission to use location “just once.” Alternatively, if you permit an app to always use location, iOS will now provide detailed reports on this activity.

Apple also added “Sign in with Apple,” which utilizes Face ID to start a new account with revealing personal information. You can now hide information like email thanks to this feature. Apple will create a random email that forwards any received messages to your actual email address. Of course, you can always disable these random emails if need be.

Shortcuts to Automation

Instead of having you download the Shortcuts app, it now comes built-in to every device running iOS 13. The Shortcuts app now has an Automation tab which allows you to create both personal and home automation sequences based on triggers. For example, you can set up an Automation to tell you the day’s weather when you turn off your alarm after waking up.

Adapt and Get Ahead With iOS 13

We hope you’ve enjoyed this rundown of some of our favorite iOS 13 features. Don’t let your app languish and fall behind. Business is all about adaptability. At Dogtown Media, we pride ourselves on building the mobile future. Work with us to make your iOS app a part of it!

This list of new features barely scratches the surface of iOS 13’s potential — covering all of the new capabilities ranging from a smoother-sounding Siri to new Memojis would take quite a few more blog posts. If you have questions about specific aspects or benefits, contact our team of hardened techies today for a free consultation!

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Apple’s Heart Study Shows the Future of Wearables Is Healthcare Mon, 29 Apr 2019 15:00:28 +0000 The future of healthcare involves a combination of technologies that must work collaboratively to improve...

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The future of healthcare involves a combination of technologies that must work collaboratively to improve the patient’s health. These technologies include artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), and wearables, among other innovations. And wearables are already taking the lead.

Wearables by Apple and Fitbit work remotely to log your steps, keep a record of your exercise history, and monitor ongoing issues. This keeps patients healthier and lowers healthcare costs over time. In the future, these wearables will send progress reports to your doctor(s) and update your medical charts as needed.

Recently, Apple announced it’s running a Heart Study with Stanford University’s School of Medicine, located just outside of San Francisco. Using Apple Watch heart rate data from over 400,000 patients, the researchers have been analyzing and monitoring heart rates since November 2017. The study also alerts doctors to irregularities in heart rate and rhythm.

Apple’s Promising Algorithms

One of the Apple Watch’s most prominent features is its heart rate and rhythm tracking. The wearable can identify atrial fibrillation (AFib), a condition that affects 2.7 to 6.1 million people and an additional 700,000 people without an official diagnosis. AFib can become dangerous very quickly because its symptoms often don’t manifest daily.

Because of the widespread nature of this condition, 750,000 people are hospitalized and 130,000 people die from AFib annually, according to the CDC.

In the study, the Apple Watch checks the user’s heart rate intermittently. The app sent a notification to schedule a consultation with a doctor from the study when the user’s heart rate was shown to be irregular. The app then enabled the ambulatory electrocardiography (ECG) feature, which recorded heart rhythms for a week.

When comparing Apple Watch’s results to ECG recordings, the Apple Watch’s algorithm had a 71% positive predictive value. And when the Apple Watch detected AFib, it was correct 84% of the time. 57% of patients who received the AFib notification on their Apple Watch ultimately visited a doctor for a check-up.

A Better Approach

Lloyd Minor, M.D., the Dean of the Stanford School of Medicine, believes these early results are very promising. He says, “The results of the Apple Heart Study highlight the potential role that innovative digital technology can play in creating more predictive and preventive health care. Atrial fibrillation is just the beginning, as this study opens the door to further research into wearable technologies and how they might be used to prevent disease before it strikes—a key goal of Precision Health.”

In pursuing the Heart Study, Apple and Stanford University want to see how wearable MedTech apps can contribute to remote monitoring for patients. Out of nearly 420,000 patients studied by the researchers, only 2,116 (about 0.5%) of patients got an AFib notification.

Marco Perez, M.D., is an associate professor of cardiovascular medicine at Stanford University. He says this technology can only get better over time: “The performance and accuracy we observed in this study provide important information as we seek to understand the potential impact of wearable technology on the health system. Further research will help people make more informed health decisions.”

Healthcare Anytime

As wearable technology continues to evolve, MedTech experts and healthcare professionals alike worry about over-notifying patients about their health. This can cause patients to worry needlessly about their health, contact their doctor to run tests, and waste healthcare and insurance money.

The Apple Watch isn’t just a portable AFib tracker for the user. It’s jam-packed with features, including fall detection, breathing exercises to calm the user, an emergency SOS signal, and an ECG reader. These tools can save lives in a split second, and they’ll serve as the foundation for new, competing healthcare wearables.

The gold-standard ECG relies on a 12-lead test consisting of wires and electrodes. The test is usually administered by medical professionals. Apple Watch’s ECG functions by forming a circuit: the back of the watch makes contact with your left wrist, and you touch the watch’s crown with a finger of your right hand. By measuring the electrical activity in this quick circuit creation, Apple’s ECG checks if the upper and lower chambers of your heart are in rhythm.

All Stakeholders Must Be Onboard for Wearables Adoption

But it isn’t just patients who must get on board the wearable train. Doctors, insurance companies, and pharmacists must also jump in head-first. However, research shows this isn’t trending in the right direction.

In a survey by Jabil, 51 percent of respondents believed that getting doctors and patients onboard to try and adopt new devices was incredibly difficult. 30 percent admitted that the healthcare industry, in general, has always been slow to adopt new technologies. Besides this, 43 percent also stated that regulatory approvals are difficult to receive with new paradigms like wearables. If this wasn’t enough, convincing healthcare payers to invest in new devices is also quite the challenge.

Regarding patients, users seem to be unforgiving in their use of wearables: the current abandonment rate for fitness trackers is 30 percent!

The Future Looks Healthy

IDTechEx forecasts the healthcare wearables market will grow from a value of $20 billion in 2015 to $70 billion in 2025. And Tractica estimates that annual global shipments of healthcare wearables will reach 97.6 million units by 2021—a sharp increase from 2.5 million units in 2016.

Do you have a wearable? What new features do you want to see in future wearables?

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iOS 12 Shortcuts & Deep linking: Developers Should Consider Siri’s Apps During Development Wed, 17 Oct 2018 17:00:50 +0000 Virtual assistants from Cortana, to Alexa, to Google Assistant are becoming more integrated in our...

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Virtual assistants from Cortana, to Alexa, to Google Assistant are becoming more integrated in our lives each and every day. From dictating and sending text messages through our smartwatch, to telling our smart home device to change the temperature, AI is a bigger part of our digital lifestyles. Now with the release of iOS 12, so is the Apple assistant, Siri.

Siri is steadily becoming more prominent each day, meaning iPhone app developers will want to keep Siri in mind when developing their apps. By doing so, developers can potentially increase their app’s retention and discoverability. Two ways of doing this are through Siri Shortcuts and deep linking.

  1. Siri Shortcuts & SiriKit
  2. Deep Linking
  3. Getting Started with Siri Shortcuts & Deep Linking

Siri Shortcuts & SiriKit

Included in the iOS 12 release was Siri Shortcuts, which gives users the ability to create custom Siri voice commands. Siri Shortcuts present a slew of new opportunities for developers that can lead to increased retention, usage and rediscovery. With Siri Shortcuts, users can speed up common tasks like searching for music, booking an Uber and ordering a custom Starbucks coffee.

Using SiriKit, developers can build an extension within their app that integrates with the Shortcuts App, enabling custom shortcut capabilities. This is key for developers, as shortcuts increase ease of app usage and creates an overall better user experience. If they receive an improved experience, users are more likely to continue using an app. Finally, once a shortcut is enabled, users have the ability to quickly and constantly come back to the app by simply saying “Hey Siri…”

By integrating SiriKit and enabling Siri Shortcuts, developers can strengthen their app’s use. In addition to using Siri to grow an app’s usage, developers can also work with Siri to increase their app’s discoverability through deep linking.

Deep Linking, Spotlight Search & App Packs

Deep linking is the process of specifying keywords within an app’s content. When users are searching via Siri Search Suggestions (Spotlight), links to relevant apps appear. For example, searching “coupon” yields apps that are targeting “coupon” in their build. Apps already installed on users’ phones containing relevant deep linked keywords appear as well.

In addition to this, deep linked apps can also appear in Google Search within App Packs, which is a content block containing apps relevant to the search query in Google’s online search results.

This is important to note because when users are searching via Siri, it provides both an opportunity to discover and rediscover your app. To ensure that developers are maximizing their discoverability potential and App Store Optimization strategy, deep linking is highly recommended.

Getting Started with Siri Shortcuts & Deep Linking

As Siri becomes further prominent in the Apple ecosystem, so will it in users’ lives. It is important that developers take this into consideration when developing their apps, as Siri can potentially increase app discoverability and usage. With Siri Shortcuts, developers are able to create extensions that make their app’s functions easier to navigate via Siri. Additionally, by deep linking searchable keywords in an app’s build, they are made easier to discover via Siri. Overall, iOS 12 and Apple present new methods for developers to create better experiences for their users. By taking advantage of Siri’s integration, developers will be increasing their user retention and discoverability.

For information on how Dogtown Media can help with designing and developing your app, talk with their mobile app development team. To learn more about app store optimization and Gummicube visit

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