Los Angeles iOS app developer | Dogtown Media https://www.dogtownmedia.com iPhone App Development Thu, 03 Aug 2023 17:07:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.1 https://www.dogtownmedia.com/wp-content/uploads/cropped-DTM-Favicon-2018-4-32x32.png Los Angeles iOS app developer | Dogtown Media https://www.dogtownmedia.com 32 32 Why You Should Upgrade to iOS 13 Right Now https://www.dogtownmedia.com/why-you-should-upgrade-ios-13-right-now/ Mon, 04 Nov 2019 16:00:13 +0000 https://www.dogtownmedia.com/?p=14378 When it comes to technology, maintenance is always better than repair. This is especially true...

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When it comes to technology, maintenance is always better than repair. This is especially true with iPhone app development; failing to stay up-to-date means you risk losing your user base and becoming obsolete.

On the other hand, updating your mobile app pays off in spades. By delivering a faster, optimized experience, you’ll keep your audience coming back for more and future-proof your initial investment so more users can discover your product.

Apple recently released iOS 13 for iPhone and iPod touch. With a plethora of new features and capabilities, this iOS update has something to offer everyone, whether they’re a consumer or enterprise. Read on to see why you should upgrade to iOS 13 as soon as possible.

iOS 13 Is Already Taking Over the World

If there’s one thing to know about iOS users, it’s that they love embracing new technology. Each iOS update sees faster adoption rates than the previous iteration. Case in point: By September 3rd, 2018, 85% of active Apple devices were using iOS 11. Less than a year later, on August 6th, 2019, Apple revealed that 88% of users were running iOS 12.

iOS 13 is no exception to this rule. Although it was only released on September 19th this year, it has taken over the lion’s share of iPhone users: 50% of all iPhone devices are already using iOS 13!

While this ratio is certainly impressive, it’s really just the beginning for iOS 13. This update is compatible with 15 Apple devices (iPhone 6S or iPhone SE or newer). On top of this, Apple’s reach has been consistently growing across both consumers and enterprise organizations. So you can expect to see iOS 13’s adoption metrics grow rapidly over the next few months.

New Features, Limitless Possibilities

We’ve been tinkering with iOS 13’s new features at our Los Angeles-based development HQ for quite some time leading up to its release. Here are some of our favorite features!

Faster Speed, Better Battery Life

Perhaps the first thing you’ll notice after installing iOS 13 is how fast it is. Apps should launch approximately twice as fast as before! That’s due to app downloads and updates being optimized to become 50% and 60% smaller, respectively.

Unlocking with Face ID is also roughly 30% faster and more seamless. This feature’s field of view is now wider, so you can even unlock your iPhone while it’s on your desk without ever having to lift it up.

Because the new iOS 13 platform is smarter at charging (it curtails power input at the right times), you should also notice better battery life for your phone.

“Picture Perfect” Is the Standard for iOS 13

Apple’s Camera and Photos apps both received a ton of new features in iOS 13.

Portrait mode in the Camera app now offers more customizable lighting effects so you can increase or decrease lighting intensity. There’s also a new “High Key Mono” mode available.

The Photos app upgrade brings a mix of robust editing tools that allow you to tweak aspects like contrast, noise reduction, and shadows. These editing capabilities also work for video (which you can now rotate!), and you can even edit photos without replacing or destroying your Live Photo properties.

iOS 13 makes it easier to navigate through your photos. By leveraging machine learning, the Photos app can automatically declutter your photos and remove duplicates. The Photos app also has a new “Photos” tab which gives you a new way to browse your images. You can scrub by years, months, and days to find thumbnails of your images and videos organized by events and time.

iOS 13 is Easy on the Eyes with Dark Mode

Dark Mode has finally arrived with iOS 13. By inverting white and light colors for black and dark grays, it’s much less eye-straining than the standard presentation. Dynamic Dark Mode allows you to change between light and dark in accordance with the sun rising and setting.

Not only can dynamic wallpapers change according to the time of day, but widgets do as well. Native iOS apps like Messages, Photos, and Notes all come with built-in support for this new feature.

Reminders Gets a Revamp

Reminders received a huge overhaul with iOS 13. Now, as you type reminders, it will try to guess when to remind you. Siri will also try to identify which words you want to make actionable. If your reminders contain any names, it will remind you about these in Messages. Lastly, Reminders now allows for attachments and can sort much better than before.

Prioritizing Privacy and Rock-Solid Security

Numerous new privacy and security features come with iOS 13. Users with the new update can now employ system-wide location tracking protection. You also now have the capability to give an app permission to use location “just once.” Alternatively, if you permit an app to always use location, iOS will now provide detailed reports on this activity.

Apple also added “Sign in with Apple,” which utilizes Face ID to start a new account with revealing personal information. You can now hide information like email thanks to this feature. Apple will create a random email that forwards any received messages to your actual email address. Of course, you can always disable these random emails if need be.

Shortcuts to Automation

Instead of having you download the Shortcuts app, it now comes built-in to every device running iOS 13. The Shortcuts app now has an Automation tab which allows you to create both personal and home automation sequences based on triggers. For example, you can set up an Automation to tell you the day’s weather when you turn off your alarm after waking up.

Adapt and Get Ahead With iOS 13

We hope you’ve enjoyed this rundown of some of our favorite iOS 13 features. Don’t let your app languish and fall behind. Business is all about adaptability. At Dogtown Media, we pride ourselves on building the mobile future. Work with us to make your iOS app a part of it!

This list of new features barely scratches the surface of iOS 13’s potential — covering all of the new capabilities ranging from a smoother-sounding Siri to new Memojis would take quite a few more blog posts. If you have questions about specific aspects or benefits, contact our team of hardened techies today for a free consultation!

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5 Things to Consider When Designing an App https://www.dogtownmedia.com/things-to-consider-when-designing-an-app/ Mon, 28 Jan 2019 16:00:58 +0000 https://www.dogtownmedia.com/?p=13018 Mobile apps require superb functionality to provide a truly valuable solution to a user problem....

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Mobile apps require superb functionality to provide a truly valuable solution to a user problem. But when there is competition between similar ideas, there’s often one differentiation that’ll decide who comes out on top: design. That includes user interface (UI) design, user experience (UX) design, and marketing material, like mock-ups, brand image, and even your app’s icon.

When a design is good, you barely notice it. But when the design is bad, lacking, or unfriendly to users, it’s impossible not to.

So are there certain rules all good designers know? Can you design a beautiful app without a graphic design background? Fortunately, the answer is yes. Just learning the basic principles of good design and applying them throughout your app development process should yield substantial improvements.

#1: The Integral Roles of UI & UX

App design relies on UI and UX design; UI design involves aesthetics, colors, graphics, and animations. A strong UI design attracts new users and can help retain existing ones.

UX design is geared more toward the overall app experience. What is the app trying to accomplish or solve for the user? Who is primarily using this app, and why? Does the current flow ensure the user’s needs are met seamlessly and efficiently? What can we do to enhance their experience with our app?

Because UX design involves big-picture thinking, it requires research, testing, mockup creation, prototyping, and above all else, time.

A lot of design involves how you make your users feel. It’s the reason why most fast food restaurants use yellow, red, and orange in their branding. When colors, a basic component of every design, can invoke psychological responses in users, you must heed the necessity of choosing the right color palette.

At the end of the day, all of the effort and budget that goes into app design is all for the user and their experience with your app. Make it count.

#2: Sustainable Designs

Designing a gradient-filled, shadow-littered app could be a bad decision if you’re trying to be trendy. Good designs stand the test of time, and it’s better to have a more classic, slightly trendy design with a smooth user experience than a beautiful app that glitches every two minutes.

Another design consideration is planning ahead; if the app layout needs to be reorganized during development to add a major feature, what can you do to prevent that timesink next time? When an app changes its flow, design, or purpose, a new UX evaluation is required.

For an app to remain a constant, dependable application for a user, it cannot make drastic changes in layout and design at the same time. Many issues from poor planning arise when your app needs a major makeover alongside a major code refactoring.

Doing your due diligence ahead of design implementation can save a ton of time and headaches. And employing a sustainable design that not only stands out but allows you to be versatile when other unexpected dilemmas occur is priceless.

#3: Don’t Try to Reinvent the Wheel

Good design principles are evergreen; they never lead you wrong, and they’re always applicable, no matter what the current trend is. So when you’re trying to design a beautiful, user-friendly app, try to stick to the tried-and-true basics.

Good designs:

  • Have a simple layout that you can understand at-a-glance
  • Take advantage of white space and above-the-fold content
  • Walk first-time users through a quick tutorial
  • Gift users some control
  • Present clear choices and exit options on every screen
  • Show data if, and when, needed

Bad designs:

  • Are plagued with cluttered UI that is difficult to quickly process
  • Lack padding and space to let content breathe
  • Push users straight into their app without any handholding
  • Don’t give users any control
  • Don’t give exit options or clear choices to follow
  • Show data all at once or show data that isn’t contextually relevant

Don’t underestimate the importance of a strong, simple, and sharp-looking UI. You should go through five or ten of the top apps in the app stores, compare their designs and new user orientations, and take a fresh look at your design. This method helps us when we’re experiencing designer’s block here at our mobile app studio in Los Angeles. If you can take what is useful and discard what is unnecessary, you’ll be one step closer to capturing a substantial amount of users.

#4: Assumptions and Risks

Most UX designers don’t have 24/7 access to the app’s ideal customers for quick questions, so they have to make a degree of assumptions. Whenever you assume you know the user and their thought processes while designing, you’re taking a risk.

If your competition’s already landed on the app stores, check out what users are saying in their feedback and reviews. Ask yourself how this feedback informs your own app’s design. Staying ahead of user’s complaints isn’t always possible, and you should be ready to adjust your app as more user feedback rolls in.

#5: The User is King

When you get a bunch of experts in one room to talk about the advancement and improvement of one product, it’s difficult to put aside egos and know-how to work together.

But if we can unite over the simple fact that the app, and as a result, we, serves the user first, designing and developing a successful app doesn’t sound so difficult anymore. And when you’re able to work together to create a beautiful end-product for the user, they’ll thank you for it by telling all of their friends.

The Bottom Line

You probably already have a great design sense, and you might be feeling a little nervous to use your intuition in designing. But the best designs are borne out of creativity, some persistence, and a strong cup of coffee.

So don’t settle for the unexceptional. Keep pushing yourself. Eventually, with a little effort, you’ll produce a design you’re proud of.

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The Biggest Mobile App Development Trends in 2019 https://www.dogtownmedia.com/the-biggest-mobile-app-development-trends-in-2019/ Thu, 22 Nov 2018 16:00:09 +0000 https://www.dogtownmedia.com/?p=12461 Smartphone adoption is rising. The number of smartphone users worldwide recently crossed 5.135 billion and...

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Smartphone adoption is rising. The number of smartphone users worldwide recently crossed 5.135 billion and shows no signs of slowing down. As Internet audiences continue to grow, mobile apps are projected to generate almost $189 billion globally by 2020.

2018 was a great year for mobile app development. But it was really just getting us ready for 2019. What’s in store for 2019? Well, we’re glad you asked! Let’s take a look at the biggest trends coming up in the new year.

Send in the Chatbots

At our Los Angeles development HQ, we’re always excited to take on new projects in the chatbot market. Chatbots are forecasted to grow to $1.25 billion by 2025. It’s easy to see why: They’re great virtual assistants that satisfy modern business needs.

Studies show that up to 50% of B2B buyers prefer self-help options. And thanks to AI, integrating a chatbot into your app isn’t a tedious programming chore anymore. In 2019, chatbot personalization will become more sophisticated and streamlined.

An Accelerated Mobile Experience

Google’s AMP (Application Performance Management) pages result in faster, better experiences for mobile browser users (and as a result, better retention). In 2019, this technology will be central to better speeds and performance in apps.

2016 introduced instant apps, native mobile applications that don’t need to be downloaded; they’re smaller than regular apps, and they lower waiting times when first setting up a new phone. This convenient way to simplify installation will be a welcome trend in 2019.

The Convergence of IoT, Wearables, and Location-Based Technology

Wearables are forecasted to expand market penetration; experts say the fitness wearables market is projected to rise 64% by 2019.

Combining wearable devices and mobile apps with IoT and location-based tech will help to create a more holistic health and fitness experience. Expanding this field to IoT can bring in additional sensors and trackers to feed more multivariate data into the existing model.

And although most wearables are focused on health and fitness, developers have the freedom to create a solution for any problem they deem solvable with wearables. Beacon Technology uses GPS to get a user’s location and send them an automated, customized message. For example, when you walk into a store, your phone will vibrate and show you a coupon you can use at the register.

We look forward to seeing how location-based technology is implemented around us in the near future, whether it be at airports, during mobile payments, or custom beacons for your own home.

Augmented and Virtual Reality

AR and VR are projected to generate $200 billion in revenue by 2020. In 2019, we can expect to see these emerging technologies exert more influence over mobile strategies.

Hardware is getting better; more smartphone manufacturers are integrating dedicated AR and VR platforms into their devices. And with more intuitive development kits to navigate and utilize, software is getting better too. So it’s no surprise that developers are set to create unique, beautiful user experiences with AR and VR in 2019.

As in recent years, AR will most likely steal most of the spotlight due to its practical applicability to various scenarios that VR is not suitable for.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Perhaps no other disruptive technology is impacting mobile app development more than AI. Today, integrating your app with machine learning (ML) has never been easier. And the benefits it offers are almost immediately realized.

ML and AI will particularly impact conversational agents like chatbots and virtual assistants in 2019. But that honestly doesn’t even touch the tip of the iceberg for the potential AI offers for business and consumers. Expect to see AI and ML implemented in novel ways this coming year.

Payments on the Go

Seamless and flexible payment systems are now expected by consumers from institutions; digital wallets and cryptocurrencies will continue to impact mobile app development in 2019.

There is a lot of potential for mobile blockchain applications in the next five years. And with e-commerce continually growing, mobile payment gateways will absolutely need to be secure, reliable, and convenient.

Integrating with the Cloud

If your mobile app developers don’t utilize the cloud to offload device wear and tear, you’ll want to make sure you’re including the cloud in your apps moving forward. With better storage options, loading times, and reduced hosting costs, the cloud can streamline the customer’s experience and the business’s operational workflow.

Research also shows that users are more likely to return to your app when an app uses the cloud.

Stronger Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity will become a big topic of discussion for many technologies and the industries in which they’re operating. In particular, mobile app data security is generally weak. Uber recently admitted to getting hacked, Facebook gave away user information without their explicit permission, and the EU recently fined Google $5 billion for Android anti-trust practices.

There’s clearly room for improvement. Hopefully, 2019 is the year industry leaders make it a priority.

Investing in cybersecurity can cost a lot up front, but it (obviously) costs more to replace your codebase and apologize to customers for losing their information. As consumers start prioritizing cybersecurity in their devices and software, mobile app developers cannot afford to fall behind in cybersecurity in 2019.

Predictive Analytics

Predictive analytics are being used to improve the user experience in apps for Facebook, Apple, and Google. A mobile app’s UI or UX can change depending on what predictions are made about your browsing behavior and interests.

This field will only get stronger with more data, so implementing predictive analytics, whether in your development workflow or in your actual app, can win you incremental improvements over time — which can become substantial, fast.

On-Demand Apps

The on-demand business model is growing beyond Uber, Postmates, and Seamless. In 2019, apps in this space will be enhanced by better UX/UI designs, predictive analytics, chatbots, and other technologies, like machine learning.

Even though it doesn’t seem like it can expand any further, this field will continue to grow and innovate new ways to bring us new services. And users will find that their feedback matters most for developers creating on-demand apps.

Your Imagination Is Your Only Limitation

2019 is the year for innovation in mobile apps. Many emerging technologies have evolved to the point that they’re ready for effective implementation. So this new year, creativity will be the name of the game for all involved with mobile apps.

What do you think is the most interesting mobile app development trend for 2019? Let us know in the comments below!

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Dogtown Media Featured as a Top Mobile App Developer in California by Clutch https://www.dogtownmedia.com/dogtown-media-featured-as-a-top-mobile-app-developer-in-california-by-clutch/ Fri, 02 Nov 2018 16:56:35 +0000 https://www.dogtownmedia.com/?p=12345 At Dogtown Media, we specialize in mobile app development, grounded with expert knowledge in the...

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Top Mobile App Developer Clutch

Mobile_App_Dev_California_2018At Dogtown Media, we specialize in mobile app development, grounded with expert knowledge in the internet of things, fintech, medical tech and user interface design. We are determined to take on your next project and create an app that will help your business grow.

Clutch, a company that publishes unbiased reviews of B2B companies, has featured us once again in a recent press release of top California mobile app development companies.  We’re excited to share that we have been featured highly in their directory list of the top mobile app developers in California. This honor adds to our previous recognition as a top California Mobile App Development Company on DesignRush.

Clutch’s ranking algorithm takes many pieces of information into account when displaying companies on their directory pages; the most important part of Clutch’s ranking algorithm is client reviews. To date, we have received over 20 positive reviews. Our clients aren’t shy to share their successes with Clutch:

“Dogtown Media developed a solution for a project considered impossible to do in the tech world.”

“They were extremely responsive and supportive and I never felt like I was working on anything on my own.”

“Their work has made my life easier by automating features in the app that I was doing manually.”

In addition to our feature on Clutch, we were also mentioned on their sister-site, The Manifest.  We are pleased to announce that we were listed as one of the top mobile app development companies in the world on The Manifest.

Here at Dogtown Media, we are ready to improve your business by creating vital apps that will allow your business to access your consumers at all times.  Our team will work directly with your business to assess how to stand apart from competitors as well. We look forward to taking on your next project!

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iOS 12 Shortcuts & Deep linking: Developers Should Consider Siri’s Apps During Development https://www.dogtownmedia.com/ios-12-shortcuts-deep-linking-developers-should-consider-siris-apps-during-development/ Wed, 17 Oct 2018 17:00:50 +0000 https://www.dogtownmedia.com/?p=12216 Virtual assistants from Cortana, to Alexa, to Google Assistant are becoming more integrated in our...

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Virtual assistants from Cortana, to Alexa, to Google Assistant are becoming more integrated in our lives each and every day. From dictating and sending text messages through our smartwatch, to telling our smart home device to change the temperature, AI is a bigger part of our digital lifestyles. Now with the release of iOS 12, so is the Apple assistant, Siri.

Siri is steadily becoming more prominent each day, meaning iPhone app developers will want to keep Siri in mind when developing their apps. By doing so, developers can potentially increase their app’s retention and discoverability. Two ways of doing this are through Siri Shortcuts and deep linking.

  1. Siri Shortcuts & SiriKit
  2. Deep Linking
  3. Getting Started with Siri Shortcuts & Deep Linking

Siri Shortcuts & SiriKit

Included in the iOS 12 release was Siri Shortcuts, which gives users the ability to create custom Siri voice commands. Siri Shortcuts present a slew of new opportunities for developers that can lead to increased retention, usage and rediscovery. With Siri Shortcuts, users can speed up common tasks like searching for music, booking an Uber and ordering a custom Starbucks coffee.

Using SiriKit, developers can build an extension within their app that integrates with the Shortcuts App, enabling custom shortcut capabilities. This is key for developers, as shortcuts increase ease of app usage and creates an overall better user experience. If they receive an improved experience, users are more likely to continue using an app. Finally, once a shortcut is enabled, users have the ability to quickly and constantly come back to the app by simply saying “Hey Siri…”

By integrating SiriKit and enabling Siri Shortcuts, developers can strengthen their app’s use. In addition to using Siri to grow an app’s usage, developers can also work with Siri to increase their app’s discoverability through deep linking.

Deep Linking, Spotlight Search & App Packs

Deep linking is the process of specifying keywords within an app’s content. When users are searching via Siri Search Suggestions (Spotlight), links to relevant apps appear. For example, searching “coupon” yields apps that are targeting “coupon” in their build. Apps already installed on users’ phones containing relevant deep linked keywords appear as well.

In addition to this, deep linked apps can also appear in Google Search within App Packs, which is a content block containing apps relevant to the search query in Google’s online search results.

This is important to note because when users are searching via Siri, it provides both an opportunity to discover and rediscover your app. To ensure that developers are maximizing their discoverability potential and App Store Optimization strategy, deep linking is highly recommended.

Getting Started with Siri Shortcuts & Deep Linking

As Siri becomes further prominent in the Apple ecosystem, so will it in users’ lives. It is important that developers take this into consideration when developing their apps, as Siri can potentially increase app discoverability and usage. With Siri Shortcuts, developers are able to create extensions that make their app’s functions easier to navigate via Siri. Additionally, by deep linking searchable keywords in an app’s build, they are made easier to discover via Siri. Overall, iOS 12 and Apple present new methods for developers to create better experiences for their users. By taking advantage of Siri’s integration, developers will be increasing their user retention and discoverability.

For information on how Dogtown Media can help with designing and developing your app, talk with their mobile app development team. To learn more about app store optimization and Gummicube visit https://www.gummicube.com.

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Net Neutrality Is Back Online In California! https://www.dogtownmedia.com/net-neutrality-back-online-california/ Thu, 11 Oct 2018 15:00:43 +0000 https://www.dogtownmedia.com/?p=12173 A few weeks ago, we wrote about California’s net neutrality bill making its way to...

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A few weeks ago, we wrote about California’s net neutrality bill making its way to Governor Jerry Brown for its final signature. Governor Brown recently signed the bill into law, restoring net neutrality in the state.

There’s Still Work To Do

In case you haven’t heard about the threat to our Internet freedoms in the past year and a half, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) repealed net neutrality in December 2017.

This led to many citizens voicing concerns that their opinions weren’t being heard. After all, no one wants to swap the right to browse the Internet freely for unnecessary, expensive speed upgrades and Internet website bundles similar to the bundles available for purchase in cable TV subscriptions.

Under a repealed net neutrality Internet, we’d be paying for fast lanes. If you don’t fork over the cash, your Internet speeds are subject to throttling and content is subject to blocking. A perfect example of why this is inane occurred a few months ago, when California firefighters had their data throttled by Verizon during the state’s largest wildfire ever, the Mendocino Complex Fire. The issue wasn’t resolved until the fire department upgraded their data plan.

Unfortunately, things may still be up in the air. As soon as the news reached Capitol Hill that Governor Brown signed the new law into effect, the Justice Department sent a note to expect a lawsuit. The federal government wants to stop California from blocking federal regulations, but it’s not entirely clear whether they have rule over specific state-sanctioned laws too.

Setting the Standard

Experts have frequently noted that California’s new law has the strongest net neutrality regulations in the whole country. The new law gives the attorney general the main responsibility of making sure there are no potential lawbreakers.

Compared to the original federal law, California added quite a few extra regulations into its bill. First, it restricts zero-rated data plans (deals that allow Internet service providers (ISPs) to provide free calls, texts, or content in exchange for using a specific app or website). Because ISPs could restrict content from some companies but not others, it wouldn’t be fair to consumers.

Unlike the bipartisan divide when Congress discussed rolling back the federal repeal of net neutrality, both parties overwhelmingly supported the bill.

As a result of California’s strongly-worded bill, advocacy groups and tech activists say other states will surely follow the example California set. Indeed, more than 25 states have considered legislating net neutrality protections when the federal decision to repeal was made.

Whose Domain Is It, Anyways?

Attorney General Jeff Sessions spoke out against California’s newest law as soon as it passed. He says, “Under the Constitution, states do not regulate interstate commerce — the federal government does. Once again, the California legislature has enacted an extreme and illegal state law attempting to frustrate federal policy.”

Ajit Pai, the face of the FCC council that ultimately repealed net neutrality federally, also had some thoughts on California’s new law. He brought up a federal appellate court ruling that found “state regulation of information services is preempted by federal law.”

Additionally, Pai commented, “I look forward to working with my colleagues and the Department of Justice to ensure the Internet remains ‘unfettered by federal or state regulation,’ as federal law requires, and the domain of engineers, entrepreneurs, and technologists, not lawyers and bureaucrats.”

Telecom lobbyists are even predicting that this lawsuit could end up in the national Supreme Court.

Fighting Words

But Miguel Santiago, an Assemblyman representing Los Angeles who co-authored the new California legislation, disagrees. He says the new law directly relates to the First Amendment right of “free speech”. Specifically, he says, “The fight for social change and progressive values is directly tied to a free and open Internet. This measure ensures that we, in California, will maintain a free and open Internet that doesn’t discriminate or price users or content differently.”

The California Senator who initiated the legislation, Scott Wiener, said he thinks California can defend the new law in court well.

This lawsuit reminds Senator Wiener of another time when the federal government sued California. Wiener outlines that “we’ve been down this road before: when [President] Trump and Sessions sued California and claimed we lacked the power to protect immigrants. California fought Trump and Sessions on their immigration lawsuit. California won — and California will fight this lawsuit as well.”

California Attorney General Xavier Becerra helped lead a lawsuit against the FCC over the net neutrality repeal. But he says California needs more budget to enact the regulations, and, “while the Trump Administration continues to ignore the millions of Americans who voiced strong support for net neutrality rules, California—home to countless start-ups, tech giants and nearly 40 million consumers—will not allow a handful of power brokers to dictate sources for information or the speed at which websites load.”

It Won’t End Until The FCC Caves

The new California law will take effect on January 1st, 2019, and California Senator Kevin de León isn’t backing down against the federal government. As Senator de León aptly puts it, “The bottom line is this. The Internet is vital to our democracy because it is part of our daily lives.”

We’ve been watching California’s progress on the new bill from our Los Angeles-based mobile app development studio, and we couldn’t be prouder of our state government! We’re ready to support them and every state looking to reinstate net neutrality. But we know this endeavor will need all the help it can get.

Do you trust your ISP to have your best interests at heart? If you didn’t emphatically answer “YES!” with 100% certainty, you need to join us in the fight for Internet freedom and the right to privacy.

Show the FCC, the federal government, and big telecom companies that we won’t stop fighting for what’s right, no matter how much lobbying power or budget they may have.

Follow EFF (the Electronic Frontier Foundation) to fight against the ISP monopolies, corporate giants, and the FCC. EFF is in Washington D.C., following a Circuit Court case closely that will affect the federal lawsuit against California. Donate to the EFF today so they can continue fighting for our human right of fair access to a free and open Internet.

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Dogtown Media Named a Leading Mobile App Developer by Clutch! https://www.dogtownmedia.com/dogtown-media-named-a-leading-mobile-app-developer-by-clutch/ Wed, 05 Sep 2018 17:00:53 +0000 https://www.dogtownmedia.com/?p=11907 Each year, Clutch publishes a press release naming the top service providers within certain industries....

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mobile app developer

mobile app developer

Each year, Clutch publishes a press release naming the top service providers within certain industries. We’re proud to announce that Clutch has named Dogtown Media among the world’s leading mobile app developers this year.

We’ve also been listed on Clutch’s sister website, The Manifest, a B2B news website that helps buyers through the process of selecting a vendor. Manifest also ranked Dogtown as one of the top app development companies in the world.

Founded in 2011, Clutch is a Washington, D.C.-based research firm that leverages unparalleled market insight to determine the leaders across numerous industries. With unbiased case studies, industry trend analysis, and business market comparisons, Clutch’s data-driven platform allows clients to find and connect with top-tier companies who can solve difficult challenges.

Clutch’s directories adhere to this meticulous, data-centric approach; it’s organized to list the most credible firms first. Credibility is gained by attaining client testimonials and market presence. Essentially, the directories allow potential buyers and clients in need of partnerships to visualize their different options with a holistic perspective of each company.

mobile app developer

Check out some of the reviews we’ve received so far below!

Webdam is a digital asset management software company. We re-developed their platform from the ground up. Here’s what they had to say:

“Dogtown Media’s work was a massive improvement from the previous app version and received high praise from customers… They were extremely responsive and supportive, and I never felt like I was working on anything on my own.”

We also got the opportunity to help the University of Oklahoma improve its app with more student-centric functionalities and geolocation capabilities. Here’s their feedback:

Another client required an app for the University of Oklahoma. Here’s what they had to say:

“Dogtown Media’s expert team inspires confidence throughout the project by communicating clearly from the start. They bring creative ideas to the table at a reasonable value… Their work has made my life easier by automating features in the app that I was doing manually.”

The past few weeks have been surreal for Dogtown Media. Recently, we made the Inc. 5000 list of the fastest growing companies in the United States for the second year in a row. Not long after, we were honored again by being included on Clutch’s list!

Both are incredible awards we couldn’t have imagined attaining when we first started developing in L.A. in 2011. We’d like to give a big thanks to Clutch, Inc., our team, clients, and community — none of this would be possible without you.

From humble beginnings as a mobile app developer in Los Angeles, we’re extremely proud of the work we’ve accomplished so far and we’re also very excited to see where the future takes us. We can’t wait to create more amazing mobile experiences for the world to enjoy.

If you have an idea but don’t know where to begin, reach out anytime — if you can dream it, we can build it!

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Why Enterprises Everywhere Should Upgrade to iOS 12 https://www.dogtownmedia.com/why-enterprises-everywhere-should-upgrade-to-ios-12/ Thu, 02 Aug 2018 15:00:11 +0000 https://www.dogtownmedia.com/?p=11723 In this fourth and final feature of our special series about Apple’s broadest iOS update...

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In this fourth and final feature of our special series about Apple’s broadest iOS update yet, we’ll talk about why enterprises everywhere should update to iOS 12.

Why Does it Matter?

Apple’s iOS 12 update is coming to 23 Apple devices, making it the most backward-compatible upgrade yet. This means you’ll be able to reach more users than ever before. Updating to the newest API and removing deprecated code will make your app bug-free and faster.

If you still haven’t updated from iOS 10 to iOS 11, your app may not work anymore when iOS 12 rolls around. iOS 11 required an update from 32-bit to 64-bit apps, and if you put this on hold, you can’t afford to wait any longer! Any app still running on iOS 10 code desperately needs a codebase update, and it will certainly eventually lead to user count stagnating or decreasing.

Keeping code quality optimized and up-to-date with industry and Apple standards is the best measure your enterprise can take to remain trustworthy to consumers. Keep your initial investment working for you; update your app’s code ASAP to avoid Apple threatening to retire your app.

If your app uses augmented reality, machine learning, or artificial intelligence, you’ll especially want to upgrade your codebase because Apple is giving those development toolkits some serious revamping.

Users Adopt Quickly

Users take only a few months to reach high adoption rates for the newest iOS version, so updating your app to comply with iOS 12 code will avoid any hiccups and keep things running smoothly. For example, here are Apple’s official stats of iOS distributions in December 2017:

And here it is again in May 2018:

In less than half a year, the number of iOS 11 users grew by nearly 25%!

In 2016, of 300 IT professionals interviewed, 91% said their organization is using Macs, and 99% said their organization uses iPhones or iPads. In Q1 of 2017, 72% of all enterprise smartphones activated were iPhones, and iPads were activated in 81% of all enterprise tablet activations.

Apple’s reach is undoubtedly huge across consumers and enterprises alike, and you’ll increase your app’s reach when you take care to upgrade to iOS 12.

Maintenance Is Better Than Repair!

Prioritize maintenance over repair; don’t let your app have any downtime, risking user loss or customer frustration. It’s a similar situation to car maintenance. If you don’t update to iOS 12, will your car still run? Probably. But will it run with the highest efficiency and performance? Definitely not. And it will eventually stop working if it’s not taken care of!

If you wouldn’t skimp out on improving operations, updating cybersecurity protocols, or investing in salesmen, why miss a huge opportunity to grow your user base, reach more consumers, and deliver a superior user experience?

Don’t fall behind. Business is all about adaptability. We want you to be more than ready when September rolls around. Reach out to Dogtown Media today through this link for a free tech consultation! Our main iPhone app development HQ is in Los Angeles, but we’ve got offices in NYC, Toronto, Dallas, and even London — wherever you are, let’s make your app dreams come true by partnering with one of the top enterprise software development companies worldwide!

Want to know how to update your app to iOS 12? Click here for a Free Consultation.


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Updating Your App to iOS 12 Offers Some Profound Benefits https://www.dogtownmedia.com/ios-12-benefits-overview/ Wed, 01 Aug 2018 15:00:07 +0000 https://www.dogtownmedia.com/?p=11722 In our third entry of our special series about iOS 12, Apple’s newest and biggest...

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In our third entry of our special series about iOS 12, Apple’s newest and biggest operating system update ever, we’ll talk about the benefits that it brings to enterprises.

Higher Compatibility

Since the OS update is coming to over 20 devices, there is better backward compatibility for even older iPhones, iPads, and the last iPod Touch. This makes the new upgrade the broadest yet, and it’ll bring speed and higher performance to even the slowest Apple devices. Every device that supports a 64-bit chip will receive the update sometime in September this year.

Updating your app’s codebase to iOS 12’s newest API additions and removing deprecated code will help your app run bug-free and faster for users. And if you’ve still not upgraded from iOS 10 to iOS 11, don’t fall behind — your app may not work at all already since iOS 11 required an update from 32-bit to 64-bit apps.

Any app still running on iOS 10 code desperately needs a codebase update, and this may explain why your app’s user count has stagnated or gone down. Keeping code quality high, optimized, and up-to-date with industry and Apple standards will ensure your app is set up for success.

Solid Security

Of course, the update in operating systems means an update in security protocols. This is a huge benefit for consumers and app developers alike. Between streamlined two-factor authentication, end-to-end encryption on FaceTime, and better password manager features, Apple’s focusing on cybersecurity for every user.

At our Los Angeles iPhone app development studio, we ensure your app’s secure and protected from the get-go; our co-founder, Rob Pope, is a cybersecurity expert and ethical hacker, so you can rest assured that we’ll take every measure available to keep your app safe.

Reach More Users Than Ever Before

With the update coming to the widest range of Apple devices yet, your app will reach more users than ever. At this year’s Apple WWDC (World Wide Developer Conference), the company said it doesn’t intend to combine MacOS and iOS, but it later released a iOS 12 beta feature that easily allows app developers to create a MacOS version of their app. Although most Apple customers are repeat buyers for other devices in their household, your app can now reach MacBook users who don’t have iPhones, greatly broadening your ability to get more customers.

Apple’s revenues hit an all-time high in Q1 of 2018 when it reported its iPhone X was highly profitable. Apple’s stock has increased by 240% since Steve Jobs passed away. More consumers are buying iPhones, especially iPhone X, and most of them will be upgrading to iOS 12 after September. Make sure you are reaching everyone you can to boost your app downloads.

More Updates = More Possibilities

Apple’s augmented reality development toolkit, ARKit, is still growing and expanding. If your app uses AR technology, you’ll want to update your app quite often, since Apple is rapidly releasing updates to ARKit. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg — iOS 12 is also bringing a plethora of updates to machine learning, MedTech, device connectivity, and much more.

After Jobs left Apple in 2011, iOS has been getting updated 50% more often. This means the iOS landscape is always changing, improving, and being patched up. And while all users don’t update their phones immediately, the month-over-month adoption rates are high.

Set Yourself Up for Success!

If you wait too long, your app could be unusable, unstable, and unsecured, driving consumers to your competitors. Updating your app sooner, rather than later, ensures you’ll stay ahead of the curve (and your competition) from iOS 12’s Day 1 release.

Don’t know where to begin? Have no fear; Dogtown Media is here! Reach out today for a free tech consultation through this link — we respond to 99% of messages the same day!

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iOS 12 Functionality: What You Can Do With the Biggest iOS Update Ever https://www.dogtownmedia.com/ios-12-functionality-overview/ Tue, 31 Jul 2018 15:00:51 +0000 https://www.dogtownmedia.com/?p=11720 In this second part of our special series about iOS 12, we’ll discuss the functionalities...

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In this second part of our special series about iOS 12, we’ll discuss the functionalities of the new features that are coming to an Apple device near you.

With upgrades spanning AI, MedTech, AR, and device connectivity, not only will iOS 12 be the broadest iOS update ever, but the largest one as well. iPhone app developers, buckle in — big changes are coming!

Siri’s Getting Smarter

You can now create custom actions in your app so users can say a custom command to Siri. It can be as simple as triggering your app to open and land where the user last left off. Or it can be as complex as allowing the user to post something with just a voice command.

Another major update to Siri is Siri Shortcuts. This pairs users’ day-to-day habits with third-party apps. Essentially, user engagement is getting a serious upgrade! Users can also create their own Shortcuts and trigger them with voice commands.

Augmented Reality Upgraded

The ARKit upgrades in iOS 12 include more accurate measurement tools, face tracking, 3D object detection, better rendering, and shared experiences.

Knowing a user’s position and movement is key to creating a seamless AR experience. Add in 3D object detection and face tracking, and we should start seeing new, innovative AR apps soon after the release of iOS 12. And with shared experiences, iPhone users across the world can immerse themselves in the same AR experience at the same time. iOS 12 will let users send AR objects using Messages and Mail, so a whole new world of possibilities is ready for the taking. Our L.A.-based developers are already having some fun testing this out with our remote employees!

Another awesome tool for apps is the AR USDZ file format; this format is like an “AR Quick Look” and can be shared across Files, Messages, Mail, and Safari. Autodesk, Adobe, and Sketchfab are already working on integrating this format across their products so you can move AR objects within multiple programs without losing quality.

Maximizing Machine Learning

An update to Apple’s Core ML engine makes models faster, smaller, and easier to handle. The new Create ML framework allows developers to easily create and train models, even if they’re not the foremost authority on ML.

Using the new Natural Language framework, your app can intelligently analyze natural language and portal this data to custom natural language processing models.

Health Record Sharing

Health records through HealthKit let users share their medical history with your app. The data is multi-dimensional: it can tell apps about the user’s conditions, diseases, vitals, lab results, medications, and more. Your app can then use this data to create a more personalized user experience, like suggesting recipes that don’t contain allergens.

Better Developer Tools

A new Network framework essentially adds another option for developers working on network data transfer. The new framework can also replace calls to low-level socket APIs, which can reduce load times and improve your app’s sensitivity to user input.

Apple’s always updating its API, meaning many API calls are deprecated. Basically, if your app was built with iOS 11 or earlier operating systems, deprecated API calls need to be replaced immediately. Apps using OpenGL ES will need to be updated with Metal, a better framework for accessing the modern GPUs that new Apple devices employ. Although it’s a change in code, your users will notice the faster rendering and higher graphic quality right away.

When apps are ready to be tested, developers can send users a public link from TestFlight.

Interconnected Devices

Even if you only have an iOS app in the App Store, Apple’s going to make it easier to create Mac apps using the UIKit framework. It will officially roll out in 2019, but it’ll create a faster development cycle so that users can continue using your app on their laptop or desktop.

If your app works with Siri’s watch face, it’ll now show up on the lock screen watch face. And for iPhone X users, developers can adjust apps to take advantage of the all-screen Retina display. For users that rely on CarPlay, the CarPlay dashboard may display your app if it’s navigation-related.

These changes mean a better, more accessible experience is coming for users with multiple Apple devices.

Are You Ready for iOS 12?

iOS 12 is bringing many updates for users, developers, and third-party apps. A more cohesive experience is the goal, and this OS upgrade is certainly heading in the right direction.

Are you ready to make the upgrade to iOS 12? Reach out to us today through this link! Let’s get started on making your app ideas into a reality.

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