app developer | Dogtown Media iPhone App Development Tue, 30 Jul 2024 17:47:51 +0000 en-US hourly 1 app developer | Dogtown Media 32 32 Optimizing App Performance and Reducing Load Times Tue, 30 Jul 2024 17:47:51 +0000 After reading this article, you’ll: The critical importance of mobile app performance for user retention...

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After reading this article, you’ll:

  • The critical importance of mobile app performance for user retention and satisfaction, including how factors like load times, responsiveness, and resource usage directly impact user experience and business metrics.
  • Common causes of poor app performance, such as inefficient code, large file sizes, network issues, and device limitations, along with strategies to address these problems through optimization techniques.
  • Specific methods for improving app performance, including optimizing network communication, efficient data storage and retrieval, code optimization, and advanced techniques like server-side optimizations and cloud services, as well as the importance of ongoing performance monitoring and analytics.

app loading optimization

Mobile app performance is critical for retaining users. If an app is slow, crashes frequently, or has bugs, users will quickly become frustrated and delete the app. Studies show users will uninstall an app after only one or two negative experiences. On the other hand, apps with fast load times and seamless functionality tend to have much higher user retention rates.

Performance issues directly impact the user experience. Even minor hiccups like longer load times can cause users to perceive an app as low quality. Modern consumers have high expectations when it comes to app performance and responsiveness. Meeting or exceeding these expectations is key for any successful mobile app.

One of the most important performance metrics is load time—that is, how long it takes for an app to start up and display content. Mobile apps with long load times lead to high abandonment rates. It’s clear that optimizing load times is critical for providing a seamless user experience.

The reason load times have such an outsized impact is because mobile app usage frequently happens in short bursts. Users are often trying to retrieve information or complete a simple task as quickly as possible. Even an additional delay of a few seconds causes significant frustration. By optimizing app load times, developers can dramatically improve user satisfaction and retention.

Understanding App Performance

Mobile app performance refers to how fast, smooth, and reliable an app’s functionality and interface are from the user’s perspective. There are three key metrics that determine app performance:

  • Load Time: The time it takes for an app to fully launch and display content. 
  • Responsiveness: How quickly an app reacts to user input and gestures. 
  • Battery/Data Usage: How efficiently an app uses device resources like battery, storage, and mobile data.

The User’s Perspective: How performance impacts user experience

For users, performance issues can severely degrade the app experience. A slow or buggy app is incredibly frustrating. According to studies, up to 53% of users will uninstall an app after just one crash, freeze, or error. Users expect mobile apps to have seamless responsiveness, minimal load times, and efficient usage of device resources.

The Business Impact: Connecting performance to user retention and ROI

By directly impacting user experience, app performance has a major influence on retention, engagement metrics, and ROI:

  • Nearly 70% of users say load times affect their willingness to purchase from ecommerce apps.
  • Apps with long load times have much higher immediate uninstall rates.
  • Well-optimized apps keep users engaged for longer and lead to higher conversion rates.

App performance is critical for acquiring, engaging, and retaining active users—making optimization vital for healthy customer lifetime value and ROI. Paying close attention to key metrics can help developers identify and fix performance bottlenecks.

Common Causes of Slow App Performance

app slow loadingThere are a variety of technical issues that can negatively impact mobile app performance. Identifying the root causes of performance problems is key for developers looking to speed up their apps. Some of the most common causes include:

Inefficient Code

Poorly written code often leads apps to consume excessive device resources. Inefficiencies like endless loops, memory leaks, and frequent garbage collection can manifest as laggy or unresponsive apps. Optimizing algorithms and data structures is crucial.

Large File Sizes

Apps with very large file sizes often have long load times and are slow to install. Bloated apps also take up valuable storage space on user devices. Minifying code, compressing images, and removing unused resources are some optimization best practices.

Network-Related Issues

Factors like weak cellular signal, bandwidth limits, and spotty Wi-Fi connectivity can degrade app performance. Latency from network requests can also bottleneck response times. Strategies like data compression, caching, and background loading help overcome network-related problems.

Device Limitations

Resource constraints on mobile devices, like low memory, weak processors, and limited battery capacity, can also affect app performance. Efficient memory management, multi-threading, and eliminating unnecessary resource usage are some ways around device limitations.

There are a wide variety of technical and environmental factors that cause apps to deliver a subpar user experience. By carefully analyzing performance issues and targeting optimization efforts, developers can significantly improve app speeds and responsiveness.

Optimizing Network Communication

The network stack plays a vital role in overall mobile app performance. Network requests often introduce latency that causes delays in app responsiveness. Apps should aim to optimize network communication through the following techniques:

Minimizing Network Requests

Eliminating unnecessary or redundant network calls can significantly speed up response times. Developers should design apps to avoid making too many remote requests for data loading and processing tasks.

Implementing Caching Strategies

Caching frequently accessed data locally and reusing when possible avoids additional network overhead. Effective cache invalidation also ensures users see updated content.

Using Efficient Data Formats

Lightweight data formats like JSON and Protocol Buffers greatly reduce payload sizes compared to XML. This means faster transmission times and lower bandwidth usage.

Compression Techniques

Gzip and other compression schemes minimize the amount of data transferred over the network. Decompressing content on a device is generally less resource-intensive.

Asynchronous and Background Processing

app optimizationPerforming non-critical network tasks in the background frees up the main UI thread. Async request handling also allows parallel data fetching. This improves overall responsiveness.

Network optimization is key for delivering smooth and snappy mobile app performance. Techniques like request minimization, caching, efficient data formats, and async processing help apps use the network stack more efficiently.

Efficient Data Storage and Retrieval

Optimizing data access patterns and storage solutions is imperative for smooth app performance. Apps should aim to efficiently load and cache the minimal required data in memory. Some key techniques include:

Choosing the Right Database Solution

Selecting the appropriate persistent storage technology like SQLite, Realm, or Firebase based on data access patterns and structure. This avoids suboptimal read/write speeds.

Indexing and Query Optimization

Database indexing, covering queries, and query planning ensure fast data lookup and retrieval times, even for large datasets.

Lazy Loading and Pagination

Lazy load mechanisms only fetch the data that needs to be immediately displayed rather than everything upfront. Pagination also helps avoid loading hundreds of records.

Data Normalization and Denormalization

Finding the right level of normalization to facilitate simple queries while avoiding expensive join operations.

Memory Caching and Persistence

Caching frequently accessed data in memory reduces retrieval latency. Persistence ensures cache consistency across app restarts.

Choosing the right storage technology and optimizing data querying and caching mechanisms is crucial for snappy data loading. Developers should analyze access patterns and tweak database schemas to best suit the use case.

Code Optimization Techniques

The code that powers app functionality can also introduce major performance bottlenecks. Developers should analyze and refactor code to avoid inefficient programming practices that waste device resources. Some key areas to focus on include:

Algorithms and Data Structures

Using optimal algorithms and data structures suited for the task at hand minimizes processing time. Examples include sorting, searching, compression, and mathematical algorithms.

Multithreading and Concurrency

Performing independent tasks concurrently on separate threads increases processing efficiency. Targeting dual/quad-core mobile CPU architectures speeds up apps.

Memory Management and Garbage Collection

Minimizing memory usage and frequent garbage collection pauses that degrade UX. Techniques involve object pooling, in-place array updates, and eliminating leaks.

Rendering and Graphics Optimization

Optimized rendering pipeline, sprite sheets, and texture atlases help complex UI graphics render smoothly at 60 FPS. Reduces battery drain.

Avoid Unnecessary Computations

Good programming practices like caching interim results, avoiding repeated calculations, and simplifying expressions where possible significantly improves performance.

Writing optimized code enhances app responsiveness and elevates the overall user experience. Profiling tools help developers identify and target inefficient code segments for maximum gains.

Advanced Techniques for Performance Enhancement

In addition to client-side optimization, developers can leverage some advanced techniques to further improve app performance:

Server-Side Optimizations

Optimizing backend infrastructure and databases, content delivery networks, and server caching enables faster data transmission and reduced API response times.

Utilizing Cloud Services

Leveraging cloud capabilities allows heavy processing to be offloaded from the mobile device to boost responsiveness. Cloud also enables real-time analytics.

Implementing App Thinning

App Thinning builds optimized app binaries for each target device variant. This avoids shipping unnecessary code to older devices with less capacity.

These additional optimization strategies enhance the app experience by reducing network latency as well as freeing up client-side resources. While native code optimizations remain essential, a holistic approach covers all bases for lag-free apps. The cloud in particular helps overcome mobile hardware constraints to enable smoother performance.

By combining a mix of client, server, and cloud level performance tuning, developers can take mobile app optimization to the next level. This maximizes speed, stability and overall user experience.

Tools and Techniques for Monitoring Performance

Continuously monitoring app performance metrics and user behavior provides actionable data to guide optimization efforts. Developers have several approaches for gathering analytics:

Performance Monitoring Tools

Services like Firebase Performance Monitoring, New Relic, and AppDynamics provide out-of-the-box SDKs to capture detailed metrics on load times, network requests, and crashes. The dashboard reveals optimization opportunities.

Profiling and Benchmarking

In-depth profiling examines CPU, memory, and network usage patterns in real-world scenarios. Benchmarking compares app metrics against industry standards for that device category and operating system.

Real-time Analytics

Analyzing metrics in real-time allows developers to detect problems as they emerge after an app update or server-side change. Performance monitoring services make key usage metrics accessible through online dashboards.

By leveraging a combination of tools and techniques to unlock a data-driven view of app performance, developers can continuously tune and enhance the user experience. As devices and operating systems advance, so do user expectations—making performance optimization a perpetual task.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Optimizing App Performance and Reducing Loading Times

Why is mobile app performance so important? 

Mobile app performance is critical because it directly impacts user retention and satisfaction. Poor performance, such as slow load times or frequent crashes, can lead to high uninstall rates and negative user experiences. Studies show that users often uninstall apps after just one or two negative experiences, making performance optimization crucial for app success.

What are the key metrics for measuring mobile app performance? 

The three key metrics for measuring mobile app performance are:

  1. Load Time: How long it takes for the app to launch and display content.
  2. Responsiveness: How quickly the app reacts to user input and gestures.
  3. Battery/Data Usage: How efficiently the app uses device resources like battery, storage, and mobile data.

What are some common causes of slow app performance? 

Common causes of slow app performance include:

  • Inefficient code
  • Large file sizes
  • Network-related issues
  • Device limitations These factors can lead to laggy or unresponsive apps, long load times, and excessive resource consumption.

How can developers optimize network communication in mobile apps? 

Developers can optimize network communication by:

  • Minimizing network requests
  • Implementing effective caching strategies
  • Using efficient data formats like JSON
  • Applying compression techniques
  • Utilizing asynchronous and background processing

What tools can be used to monitor app performance? 

Developers can use various tools and techniques to monitor app performance, including:

  • Performance monitoring tools like Firebase Performance Monitoring, New Relic, and AppDynamics
  • Profiling and benchmarking techniques to examine CPU, memory, and network usage
  • Real-time analytics to detect problems as they emerge These tools provide actionable data to guide optimization efforts and continuously improve user experience.
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Building Brand Loyalty Through Mobile App Rewards Programs Wed, 15 May 2024 15:01:38 +0000 After reading this article, you’ll: Grasp the importance of integrating rewards programs into mobile apps...

The post Building Brand Loyalty Through Mobile App Rewards Programs first appeared on Dogtown Media.]]>
After reading this article, you’ll:

  • Grasp the importance of integrating rewards programs into mobile apps for fostering brand loyalty and customer retention in a competitive digital landscape.
  • Learn the essential components of an effective mobile app rewards program, including personalization, ease of use, and offering valuable incentives to encourage user engagement and repeat business.
  • Understand the strategies for developing and optimizing a mobile app rewards program, such as utilizing gamification, tailoring rewards to user preferences, and continuously improving based on data insights to maintain user interest and drive profitability.

Mobile App Reward Programs

Building lasting brand loyalty is crucial for companies to succeed in today’s highly competitive landscape. With consumers having more choices than ever before, brands continually need to find ways to engage customers and incentivize them to make repeat purchases. One effective strategy for nurturing brand loyalty that is growing in popularity is through mobile app rewards programs.  

Mobile apps provide a unique opportunity for direct and personalized engagement with customers. Integrating rewards programs into branded apps allows companies to provide users with exclusive perks, discounts, and VIP access for interacting with the brand on their smartphones. This drives increases in app usage while collecting valuable data on customer preferences and behaviors. Most importantly, well-designed rewards programs motivate customers to keep choosing the brand over alternatives.

This article will provide actionable recommendations for companies looking to enhance retention and repeat business through mobile app gamification and loyalty rewards initiatives.

Understanding Brand Loyalty in the Digital Age

Brand loyaltyBrand loyalty refers to the tendency of consumers to continue purchasing products from brands they trust and identify with over extended periods of time. It manifests as an allegiance to, affinity towards, or repeat buying behavior of a particular brand’s products or services. Brand-loyal customers are highly valuable as they drive predictable sales volumes and revenue. There’s also the potential for them to act as brand advocates who recommend the brand to others.

However, brand loyalty has become more difficult for companies to maintain in the digital age. The abundance of choice and information available at consumers’ fingertips means brand switching costs are lower than ever. A Nielsen study found that only 30% of consumers today would call themselves loyal to brands or products. 

Additionally, digital transformation has dramatically shifted buying habits and consumer expectations:

  • Online shopping and mobile commerce provide more choice and price transparency.
  • Social media and reviews increase peer influence over purchase decisions.  
  • Younger demographics increasingly expect personalized experiences.

With consumers spending a majority of time on mobile devices, mobile apps have become a ubiquitous platform for brands to directly engage this always-connected audience. Integrating rewards programs into apps allows for more frequent engagement while catering to user preferences. The strategic use of mobile apps can help brands stand out while providing added value to build loyalty amid lower switching barriers.

The Basics of Mobile App Rewards Programs

Mobile app rewards programs incentivize users to engage with a brand through its smartphone app. These programs motivate increased app usage by providing users with perks, benefits, discounts, and even VIP privileges in exchange for their engagement.

Well-designed mobile rewards programs have a few key components:


Effective rewards apps leverage data collected on user preferences and behaviors to provide targeted, personalized rewards. This level of customization enhances perceived value to the user. Personalized push notifications also remind users to keep interacting with the app.

Ease of Use  

The sign-up process should be quick and the user interface intuitive. Complicated point systems and hard-to-understand reward tiers lead to user frustration. Programs integrated natively within apps have higher ease of use compared to third-party loyalty apps.

Value Proposition

The rewards offered must provide real value to motivate users to not just download the app but keep using it frequently. Exclusive perks, member-only sales, surprise upgrades, and first-class access to new products encourage loyalty behaviors.

Mobile app rewards programs help entice customer engagement while enabling valuable data collection for personalization. Well-designed programs can dramatically improve brand loyalty by providing incentives tailored to user interests and behaviors directly on their smartphones.

Designing an Effective Mobile App Rewards Program

The first step is to analyze your existing customer demographics and determine what motivates them. Surveys and past purchase data reveals insights into user preferences that can inform reward categories. Consider geographic, psychographic and behavioral attributes when personalizing.

Setting Clear and Achievable Goals 

Outline specific KPIs you want to impact – whether app downloads, usage frequency, retention rate, or spending levels. Audit your current loyalty strategy to set goals for measurable improvement. Set staged goals for continuous advancement.

Choosing the Right Type of Rewards Program

Consider your business model, margins and customer preferences when structuring the program. It can be points-based, tiered, paid VIP access, scratch cards or instant discounts. The rewards should align with goals set for user behavior and spending. 

Determining the Rewards Structure and Incentives

Offer enough perceived value to make engagement worthwhile for users. Entry-level rewards should be easy to earn to hook users, while aspirational rewards encourage loyalty over time. Structure it so earning points is simple while redeeming seems valuable. 

Ensuring a Seamless User Experience

Make joining hassle-free and push notifications relevant but not annoying. Personalize the browsing experience so reward recommendations are on-point. Invest in UX design to encourage habitual usage. Allow seamless integration with other customer touchpoints.

The program should continuously evolve based on performance data to optimize engagement. Well-designed app loyalty programs lift customer lifetime value while providing a conduit for direct, personalized engagement.

Strategies for Developing Effective Rewards Programs

There are a few key strategies to employ when developing an app rewards program to drive higher engagement:

Tailoring Rewards to User Preferences and Behaviors

Leverage collected customer data and usage analytics to customize offers based on purchasing habits. Targeted promotions feel more relevant, which makes them more valued. Personalizing the experience increases redemption rates.

Utilizing Gamification to Enhance Engagement 

Gamify the experience by incorporating fun mechanics like points, badges, levels, challenges, and leaderboards. These game design elements trigger the release of dopamine, which makes engagement habitual.

Offering Tiered Rewards to Encourage Frequency

Tiered structures motivate users to keep engaging with the app to reach the next milestone and earn upgraded rewards. It gives users stretch goals to aspire towards.

Integrating Social Sharing to Increase Virality

Let users share their achievements on social media. This organic exposure can drive more app downloads and registration for the rewards program. Social validation is also more persuasive.

Continuous Improvement Based on Data Insights  

Analyze program performance by engagement levels, user feedback, and redemption rates. Refine the tier thresholds, incentives, and UX to optimize participation based on insights. Continued evolution is key.

Well-designed app rewards programs utilize data, personalization, gamification, and social integration to continuously improve engagement, satisfaction, and loyalty.

Measuring the Success of Your Mobile App Rewards Program

It’s crucial to track the performance of your app rewards program by monitoring relevant key performance indicators (KPIs):  

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to Track

  • Number of app downloads 
  • Program registration and participation rates
  • Frequency of app usage 
  • Session duration and pages per session
  • Conversion rates on key actions  
  • Transaction values
  • Reward redemption rates

Analyzing User Engagement and Redemption Rates

Evaluate which reward tiers and specific rewards have the highest rates of user engagement and redemption. Identify any gaps in participation at certain tiers.

Monitoring Customer Feedback and Sentiment 

Actively compile ratings, reviews, and feedback on the app and the embedded rewards program itself. Sentiment analysis indicates pain points to address.

Calculating the Return on Investment  

Compare the expense of the rewards program to its impact on customer lifetime value. Correlate spend to changes in key metrics like retention rate.

Continuously Optimizing the Rewards Program  

Leverage insights gathered from performance indicators, analytics, reviews, and user testing to refine and level up the program over time.

Ongoing performance monitoring, optimization testing and rapid incorporation of feedback ensures your mobile app rewards program continues to drive customer engagement. The result is continually increasing brand loyalty and mobile channel revenue.

Challenges and Solutions in Implementing Mobile App Rewards Programs

While mobile app rewards programs provide a major loyalty-building opportunity, brands may face a few implementation challenges:

Ensuring Privacy and Data Security

As rewards programs collect more customer data, proactively addressing privacy concerns is crucial for maintaining trust. Follow best practices for data encryption, transparency in usage policies, and providing user controls.

Maintaining User Interest Over Time 

The novelty of rewards programs wears off over time. Continually add new reward tiers, introduce bonus challenges, and partner with complementary brands to sustain engagement. 

Balancing the Costs of Rewards with Profitability

Generous rewards eat into margins, while stingy ones defeat the purpose. Strike the right balance by linking reward values to user value and proactively monetizing loyalty. Offer flexible redemptions and give users more ways to earn.  

Strategies to Overcome These Challenges:

  1.  Invest in security infrastructure and be transparent on data practices
  2. Analyze usage metrics to uncover engagement drop-offs 
  3. Dynamically adapt program terms to balance customer lifetime value
  4. Seek user feedback and monitor satisfaction levels
  5. Test changes before full-scale implementation 

The key is to continually optimize the program’s features and incentives based on performance indicators. This sustains user interest while maximizing return on investment in the platform. With the right loyalty design and iteration, mobile apps provide an unmatched ability to build customer intimacy.

When done right, mobile app rewards programs enable companies to drive customer retention, brand advocacy, and lifetime value–the key markers of durable brand loyalty. As consumer engagement continues shifting to mobile, brands that leverage these smart loyalty programs will gain a sustained competitive advantage.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Mobile App Reward Programs

What are the key benefits of integrating rewards programs into mobile apps for brands?

Integrating rewards programs into mobile apps allows brands to directly and personally engage with customers, providing exclusive perks, discounts, and VIP access. This increases app usage, gathers valuable customer data, and motivates repeat purchases, ultimately enhancing brand loyalty.

How can mobile app rewards programs be personalized for better user engagement?

Effective mobile app rewards programs leverage data on user preferences and behaviors to offer personalized rewards. This can include customized push notifications, tailored offers, and rewards that align with individual user interests, increasing perceived value and engagement.

What types of reward structures are most effective in mobile app programs?

The most effective reward structures vary by business model but can include points-based systems, tiered rewards, paid VIP access, and instant discounts. The key is to balance perceived value, ease of earning, and meaningful redemption options to keep users engaged and motivated.

How can brands ensure the continuous success of their mobile app rewards programs?

Brands should continuously monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) such as app downloads, usage frequency, reward redemption rates, and customer feedback. By analyzing this data, brands can refine and optimize their rewards programs, introduce new reward tiers, and adjust incentives to maintain user interest and maximize ROI.

What are the main challenges in implementing mobile app rewards programs, and how can they be addressed?

The main challenges include ensuring data security, maintaining user interest, and balancing reward costs with profitability. Brands can address these by investing in robust security infrastructure, regularly updating and adding new rewards, and carefully balancing reward value with customer lifetime value. Continuous user feedback and data-driven optimization are also crucial for overcoming these challenges.

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Cost-Effective Mobile App Development: Balancing Quality and Budget Wed, 29 Nov 2023 20:04:55 +0000 Key Takeaways: Grasp the critical aspects of balancing quality and budget in mobile app development,...

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Key Takeaways:

  • Grasp the critical aspects of balancing quality and budget in mobile app development, learning from Dogtown Media’s proven strategies and methodologies.
  • Acquire knowledge about the importance of choosing the right technologies, development approaches, and how agile methodologies can significantly impact cost-effectiveness and efficiency in app creation.
  • Understand the significance of a skilled development team, effective testing and quality assurance practices, and post-development considerations for long-term app success and cost management.


In an era where digital presence is no longer a luxury but a necessity, mobile app development stands as a cornerstone for businesses looking to thrive in the digital marketplace. However, navigating the waters of app development is often riddled with challenges, especially when it comes to maintaining a balance between quality and budget constraints. This delicate equilibrium is crucial for startups and established businesses alike, as they strive to meet user expectations without overstretching their financial resources.

The digital age has ushered in an unprecedented demand for mobile applications, stemming from the growing ubiquity of smartphones and the convenience they offer. In this context, mobile apps have become vital tools for businesses seeking to enhance customer engagement, improve service delivery, and increase accessibility.

The versatility of mobile apps, capable of serving a number of purposes from e-commerce and entertainment to education and healthcare, makes them an indispensable asset in any business’s digital strategy. The statistics speak for themselves; with hundreds of billions of app downloads each year, the potential reach and impact of a well-developed app are colossal.

Challenges in Balancing Quality with Budget Constraints

The road to developing a successful mobile app is fraught with challenges, particularly when it comes to cost. High-quality app development demands a significant investment in terms of time, expertise, and technology. However, the reality of budget constraints often means that businesses have to make tough choices about which features to include, which platforms to target, and how to allocate resources effectively. The challenge lies in making these decisions without compromising the app’s quality, performance, or user experience, as these factors are critical to the app’s success in a highly competitive market.

Understanding the Cost Dynamics of Mobile App Development

Key Factors Influencing Development Costs

The cost of mobile app development is influenced by a nubmer of factors, each playing a significant role in the final budget. The complexity of the app’s design, the number of features, the choice of platform (iOS, Android, or both), and the geographical location of the development team are some of the primary determinants of cost. Additionally, the backend infrastructure, integration with existing systems, and compliance with data security and privacy regulations can also significantly impact the budget. Understanding these variables is crucial for any business to effectively plan and allocate resources for their mobile app project.

The Spectrum of Mobile App Complexity and its Impact on Budget

Mobile apps can range from simple, with basic functionalities, to highly complex, with advanced features such as AI, machine learning, or extensive database interactions. This spectrum of complexity directly influences the development cost. Simple apps require less development time and resources, making them more budget-friendly, while complex apps demand more sophisticated skills, technology, and hence, a higher investment. Businesses must assess their needs and market demand to decide on the complexity level that aligns with both their objectives and budget.

 Dogtown Media’s Insights on Cost Management

Dogtown Media approaches cost management by thoroughly assessing the project requirements and aligning them with the client’s budgetary constraints. They emphasize the importance of transparent communication, setting realistic expectations, and identifying cost-saving opportunities without compromising the app’s integrity. By leveraging their experience, Dogtown Media can provide valuable insights into cost-effective development practices, helping clients make informed decisions throughout the development process.

Strategies for Balancing Quality and Budget

Prioritizing Features and Functionalities

 Must-have vs Nice-to-have Features

In a bid to balance quality and budget, prioritizing features is essential. Must-have features are those that are critical to the app’s functionality and core value proposition, while nice-to-have features, though beneficial, are not essential at the initial stages. By focusing on must-have features initially, businesses can manage costs effectively while ensuring that the app meets its primary objectives.

Choosing the Right Development Approach

Native vs Cross-Platform Development

Choosing between native and cross-platform development is a crucial decision that impacts both the cost and quality of the app. Native apps, developed specifically for iOS or Android, offer high performance and a better user experience but at a higher cost. Cross-platform apps, on the other hand, provide a more cost-effective solution by allowing a single codebase to run on multiple platforms, though this might come with some trade-offs in performance and customization.

Agile Development and Iterative Processes

Advantages of Agile Methodologies

Agile development methodologies offer several advantages in balancing quality and budget. They allow for more flexibility, faster development cycles, and continuous feedback, enabling timely adjustments that can save costs. Agile methodologies also encourage collaboration and transparency, ensuring that the project stays aligned with business goals and user needs.

Leveraging Modern Technologies and Tools

Cost Benefits of Using Open Source Technologies

Open source technologies offer significant cost advantages in mobile app development. These technologies are freely available, reducing the initial investment required for proprietary software. Open source tools also foster a collaborative environment where developers can leverage community support and shared knowledge. This can accelerate development times and reduce costs associated with troubleshooting and implementing new features.

Efficient Use of Cloud Services and APIs

Cloud services and APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) play a crucial role in cost-effective app development. By utilizing cloud services, businesses can reduce the costs associated with on-premise hardware and maintenance. Cloud-based solutions offer scalability, ensuring that resources are used efficiently and costs are aligned with actual usage. APIs allow for the integration of existing services and functionalities, reducing the need for building components from scratch and thereby saving development time and costs.

The Role of Skilled Development Team

Importance of Experienced Developers in Reducing Costs

Experienced developers are instrumental in reducing development costs. Their expertise allows for more efficient coding practices, fewer errors, and faster problem resolution, which, in turn, leads to reduced development time and costs. Experienced developers also bring insights into cost-effective solutions and best practices, contributing to the overall efficiency of the development process.

Dogtown Media’s Approach to Building Skilled Teams

Dogtown Media focuses on building teams comprising experienced and skilled developers who are well-versed in the latest technologies and methodologies. This approach ensures that each project is handled with the highest level of expertise, leading to efficient development processes and high-quality outcomes. Dogtown Media’s commitment to continuous learning and development ensures that their teams are always equipped with the latest skills and knowledge.

Outsourcing vs In-house Development: Cost Implications

The decision between outsourcing and in-house development has significant cost implications. Outsourcing can offer cost savings, especially for businesses without an existing in-house team or for those looking to scale quickly. However, in-house development can provide better control over the project and long-term cost savings through team stability and accumulated project knowledge. Dogtown Media advises clients on the best approach based on their specific needs and long-term goals.

Testing and Quality Assurance

The Impact of Testing on App Quality and Overall Costs

Testing is a critical component of the development process, directly impacting app quality and overall costs. Rigorous testing ensures that the app is free from bugs and errors, which can be costly to fix post-launch. Effective testing can also enhance the user experience, a key factor in the app’s success.

Balancing Thorough Testing with Budget Limitations

Balancing thorough testing with budget limitations is a challenge that Dogtown Media navigates by prioritizing critical test areas and employing automated testing tools where possible. This approach ensures that testing is both effective and efficient, maintaining high quality without unnecessarily inflating costs.

Post-Development Cost Considerations

Maintenance and Updates

After the launch, continuous maintenance and updates are necessary to ensure the app remains relevant and functional. Regular updates may include new features, bug fixes, and adjustments based on user feedback. Maintenance involves ensuring the app’s compatibility with the latest operating system updates and hardware changes.

 Scaling and Adaptability for Future Growth

An app must be designed with scalability in mind, allowing for easy adaptation to future growth or changes in the market. This involves designing flexible architecture and choosing scalable technologies.

Dogtown Media’s Guidelines for Long-term Cost Management

Dogtown Media advises clients on strategies for long-term cost management, focusing on sustainable development practices, regular updates, and proactive maintenance. Their approach ensures that the app remains viable and competitive over time, with costs spread out and managed efficiently.

Investing in mobile app development is not just about allocating funds; it’s about investing smartly. This means understanding where to allocate resources for the maximum impact, how to utilize technologies efficiently, and when to make strategic decisions that can save costs in the long run without compromising the app’s quality or user experience.

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Mobile First Strategy: The Future of Digital Business Tue, 14 Nov 2023 15:07:23 +0000 After reading the above article, readers will: Acquire a comprehensive understanding of the significance and...

The post Mobile First Strategy: The Future of Digital Business first appeared on Dogtown Media.]]>
After reading the above article, readers will:

  1. Acquire a comprehensive understanding of the significance and challenges of implementing a mobile-first strategy in today’s digital business landscape.
  2. Gain insights into the key components and best practices for successful mobile app development, including performance optimization and cross-platform accessibility.
  3. Learn about Dogtown Media’s unique approach to mobile app development, including their focus on innovative solutions, user-centric design, and adapting to the latest technological trends.

Mobile-First Strategy

In the last decade, digital technology has revolutionized the way businesses operate and interact with their customers. The rapid advancement of technology, particularly in the realm of mobile devices, has led to a significant shift in consumer behavior and business strategies. Businesses are now reimagining their models to align with this digital transformation, prioritizing agility and customer-centric approaches.

A mobile-first strategy is a modern approach where businesses design and develop their digital services, such as websites and applications, primarily for mobile devices before making them compatible with desktops. This strategy stems from the understanding that an increasing number of users are accessing the internet via smartphones and tablets, making mobile platforms the primary touchpoint for businesses to engage with their audience.

The Importance of a Mobile-First Approach

Recent studies and data analytics reveal a surge in mobile device usage over the past decade. For instance, over 50% of global website traffic now comes from mobile devices. This trend is not just a passing phase but a paradigm shift in how consumers access information and services, highlighting the need for businesses to prioritize mobile platforms in their digital strategies.

The convenience and accessibility of mobile devices have led to a change in consumer behavior. Users expect real-time access to information, seamless navigation, and personalized experiences, all of which are readily facilitated by mobile platforms. Businesses that fail to adapt to this mobile-first environment risk losing relevance and falling behind in an increasingly competitive market.

Benefits of a Mobile-First Strategy

Improved User Experience

A mobile-first approach ensures that the user experience is optimized for smaller screens and touch-based interactions, leading to higher satisfaction and engagement rates. This focus on mobile usability enhances the overall quality of the digital service, making it more appealing and user-friendly.

Increased Reach and Engagement

With the majority of users accessing the internet via mobile devices, a mobile-first strategy significantly expands a business’s reach. Mobile apps and optimized websites cater to a wider audience, increasing engagement levels through push notifications, location-based services, and other mobile-specific functionalities.

Competitive Advantage in the Market

In an era where mobile presence is crucial, adopting a mobile-first strategy places businesses ahead of competitors who are slower to adapt. This forward-thinking approach demonstrates a commitment to meeting customer needs and staying at the forefront of digital trends, fostering brand loyalty and a strong market presence.

Challenges in Implementing a Mobile-First Strategy

Technical and Design Considerations

Implementing a mobile-first strategy is not without its challenges, particularly in technical and design aspects. Developers must ensure that the app or website functions seamlessly across different mobile devices and operating systems. This requires a deep understanding of varied screen sizes, resolutions, and hardware capabilities. Additionally, the design must be intuitive and responsive, adapting smoothly to various mobile environments while maintaining functionality and aesthetic appeal.

Balancing Mobile and Desktop Experiences

While a mobile-first approach prioritizes mobile users, it’s crucial not to neglect the desktop experience. This balancing act involves creating a unified user experience that translates well across all platforms. Businesses must ensure that their desktop versions are not just scaled-up versions of the mobile site but are optimized for larger screens and different user interactions. This requires a careful and strategic design approach to ensure consistency and quality of user experience on both mobile and desktop platforms.

Key Components of an Effective Mobile-First Strategy

Emphasis on Intuitive UX/UI Design

A cornerstone of a successful mobile-first strategy is the emphasis on intuitive and engaging user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design. This involves creating designs that are not only visually appealing but also easy to navigate on small screens. The UX/UI should be user-centric, facilitating quick and efficient interactions, and minimizing the learning curve for new users.

Integration of Latest Technologies

Incorporating cutting-edge technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) can significantly enhance the capabilities of mobile apps. AI can personalize user experiences, automate tasks, and provide insightful analytics. IoT integration extends the app’s functionality to interact with other connected devices, creating a more immersive and interactive experience.

Ensuring Security and Compliance

For mobile-first strategies, particularly in sensitive sectors like healthcare and finance, security and compliance are paramount. This involves implementing robust data encryption, secure user authentication methods, and adhering to industry-specific regulatory standards. A successful mobile-first approach must prioritize the protection of user data and ensure compliance with legal requirements.

Performance Optimization

In the realm of mobile-first strategy, the importance of fast loading times and smooth performance on mobile devices cannot be overstated. Users often abandon apps or websites that take too long to load, making quick loading times vital for user retention and engagement. To achieve this, several techniques are employed. Image optimization is critical; it involves reducing file sizes to speed up load times without losing image quality.

Caching strategies are another key method, where frequently accessed data is stored locally to reduce load times on subsequent visits. Additionally, minimizing the amount of code, and employing efficient algorithms can significantly enhance app performance, ensuring a seamless and responsive user experience.

Cross-Platform Accessibility

A cornerstone of a successful mobile-first approach is ensuring that the app or website is accessible and consistent across various mobile platforms and devices. This encompasses not only the wide array of smartphones but also includes tablets and other mobile devices. The goal is to provide a user experience that is cohesive and reliable, regardless of the device or operating system being used.

This requires meticulous design and development efforts to ensure that the application adapts to different screen sizes and system functionalities while maintaining a consistent look, feel, and usability. Regular testing on multiple devices is essential to identify and address any compatibility issues.

Regular Updates and Maintenance

Maintaining and updating the mobile platform is as crucial as its initial development. Keeping the app updated with the latest features and security patches is key to staying relevant and secure in a fast-evolving digital landscape. This involves not only adding new functionalities and staying in tune with technological advancements but also ensuring that the app remains compatible with the latest operating system updates.

Regular maintenance is equally important to ensure optimal performance. This includes routine checks for bugs, performance issues, and user feedback. Addressing these aspects promptly and continuously can significantly enhance user satisfaction, fostering a loyal and engaged user base.

Dogtown Media’s Role in Mobilizing Businesses

Case Studies of Successful Mobile-First Implementations by Dogtown Media

Google Train Up App

Dogtown Media developed the Google Train Up app to enhance the training of retail employees on Google products. This app serves as an educational tool, emphasizing best sales practices for Google’s range of products​​.

Cardiovascular Emergency Protocol App

We created a mobile application providing current cardiovascular emergency protocols for physicians. This app ensures that vital medical information is accessible to healthcare professionals anywhere and anytime, enhancing the responsiveness in critical situations​​.

UN Communication App

For the United Nations, Dogtown Media developed an app facilitating quick communication among UN officials and stakeholders across the Asia-Pacific region. This app represents a significant step in enhancing diplomatic and organizational communication, covering a vast demographic of 1.5 billion people.

Dogtown Media’s Approach to Mobile App Development

Dogtown Media adopts a distinct approach to mobile app development, characterized by its emphasis on innovative solutions and a deep understanding of the latest technological trends. Our process begins with a thorough analysis of the client’s needs, followed by the development of a tailored strategy that aligns with the specific requirements and goals of the project.

Dogtown Media’s team, consisting of seasoned tech veterans, brings a blend of expertise in design, programming, and strategy, ensuring that each app is not only technically sound but also user-centric and market-ready. We focus on creating apps that solve real-world problems, simplify tasks, and enhance user enjoyment, making us stand out in the crowded mobile app market. Additionally, our commitment to professionalism and perfectionism is evident in every stage of development, from initial concept to final deployment, ensuring high-quality, impactful mobile applications.

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Dogtown Media’s Clutch Year in Review Fri, 28 Jan 2022 15:43:29 +0000 For years, Dogtown Media has been empowering businesses of all sizes with modern digital solutions....

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For years, Dogtown Media has been empowering businesses of all sizes with modern digital solutions. As a go-to provider of development solutions to many clients, we work tirelessly to craft intelligent apps with brilliant, intuitive, and innovative design. Through our expertise in multiple verticals, our team delivers the solutions that our partners need to navigate the changing business landscape.

In light of our dedication and passion for delivering high-quality solutions, we’re honored to have been listed as a Top Andriod App Developer in Los Angeles by Clutch for 2021.

Last year was a challenging year for many, but we were able to overcome the obstacles in our mission to lead our partners. Today, we’re excited to look back on the achievements we’ve made this year and celebrate our success with all of you!

At Dogtown Media, we value the thoughts and feedback of our clients — they help us truly understand how we can innovate on certain aspects of our services. They also remind us of the reason we do what we do and keep us motivated to aid our partners. In 2021, we’re proud to have collected multiple 5-star ratings from our customers through Clutch. More impressively, we’ve accumulated an overall perfect rating across all new reviews!

In all of these new reviews, we’ve also obtained a perfect NPS score as our clients have shared their willingness to recommend our services to their colleagues! We’re incredibly delighted to see these stats, and it’s all thanks to our partners for taking the time and effort to leave their honest feedback.

What Our Clients Are Saying

We’re always deeply grateful when we receive great remarks from our clients! Here are some recent quotes that have reinforced our belief that top-tier quality development practices truly make the difference.

“They were an effective team, met deadlines, and created a great end product.”

— Sarah Bauerle Bass, Director, Risk Comm Lab, Temple University

Lastly, we’re also proud to be recognized on the visual portfolio site Visual Objects this year!

Ready to partner with us for your next development project? Say hello to our team for a free consultation!

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Celebrating 10 Years of Excellence at Dogtown Media Wed, 23 Jun 2021 22:27:29 +0000 The year was 2011. Adele topped the Charts with “Rolling in the Deep”, The Hangover...

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The year was 2011. Adele topped the Charts with “Rolling in the Deep”, The Hangover Part II was raking it in at the box office, and two techies were introduced one winter’s day at a backyard barbecue. Sharing a few laughs and cold beers, I befriended my future business partner and CTO, Rob Pope. Five months after that fateful day, Dogtown Media was conceived and our start-up was born. You never know where an introduction will lead or when the knock of fate will deliver a budding dream into reality.

What started as two guys on a couch dreaming up app ideas has morphed into a tech powerhouse, spread across three continents and 12 time zones to tackle global challenges. This only became possible because of the talent and dedication of our team. I am so extremely proud and thankful for their passion, vigor, and inspiration. From humble beginnings we found ourselves in frequent conversations, searching for an opening into a new technology bound to change the world, optimistic but unaware of where the future would take us.

Although the road may be windy, the path is clear for us to invent and reinvent the mobile future. It’s a thrill and blessing to work with the most innovative companies on earth, from VC-backed start-ups to Fortune 500’s; like Google, Redbull, and Harvard Medical School have entrusted us to turn their imaginative concepts into a digital reality.

Over our ten years in business, we’ve been honored to receive numerous accolades and awards including making the INC 5000 list for fastest-growing companies in America three years in a row and have been named a top mobile app developer on earth by Clutch Research every year since 2014. This emphasis on disruptive design has allowed Dogtown Media to help startups bring concepts to the market enabling organizations to go on and raise over $1 billion dollars in venture capital and create thousands of high-paying jobs across the country.

Outside of disruptive design, Dogtown Media has prioritized outreach and philanthropy, raising significant funds for charitable foundations, and promoting STEM education to thousands of students in the United States, Japan, and Latin America. Further, Dogtown Media has partnered with government institutions to formulate smart policy and accelerate the adoption of telehealth, remote patient monitoring, and digital health innovation within health systems across the nation.

I want to wholeheartedly thank our team, our esteemed clients, the tech community, and everyone who has helped make this journey so special. We couldn’t be more excited to see what’s in store over the next 10 years.

Onwards, and upwards.

Marc Fischer // CEO & Co-founder of Dogtown Media

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How Remote Work is Disrupting Innovation Tue, 15 Jun 2021 15:25:01 +0000 Over the past year, the novel coronavirus has caused a massive disruption in how we...

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Over the past year, the novel coronavirus has caused a massive disruption in how we work. Through some research produced by Statista, prior to the coronavirus pandemic, 17% of organizations supported a fully remote-style work environment and following the coronavirus pandemic in early 2020 that number shot up to 44%! Of course, we’ve seen this massive shift around us. Even if you yourself are not working remotely, you’re undoubtedly aware of many friends and family members who are now working remotely for the foreseeable future. and based on employee and organizational sentiment, it seems that both employees and organizations are embracing this new remote-based workforce. So, what does this mean for the future of how organizations operate and collaborate with third-party mobile app development organizations to meet their innovation and growth targets.

Remote Collaboration

First and foremost, this new remote-based work environment is highly dependent on effective remote collaboration and effective remote collaboration is going to mean different things depending on the type of organization. Some roles, for example development teams or inside sales representatives are going to make an easy transition as most of their work is done on their computer. Where as other roles, such as those tied to manufacturing or in-person interactions are going to require more technological-support and remote collaboration technology to bridge the gap as they move to remote style roles. One of the most pressing issues for organizations as the adopt this remote-focused work is to ensure their employees have the proper collaboration platforms, tools and strategies in place to ensure this seamless transition. If organizations can meet this challenge, they have an incredible opportunity for growth and innovation.

Global Workforce

World Global Ecology International Meeting Unity Learning Concept

A major benefit of this new remote-style workforce is that employers can now field employees from around the world. Before, employers only had access to qualified employees local to their office, or those willing to relocate. This, of course, had profound effects on the hiring pool for that organization. If that organization happened to be located in a city without a qualified candidate for the role, it could take weeks or even months to find the right person for the role. Now, with this shift to remote-based employment, organizations can find that ideal candidate based on qualifications rather than candidates that are local to the office.  

Innovation Through an Expanded Global Workforce

This access to a larger more diverse candidate pool can allow organizations to push innovation by allowing organizations to find the right candidate for the role that aligns with their unique organizational goals. Here, this widening of the candidate pool gives employers a better chance of putting the right people in the right places leading to a more innovative workforce. 

Employee Flexibility

Employee flexibility is another great aspect of remote work for both the employer and the employee. Today, a resounding number of employees are expressing that flexibility in where they work has provided them much higher levels of job satisfaction. A recent study presented by Owl Labs supports this claim showing that across the board, employees are much happier today having this flexibility in work style. So, what does this mean about the future of organizations in how they continue to bring new solutions and products to the workplace? Well, it turns out that happier employees are more effective employees.

Innovation Through Flexibility

Recent data surrounding employee happiness and productivity show a resounding correlation. In fact, happy employees are found to be 12% more production and have 65% more energy in comparison to unhappy employees. So, if remote work flexibility is leading to employee happiness, it’s safe to say that this new remote-style work is positioned to drive innovation and create more effective and happy work environments.   

Employer Cost Optimization

Another major benefit for organizations in driving innovation around remote work is the cost optimization organizations have access to by reducing their physical office footprint. Consider that as employees move to remote work, organizations have the opportunity to greatly downsize on their physical offices. By downsizing on physical offices, organizations have the opportunity to reinvest that money saved in office space into their most important asset, their people. 

Imagine a future-state where funds that were dedicated to a physical office are redirected to investing in their employees and research and development. At the end of the day, based on the information we’ve uncovered by this point, doesn’t a physical office seem like a misuse of 

Organization Collaboration

As organizations embrace this growing global workforce, we’re also finding an expansion in collaboration between organizations. What we’re seeing here is that organizations are more willing to trust critical aspects of their organization with third-party organizations. Whether it’s trusting a third-party organization with development or HR, we’re finding that today’s businesses are gaining immense value in working with third-party organizations to handle these critical aspects of their business. 

Here, organizations are able to keep a lean core team, while leveraging a third-party organization to offer services in the area that the third-party organization focuses on. The reason why this is so critically important, is that organizations can partner with these third-party organizations that are well respected, and highly experienced in their respective field.

 To build on this, organizations are actually finding that they can save money through these partnerships by removing the need to scale up internal resources and maintain the high cost of labor for these high value dynamic teams. If you’re looking for a local app development organization to fit this bill, consider reaching out to us today.

What has your recent experience been related to moving to remote work? Let us know in the comments below!

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Companies of the Cybersecurity Tech Accord Continue to Make Cyberspace a Safer Place Tue, 09 Jul 2019 15:00:04 +0000 Cybersecurity affects every level of technology, from app developers and software architects to the end-user....

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Cybersecurity affects every level of technology, from app developers and software architects to the end-user. That’s why we believe cybersecurity is one of the most important aspects of any project; without it, there is no peace of mind or guarantee to the user that their information is in safe hands.

When we joined the Cybersecurity Tech Accord, our Los Angeles-based innovation studio joined 99 other companies around the world. In case you don’t know about the Cybersecurity Tech Accord, it’s an organization focused on improving cybersecurity by bringing together a global group of committed companies like Microsoft, Oracle, Unisys, and Cisco to make cyberspace a safer place.

These companies must support their developers, users, and customers with transparency and education surrounding security protocols. They must also prioritize security in their products and services. Thirdly, by sharing information between companies about best practices, warning signs, and potential threats, we ultimately place the customer’s safety as the most important value.

Becoming a part of the Cybersecurity Tech Accord requires every company’s alignment with the accord’s objectives and goals. By giving everyone the same values to work towards, we believe that we will accelerate cybersecurity advancement, resiliency, stability, and quality over the years.

The Cybersecurity Tech Accord recently released an update about how they’re continuing their commitment. Here are some ways in which our partners in the Cybersecurity Tech Accord are doing so in their daily operations:

Tom Pendergast is the Chief Learning Officer at MediaPRO. He says, “We provide security and privacy awareness training for large employers, and our goal is to help employers reduce human risk in their employees’ lives, both at work and at home.”

Tenable’s VP of Global Government Affairs, James Hayes, says, “Tenable is a cyber exposure company. Our solutions help customers around the world manage, measure, and reduce their overall cybersecurity risk.”

And AnchorFree’s Strategy Operations Manager, Besart Copa, says his company is fighting for better cybersecurity globally. He says, “We are pro-security, pro-privacy, and pro-open Internet.”

To see more about what the Cybersecurity Tech Accord is doing to make cyberspace a safer place, check out the full video here.

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Dogtown Media Joins the Cybersecurity Tech Accord Tue, 11 Jun 2019 15:00:47 +0000 We’re excited and honored to announce that Dogtown Media is one of 14 new members...

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mobile app development

We’re excited and honored to announce that Dogtown Media is one of 14 new members to join the Cybersecurity Tech Accord!

The Cybersecurity Tech Accord’s Objectives

Along with 90 other tech leaders like Microsoft, Oracle, and Cisco, each member is committed to improving the security, stability, and resilience of cyberspace through the following rules:

  1. Each signatory must give their customers, users, and developers the necessary information and tools to help them understand current and future cybersecurity threats as well as how to protect themselves.
  2. Secondly, each signatory must prioritize cybersecurity by designing and building products that put privacy, security, integrity, and reliability above everything else. This will help reduce cybersecurity attack likelihood, frequency, severity, and exploitability for customers and users everywhere.
  3. Signatories will work with each other to improve best practices. By collaborating closely, we should be able to reduce the number of overall threats by increasing our technical partnerships, coordinated reports, and threat sharing.
  4. Lastly, every signatory shall oppose any efforts to attack citizens and enterprises by building in exploitation protections from concept to distribution.

mobile app development

In our bustling Los Angeles-based design and development studio, we’ve always taken a prioritized approach to cybersecurity. We’re incredibly lucky to have Rob Pope as our Chief Technology Officer; he’s an ethical hacker turned mobile developer, and we’ve used his expertise since the beginning of Dogtown Media to inform our mobile app development process from start to finish.

With all of this being said, joining the Cybersecurity Tech Accord was a logical next step. We can’t wait to collaborate with the other 103 signatories in making cyberspace a safer place! Besides its objectives, the Cybersecurity Tech Accord’s values will also be instrumental in helping with this endeavor.

The Cybersecurity Tech Accord’s Values

All companies in the Cybersecurity Tech Accord must hold the following values closely:

  1. Strong defense: Every consumer deserves equal protection online. It doesn’t matter whether they’re technically-inclined, where in the world they’re located, or what they believe.
  2. No offense: We can not purposefully undermine the security of the Internet, and we should protect against cybersecurity attack efforts on our own products and services.
  3. Capacity building: Cybersecurity isn’t a one-company job; it’s everyone’s responsibility. And we must improve consumers’ ability to securely and safely browse online as well as improve the diversity of cybersecurity experts.
  4. Collective response: We will achieve better results if we work with others in the group.

mobile app developer

Whether or not cybersecurity is important to you, it’s a growing issue that impacts every Internet user and consumer in the world. With these values in place, we can do a lot to decrease the risk of the most common and newest attacks known.

Moving Forward Together With You

The Cybersecurity Tech Accord has many initiatives planned for 2019, and we’ve joined at the perfect time to jump into collaboration and knowledge sharing with the other 103 companies.

We’re looking forward to participating in these endeavors, as well as delivering the latest news to you about cybersecurity updates in mobile app development as we hear about them.

We’re extremely excited for what the future holds. And we’re even more elated to play a part in making it safer for everybody around the world!

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How Much Does It Really Cost to Develop an App? — Part 2 Thu, 11 Apr 2019 15:00:48 +0000 Welcome to the final entry in our two-part series on figuring out just how much...

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Welcome to the final entry in our two-part series on figuring out just how much an app costs to build!

In the first part of this series, we covered the stages of the mobile app development process and other crucial factors to keep in mind that can greatly impact your cost calculations. In case you missed it or would like a chance to review, you can find the article here.

For this entry, we’ll be going over the different routes you can take to make your app as well as what you can expect in terms of post-launch endeavors and marketing. Ready to get started? Let’s jump right in!

Before We Begin

Before we proceed, there are a few pertinent questions you should answer:

  1. Who’s your target audience?
  2. What problem will your app solve for your audience?
  3. What are the core features of your mobile app that solves the problem?

We know that answering these questions can be tough. But doing so will save you tremendous amounts of time (and possibly money) down the line. If you need help figuring these out, reference the first post of this series to guide you.

Choose Your Own App Adventure

How much does it cost to build an app will greatly vary depending on the type of product you want to build. But one thing many first-time app entrepreneurs forget is that costs are also dependent on the size and type of agency you choose to work with.

Mobile App Development Is an Investment

Cheaper shops can certainly sound alluring. But smaller companies offering end-to-end app development for a price that seems too good to be true usually carry some caveats to be aware of.

If the entire mobile app development process costs less than $50,000, it’s safe to assume that the company you’re working with is probably offering more limited services than a more built-out agency. When it comes to app development, you often get what you pay for.

When you increase your investment, what you’re really paying for is tried-and-tested experience as well as specialized expertise. It’s important to keep in mind that while the whole process of creating an app is lumped under “mobile app development,” hard-coding your product is actually one piece of the puzzle.

Cutting Corners Doesn’t Mean Cutting Costs

Cutting corners to save on costs in the early stages of the app development process usually backfires in the long run.

Remember the $50,000 price tag and limited services we mentioned earlier? This can usually be attributed to an agency taking a “lean” approach—basically, they’ll code an app for you, but they won’t have expert designers and strategists on-hand to help ensure it’s a success.

In these instances, it’s not unusual for app entrepreneurs to sink more money into the project later on to save face. By this point, you’re probably thinking, “Well, what does a complete mobile app development team look like, and how much would they cost?” We’re glad you asked!

It Takes Teamwork to Make the Dream Work

Let’s pretend that you’ve nailed down your mobile app vision; you want to release a polished product that meets a specific need of a specific market segment. It’s safe to assume you’d get a price quote of around $300,000 from both large agencies and mid-sized shops to deliver such a product.

At this point, you’re probably thinking, “Where are all these funds going?” You know, you are really asking all the right questions today! Although, the answer to this one is: It depends.

Many large agencies adhere to the “waterfall” development process. This basically means they will deliver on your original specifications after farming out much of the work to the lowest-common bidder. In contrast, many mid-sized agencies employ the “agile” development process. Agile software development is a methodology in which requirements and their solutions evolve through collaboration between a self-organized, cross-functional team and the customer.

Essentially, you get a more personal, hands-on approach and specialized expertise when you work with a team like this. What does this team look like? A versatile mobile app development team includes the following key players:

  • UX/UI Designers: They create all of the visual content and imagery that will be coded into your app.
  • Front-End Developers & Back-End Engineers: They optimize your product’s functionality for Android and iPhone devices.
  • Product Managers: They oversee the app building process. Think of them as the director.
  • Account Managers: They act as the liaison between the team and clients to ensure coordination is smooth.

This may sound like a lot of horsepower. But it takes a talented, coordinated team to create and launch a successful digital product in the competitive, overcrowded app marketplace.

We Have Liftoff!

So let’s say you’ve gone through the process with an awesome app development team as your partner, and you’re just about ready for launch. Congratulations! You’ve probably put in an incredible amount of hard work by this point.

But you can’t rest on your laurels just yet. You still have launch, marketing, and maintenance to attend to! We’ve already discussed maintenance in the first entry of this series, so let’s turn our attention to the other two.

A poorly structured launch and marketing plan will only serve to bring down your product before it can ever take off in the market. If your app development team is experienced, they’ll know the nuances between submitting to Apple’s App Store and Google Play. It really is an art form in itself.

Google Play submissions are usually available to the general public mere hours after submittal. On the other hand, Apple’s App Store can take upwards of 10 business days to approve (or reject) your app. Besides this longer review period, 30% of App Store submissions get rejected.

This can usually be chalked up to issues that could have been addressed beforehand. But rejections do happen due to other cases. Don’t fret; just take the feedback in stride and implement the recommendations and suggestions that the reviewers give. It will help you become a stronger contender in your niche when your app finally arrives in the market.

Alongside this, it’s important that you prepare all marketing material, graphics, and app assets so that you’re ready for public launch. We work closely with all of our clients to ensure that everything’s set to go when your app is ready to launch.

Ready to Get Started?

Regardless of whether you go with a mid-sized app developer in L.A. or a major agency in NYC, it’s important to remember that all apps that succeed on a large scale have three common factors: they start small, they have a detailed strategy, and they have passionate founders behind the product.

The sky is the limit for what’s possible with mobile app development. The first step takes incredible courage and investment, but the rewards can be well worth it.

We hope you’ve enjoyed this series. if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out for a free consultation!

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